
Ch. 179 Battle of the Ministry pt.1

(No there isn't a missing chapter, I'm just trying something since some people were kind of annoyed that I usually lay out all the plans before the action, so here you go.)

-3rd person POV, Ministry of Magic.

"Wow, Aedan wasn't kidding when he said that Ministry security is a joke." Muttered a baffled Harry Potter as he and his friends made their way through the Atrium.

"This is ridiculous. No guards. No wards. No restrictions. We are just walking into the center of Magical Britain, at night, and nothing is stopping us." Joined in his close female friend and all around book lover Hermione as she looked around in disbelief.

"Dad never mentioned this. I always thought you actually couldn't get in through the floo or Muggle entrance at night. There's not even an Auror or any alarms. This is mental." One Ron capable of thinking properly added.

"You know Fred, this gives rise to many opportunities." George said with a mischievous grin to his twin.

"George I was thinking the exact same thing." Fred confirmed with the exact same grin.

"Could you two at least avoid mom's department? She has enough to worry about lately." Susan asked the twins with a sigh.

"I think we should listen to her George, what do you think?" Fred said as he looked at his brother.

"Depends, what do you reckon the esteemed Madame Bones' reaction to us would be?" George asked back with a look of contemplation.

"I believe it would not be pretty. She does have a Professor who is skilled in our art at her disposal after all." Answered Fred thoughtfully.

"That just makes me more tempted." Countered George with some excitement.

"True, a war against the good professor would certainly prove exciting. But I believe we should at least refrain for now unfortunately." Fred then said with a disappointed sigh.

"Yeah, just Moody would be difficult to escape from. If we mess up the professor's efforts to help the Madame become minister, then I dread what he'll put us through." George agreed as both felt a slight shiver going through their spines at the thought.

"You two never let up do you?" Sighed Cedric Diggory as he looked at the two redheads.

""Of course not great lord Head Boy."" Fred and George replied with a grin.

"I am having second thoughts regarding this group of ours." The cold voice of Daphne Greengrass said as she watched the twins plan to terrorize the ministry in the future.

"Oh c'mon Daph, even if they're goofy they can still cast some nasty spells." Susan replied as she grabbed her friend.

"Hmph, that would inspire more confidence in me if our instructor stopped showing them how to prank their opponents while in combat." Daphne shot back as she slightly glared at the twins.

"Well that's what they're best at. But think about this as a chance to make yourself look better in front of your future brother-in-laws and you'll feel better." Was what Susan whispered into her Good friend's ear, causing the ice Queen to blush fiercely.

"Wh-what nonsense are you talking about?!" The flustered Daphne asked.

"Don't try that with me, we both know why you really made so much effort to join my bro's extra lessons and come with us today." Susan answered with a wide grin as she glanced towards a particular Weasley.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about. I joined the professor's classes because it was the best opportunity to learn from the best and I wished to test myself by coming here." Daphne defended herself at the same time her ears turned red.

"What are you two talking about? We gotta hurry." Ron suddenly said to the girls since they were the last to reach the elevator.

"Nothing!!" The supposed Ice Queen of Hogwarts answered as she hoped the he didn't hear anything.

"Just some girl stuff to relax a bit before the chaos." Susan smoothly answered from her end. "Why don't you help Daph a bit? She's a tense since this is her first real fight."

Daphne could only look at her friend in shock as she pushed her towards Ron.

Feeling his friend and rival stiffen up Ron immediately tried to overcome the emotional range of a teaspoon most men are born with.

"It'll be alright. You just have to do it like we practice, yeah. Break their rhythm and incapacitate whoever gets in your way. Also don't stop moving. We'll work together just like always." The redhead said as he tried to 'reassure' the girl he thought was nervous.

At the same time, the twins and Susan were looking at this scene with knowing grins and the intent to tease the two later.

"I like the Jorknicks when they dance like that." Luna suddenly said from right behind the trio, making them jump a bit at the same time the elevator starts going down.

""Bloody he-"" The twins tried to swear.

"Language! We don't swear around Luna." Cedric decisively said as he cut the twins off.

Like a lot of the older students who were acquainted with Christian, James, Victoria and Aedan, he too thought the girl should be kept as innocent as possible.

"Guys, I appreciate you all being here, but I think it's time to get serious." Harry then said as he got everyone to focus on the task at hand.

Just in time for a ding to ring out and the elevator doors to reveal the glossy black tiling which was the Department of Mysteries.

"Let's get going. We need to find the Hall of Prophecy. That's where they should be waiting according to the Professors and where what they want is." Hermione strictly laid out for all those present.

Although they were young, each one of them had been taught by the person standing act the peak. With a few of them even receiving lessons for years now. Harry, Susan and Cedric were the best of their group, with the permission to fight even lieutenant Death Eaters. Ron, Daphne and the twins could push back lieutenants at most. While Hermione, Luna, Neville and Ginny were capable of taking on a normal Death Eaters or two at once.

Keep in mind that this is due in large because of the white Magic they were all taught. Without it they would be in a rather tough spot.

The group immediately made their way to the door Harry had dreamed of, only to find a hallway similar to the one they had just left but with over a dozen doors to chose from. If that wasn't enough, the hall began to rearrange itself, making the group unsure about where they even entered.

"So that's why Aedan insisted on me taking this compass." Harry exclaimed as he fished out a black compass from his pocket. "He said that the Department truly fit its name and that unless you work here, finding a specific room would be difficult."

"How does he even have something to get to a specific room in this place?" Questioned Hermione as she tried to see if anything made the compass special.

"No clue. He said something about having some people in the Department. But he didn't explain anything beyond that." Answered Harry as he looked at the arrow pointing him to a door on the right.

"It looks like James helped. I can see his fuzzlers on it." Luna happily said as she looked at magical device.

Half the group gave Luna a surprised look for guessing who made it, which she completely ignores as she looks at a wall with some fascination, but then they began following the compass since it was the best solution to finding the right room.

The students went through a few rooms before they could finally reach the part Harry could remember from his dreams. One such room was the one known as the Time room, which contained the Ministry's time turners, clocks everywhere and the unending time loop of a small hummingbird.

And in this room the group stood in front of the door they were looking for.

"Ok. Everybody knows the plan. After we get the prophecy the Death Eaters are going to stop hiding in order to get it. We need to break free and run out of the room, to the one called the Room of Death. It's a large room which only has an old archway, and that's where the Order will be waiting. The compass will point to it as soon as we enter this room, so even if I somehow drop it we just have to follow whoever picks it up. If you get separated activate your tokens, Aedan said they'll punch right through the wards and get you someplace safe. Everybody clear?" Harry says as he breaks down the general plan.

"Yes/yeah/of course/ you got mate/ y-yeah/*silent nod*/ *double* yep/ hehe good little wronkingsling." Everyone said as Luna smiled at her token and petted it.

Harry then proceeded to open the door and lead his group into the cathedral sized room.

The students stated in awe for a second at the giant shelves inhabiting the room, each filled with glass orbs emitting low amounts of light and the corridors illuminated by small blue flames.

"Blimey. How many prophecies could there be?" Whispered Ron under his breath.

"I have to assume many of these have already passed or were quite mundane. If not the world would be in quite a bit of danger." Hermione said in a bit of a nervous manner.

"We'll think about it later. Let's go." Harry said as he shook the group out of their thoughts and moved forward.

Shelf after shelf was passed as Harry ran through the Hall of Prophecy, heading to where Voldemort had shown him Sirius being tortured.

He knew it was fake, he had seen Sirius not too long ago when they made the plan for tonight. But Aedan and Dumbledore guessed that the prophecy Voldemort wanted, the one about himself and Harry, was located where Sirius was 'tortured'.

They didn't know why the Dark Lord didn't just go get it himself if his Death Eaters could pretty easily lay in ambush near the prophecy, but the Order would use this to their advantage.

"We're here." Harry called out as they reached the shelf in his dream.

He looked around, as if confused, trying to find the glass ball which should be his. That is until one of them suddenly grabs his attention.


Harry reached out and took the from its place and not a moment later those bidding in the dark corners of the dimly light room emerged.

"Very good, Potter. Now turn around nice and slowly, and give that to me." The slippery voice of Lucius Malfoy said as Harry quickly turns around and draws his wand.

What Harry could see was actually a bit of a surprise. Unlike the last time he saw Draco's father, he now looked at lot worse for wear. Lucius no longer had a smooth face as stubble grew, his hair was slightly disheveled, his clothing had some wear and tear, especially his knees, and he looked tired.

At the same time, Harry also looked at the dozen Death Eaters pointing their slightly glowing wands at his group. Thankfully they didn't manage to capture anyone outright since we were ready for this, but you could also see that some of these people were from the escapees of Azkaban and they were not fully recovered yet.

"That was not slow nor easy. But nevertheless, hand over the prophecy and all of this can be over." Lucius said as his annoyance became apparent due to Harry ignoring him in favor of looking around.

"Now now, Lucy. Why bother talking to them at all. Just kill them and take the prophecy." A woman's voice said as she appeared besides Lucius.

The woman had long, thick black hair which had seen better days, a hollow face and pale skin which damage what would have been a fairly attractive woman, but the fanatical look in her black eyes would make any distance themselves to not be caught in her madness.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Spat out Neville as he pointed his wand directly at the person responsible for his parents suffering for so long.

The sudden act caused many on both sides to raise their wands as well, but Cedric held Neville back while Lucius did the same for Bellatrix.

"We need the prophecy intact Bellatrix! And they are only children, they will listen to their elders and their betters." Malfoy said as he glared at the mad witch.

"You don't get to call me Bellatrix you slimy coward! My sister and nephew are missing because of you and it is not only the Dark Lord who is displeased about that!" She hissed back in anger as she glared at the man.

"Be that as it may, we have a task to accomplish." Lucius responded as he moved away from the topic while subconsciously touching his dark mark.

"Yeah well, I guess Voldemort will have to be disappointed." Harry said to the duo with a smirk.

"You dare say his name you filthy half-blood!" Bellatrix screeched as she tried to attack Harry, only to be held back by Lucius.

"Yes I do. Now!" Harry replied as he gave a command causing his group to throw small beads on the ground as they closed their eyes.

As soon as all the beads it the ground, they exploded into blinding lights and completely stunned the death eaters as pain assaulted their eyes. This was doubly effective since they had been waiting in near darkness for quite some time now, making their eyes accustomed to it.

"Let's go!" Harry ordered as he and Cedric stunned Lucius and Bellatrix who stood in the way of their exit point.

The other death eaters would most likely revive them, but the thought of killing hadn't even made its way into their heads because of their inexperience and kind natures.

The rest of the group also gave some cheap shots before bolting after Harry. Hoping to slow down the Death Eaters even further.

Although they had a plan, the possibility of death was still very real this time and any additional advantage was helpful. Some did have the urge to try and take down all those present, but they were told that fighting in the Hall of Prophecy would result in the destruction of a lot of important prophecies and that they didn't want to take any more chances with their lives, even if the adults let them help this time.

They quickly made it back to the Time Room, hearing curses being yelled out from behind them as Harry guided them towards the rendezvous point.

It would seem Bellatrix was back in action because the group could hear her mad yell as she began her chase alongside the other Death Eaters.

Harry's group on the other hand kept on running as they left a trail of open doors so the Death Eaters could follow. And unfortunately for said murderers, the twins decided to leave them some presents as they ran as well. 'To keep them motivated' they had answered when Ginny had asked them what they were doing.

As they heard the yells of rage and attempts to curses them, Harry and his friends finally made it to the place called the Death Room, gathering near the Archway as their pursuers finally caught up.

It was honestly difficult for some in the group to not openly laugh at the now multicolored Death Eaters standing there as they breathed heavily in anger. Bellatrix was now colored pink with rainbow hair, Lucius was sporting pig tails and something akin to flour on his face, various Death Eater masks now looked like clown masks, and a few had a new tail or feathers.

"George I do believe they quite liked our products." Fred said with a grin, causing Ginny to snort a bit as she tried not to burst out laughing.

"I do believe you're right dear brother of mine. Do you think they'd be willing to fill out a review form?" George asked with a nod.

That one got a few laughs from Ron, Luna and Ginny, causing one of the Death Eaters to snap.

"I'll kill you brats!!" He roared as his body was envelopper in black smoke and he flew toasts the group.

"I guess he's not in the mood." George said with some fake disappointment in his voice to aggravate the man more, just like Aedan had taught him.

"Maybe he'll be more open to the idea later." Followed up Fred as the group split up to avoid the flying man.

It was too bad for the enraged Death Eater because as he flew in rage, the Order members lying in ambush revealed themselves.

Moody, Remus, Tonks, Sirius, Shacklebolt and the older Weasley brothers had come, resulting in the Death Eaters to be outnumbered.

Alastor was quite happy to take advantage of the rushing flyer as he stunned the man from the side as they all took of their invisibility cloaks.

"Nice job taunting him kids. Makes it easy." The scarred man said with a smirk on his face.

With one man down already, the remaining Death Eaters immediately went on the attack. Starting the first true battle of the second war.

So yes this is kinda of cliffhangery, but I was having a hard time getting into writing this chapter and wanted to post something since it’s been a bit weird lately.

So here you go.

Properly thought out actions, a plan to take one a dozen or so Death Eaters, and equipment prepared by a good big bro and instructor since he knew what was going to happen anyway.

Next chapter will be more fighty, I’ll do my best.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts