
Deep Blue Eyes

Oh God! I can't even sleep out of excitement! What should I do if he finds out about my transmigration? What should I do if he don't? Should I give him some tips about the future? But what should I tell him? I'm pretty sure he knows about Quirrel. He may not know about the day Quirrel / Voldemort will chose to act, but he knows they will act. I can bet all my fortune that even if Harry doesn't interfered with Voldemort in the first book, Dumbledore would have acted in some way. I wonder if he planned it all, even the event where Harry faces Voldemort for the first time...

Nah, I don't think Dumbledore would take such a huge gamble over Harry's life. He kept Harry suffering with his relatives for a long time just for protecting him. He knows about Quirrel / Voldemort, but he doesn't know about Harry direct interference, I guess. Tsk, it is just conjectures. I would have to fully understand Dumbledore's mind to know the truth. I guess I will never know it...

Let me focus in the things that I can really conjecture about. What I must tell to Dumbledore? Let me review things. First book, is there something? I guess there is not, since I'm pretty sure Dumbledore already knows about Voldemort going after the Philosopher's Stone. The second book... Hmm, nobody dies and Harry develops more by defeating Voldemort once again, so just delivering the book should be enough, perhaps saying something like 'I can feel a very malign energy coming from it' or something like that. The third book, there is Peter Pettigrew. If I stop and arrest Peter, I should be able to delay Voldemort rebirth. Wait! And if I stop and arrest Peter Pettigrew now? What would happen? I would be able to save Sirius more properly, once he would not be a fugitive anymore, and he could help Harry develop more too. If I interfere in the Peter plot I would just have to worry about Barty Crouch Jr., then, from there on, I would not know anything about the future anymore. Voldemort will come back for sure, but it would give me a lot of time to prepare and develop. There are a lot of Horcrux I can destroy by now too. If I change all that, the fifth book and the rest would be irrelevant in a lot of aspects besides knowing people's character and caracteristics. That is it then. I just have to think about how should I 'discover' about Peter animagus form.

Wait! Sirius is an illegal animagus too. Peter being an animagus will problably reveal about Sirius animagus form too. Would the Ministry of Magic care about it? Would Dumbledore be able to supress them? It is more risky than it seems, but Sirius is a Black after all. I think it may have some weight in the Ministry of Magic decision. The only issue this creates is the Dementors thing. Harry would not develop his Patronum so early, but I guess this I can help him myself. All right, I guess it will be my preparation for now.

No, no, no wait! Tsk! Fuck. If I do arrest Peter Petigrew by now, it may interfere in the Lucius Malfoy decision to put Tom Riddle's diary in the Weasley's bag since he has conections to the Ministry of Magic and an arrest of a figure like Peter would stir some happening over there. He may change his plans with the diary. Tsk, sorry Sirius. You will have to wait until at least the beginning of the next school year...

I woke up more early than usual today. I almost didn't have much sleep time. I decided to keep not telling anything to Dumbledore by now. Peter Petigrew will have one more year as a rat, unfortunately.

When I arrive at the Headmaster's Tower, Professor McGonagal was waiting for me. She praised my early arrive and guide me through a corridor until we stop at a Gargoyle. She then quickly says a little embarrased "Shock-o-choc". The gargoyle moves and a circular staircase appears. We go through it and there it is, the Headmaster Officce.

I didn't remembered but it was kind of circular, a little oval, it reminded me of the Presidents room in the White House of the United States of America, except it was way less white and more noisy, in the sense there is a lot of stuff in it. I look for Fawkes but I don't see the mystical phoenix anywhere. Professor Dumbledore is not in the room too. Professor McGonagal conjures two chairs and tells me to sit and wait.

I sit and start to analyse the portraits of the old headmasters and headmisters. They appear to be sleeping, with some of them even snoring, but I know they are pretending. They hear everything and like to argue about everything.

At 8 o´clock sharp, Dumbledore finally arrives. I know that it is impossible to apparate in Hogwarts, but he simply appears at the room and just a second before he appears I can feel a thing in my Crown Chakra point. He arrives and says "Hello Minerva." She answers him and he starts to look at me "And you must be Mr. Longbottom." I nod, his voice is sweet and brings some sort of relaxation, like you are hearing a Yoga professor during a class. "Hello Headmaster Dumbledore. It is a honor to meet you"

"Oh, not at all. You know, it is not good to keep flattering an old wizard, we tend to become more negligent with age." He smiles and continues. "Professor Mcgonagal talked to me about you and said you are way more advanced in Transfiguration than the boys in your class, she mentioned you are in pair with Third year students, maybe a little ahead as you can transfigure innanimated objects in animated ones..." He stops and looks at me with those deep blue eyes, that seem to see everything, like a legend wizard. Dumbledore is what we expect to see when we meet a wizard, you know? He is our mental image of Merlin, Gandalf... I don't know, but you can feel a strong sense of power and reliance emanating from those blue eyes.

I don't have much of reaction and Professor McGonagal interferes. "That is right Professor. Neville demonstrate to Professor Dumbledore what you had done in my class on Thursday."

"All the spells, Professor?"

"All of them."

So I do what I did in her class. I finish by doing the Draconifors Spell once more. During my whole 'presentation' Dumbledore is just looking at my movements and when I finish he finally says. "No, Minerva, he don't have any treasure active while doing the spells but his magic pool is of a wizard at the fourth year of Hogwarts... At least."

She then says "But maybe he used something to improve faster, some kind of treasure to expand his magic pool". He looks at me and I notice his blue eyes have gotten clear somehow, I feel a shiver and he says "I don't think so, Minerva. I don't feel any radiation of magic treasure coming from his body except the fact he has an enormous number of blue cells for his age. Besides, you and me personally know about his familly, Minerva. If they possesed some treasure of this sort we would notice previously."

He is being subtle about my parents. Tsk, I don't like being treated like a little kid, but I guess I am one by now.

"So Neville, would you mind to explain to us how have you been practicing magic so far?" Dumbledore asks.

"Well Professor, I guess I don't do anything special. I have read the books and begun practicing spells when I was 9 years old and a month before coming to Hogwarts I have finished my studies of the first and second years courses in Hogwarts and started to study the third years books."

"Hmm... Professor McGonagal told me about your use of muggle books to facilitate the visualisation and transfiguration part. Very interesting approach I may say. Not very practical by now, but in the future will make your transfiguration spells more strong since you can understand the materials property way better." He once again looks at me and continues, I guess he likes to talks slow to better notice our reactions, "I have talked to your grandmother and she told me about your sudden change in personality and your sudden inspiration in magic. Can you explain me what happened Neville?

"Well Professor, you problably know about my parents situation... It all started when I discovered my mother enjoyed sweets a lot, so I started to bring a lot of sweets for her every time I visited them. After a couple months my mother started to give me the wrappers of the sweets I gave her. At first I was happy because I started to think she was getting better, but then I realised it was nothing like that. My mother was still a shell of what she once was, but even her shell is of a good person, since she just wants to retribute something to the person who gives her sweets. From that day onward, I made a vow to be better wizard for them, and somehow help them."

I got a little emotional, Professor McGonagal gets a little emotional too but Dumbledore keeps looking at me with those blue eyes that may see it all. I'm really not acting nor lying to them. I really want to save my parents in this life. Their situation always moved me, it moved me ever since I heard the wrapper's story from J. K. Rowling for the first time and the fact that I am Neville Longbottom just agravated those feelings. I don't want my bound with my mother to simply be of a sweet giver. I want a mother. I want the parents I never had. Always wanted, even if they aren't the same souls as in my previous world as I suspect they be...

As the silence remained I continued "So, when I came back home that day I start to study magic. I start reading about Charms as my mother always told me they were easier at the beginning. I have my father's wand so I started trying to practice with it, but I had no results for a while. Then in a conversation with my grandmother I realised the importance of cleaning my mind more properly before doing a spell. I got to my room and tried to clean my mind, but it was very difficult in the beginning. So I realised that I have to focus in something before being able to really clear my mind completely. I started to focus in my respiration. I focused in inhaling the air and exhaling the air, inhaling the air and exhaling the air, the I started to balance those actions. I counted 1,2,3,4 inhale. 1,2,3,4, exhale. When I finished doing it for some period of time, I opened my eyes and I could see all around me kind of different, then I took my father's wand and managed to do my first charms spell."

Dumbledore this time showed some appreciation in his eyes. "Very ingenious method Mr. Longbottom. Very ingenious indeed. Would you mind to demonstrate it to us?"

"No, not at all, Professor." I sit with my legs crossed in a typical meditation position, then I start to make a simplified version of my breathing technique. I do it during some time and when I open my eyes McGonagal seems a little scaried and Dumbledore seems amazed for the first time...

Sorry for missing a chapter last week. I was stuck working during the week and traveled over the weekend and could not edit the last chapter of the week in time.

I thought I'd get on Saturday morning before traveling, but I woke up late! =(

To compensate I will bring two chapters today, ending the week with 6 chapters! =)

Avdrancreators' thoughts