
Harry Potter and the marriage contract

Harry and Daphne Greengrass find out their parents put together a marriage contract when they were born, now they must deal with it. It is not my book. I just reposted it.

Masked_0869 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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26 Chs

Chapter 18

Harry awoke with a pounding headache. His hands were shaking badly and he felt extremely feverish. When he tried to swallow, his throat tightened terribly, and felt rough and scratchy. He knew right away he was in the Hospital Wing once again. He tried to sit up, but the pounding in his head increased and his stomach lurched like he was about to be sick. Harry fell back onto his pillows, just concentrating on breathing, and calming his stomach.

"You need to go slow." Came Daphne's voice. "You had a very busy night."

Harry felt his glasses being placed on his face, and then everything became clear. Daphne was sitting in a chair on his left, looking very tired, and concerned. Harry reached out, and Daphne quickly grasped his hand, squeezing it lovingly. She gave him a relieved smile, and he felt a little better.

"What happened?" Harry asked, his voice hoarse like he'd swallowed broken glass.

"You don't remember?" Daphne asked, her face puzzled. Harry slowly shook his head, trying to remember anything that might tell him how he ended up in the Hospital Wing, in his usual bed once again. He could remember saying goodnight to Daphne, and going back to Gryffindor tower and going to bed. He remembered waking up the next morning and talking to Ron. They had joined Hermione in the Common Room, and Harry had remembered noticing how tired Hermione looked. Undoubtedly, she had lied awake all night trying to think of a way to save him.

The trio had met Harry's new girlfriend, Daphne, in the Entrance Hall.

Harry and Daphne had made it official the night before. They had talked a great deal about their relationship. They had already agreed to give whatever was happening between them a chance to flourish, but now it was official, it had a title. They were a couple. Harry had never felt so happy and anxious before in his life.

Daphne had also noticed Hermione's lack of energy, and even commented upon it. Hermione merely brushed it off, saying she was fine. Then, Harry's memory became fuzzy. He seemed to recall Snape asking them something and they all agreeing. Harry strained to remember, but finally shook his head, looking hopefully at Daphne who was still watching him with obvious worry.

"I can't remember anything past breakfast." Harry admitted.

"You attacked Snape." She said simply. "You attacked all of us. You tried to protect it."

Harry looked dismayed. "I…I attacked you?"

"No one got hurt, except you, but not because of the attack. Maybe I'd better explain." Daphne said, waving her hands as if erasing an invisible chalkboard. She knew she was confusing him, and herself as well.

"Yeah, that might be good." Harry nodded slowly.

"You really do look awful. Are you sure you're alright?" Daphne asked for the third time that morning. Hermione nodded and continued buttering her toast.

She looked up to see her friends all staring at her.

"Guys, really, I'm fine. I just had a bit of a rough night." She said, trying to persuade them to drop the subject. The truth was that she just wasn't ready to speak about what had kept her up. She and Dumbledore had talked only briefly, with him trying to discourage her idea. She had gone back to bed dejected, but she refused to give up on her idea. She was more determined to find an answer..

"Pass the eggs." Ron asked, already pounding down a large stack of pancakes.

"It truly is amazing how much food he can cram in that maw, and still speak somewhat coherently." Daphne said, pushing her bowl away from her, sickened by Ron's eating habits.

"You get to where you don't even notice after a bit. After five years, it doesn't even phase me." Harry said, reaching over to rub her back.

"It's still disgusting." Daphne grimaced.

"Where have you been hiding?"

The group looked up to see Tracey Davis grinning at them. Daphne smiled and patted the bench next to her.

"I haven't even seen you in like two days." Tracey said cheerily as she sat down to join them.

"Sorry, Tracey. Things have been rather chaotic."

"Well, I'll forgive you if you fill me in. What have you and Mister Potter been off doing, hmm?" Tracey grinned in a accusing manner. She clearly thought that Daphne and Harry had been up to what normal boys and girls get up to when they fall in love. Daphne smiled at her best friend thinking how nice it would be if that were true in her case.

"You know, I'm not about to divulge my love life to you, especially when the object of my affections is sitting right here. I can't just go embarrassing the boy. You know how fragile their egos are." Daphne said. She heard Harry snort lightly next to her.

Ron obviously had no clue about Daphne's rouse, however.

"What do you mean our ego's are fragile?" He shouted through a mouthful of eggs and toast.

"Oh my god, how have you not choked to death?" Tracey gasped in bemused wonder.

"I'm told you get used to it." Daphne remarked.

"Only if you're a boy." Hermione chimed in.

Harry chuckled at Ron's ire. Harry figured that Ron hadn't yet realized the girl's were taking the mickey out of him, and was growing angrier. Harry figured he'd let it go for a few more minutes before he stepped in and helped his friend. He was saved the task when a shadow fell over him.

Harry turned to see a rather angry looking Defense teacher staring at them.

"I have no idea how you can be so chipper this morning. Have you three forgotten about your detention with me this evening? Eight o'clock. Do not be late, or we shall make it the rest of the week."

With that, Snape turned and strode off, his cloak billowing behind him.

"What did you guys do?" Tracey asked of the three Gryffindors.

"We're Gryffindors." Harry shrugged. "That seems to be enough."

Tracey sat back, looking unconvinced, but decided it was best not to question further. She knew as well as anyone else in the school that the Trio were Snape's ban. It was often discussed how Snape would find the most mundane thing just to give any of them detention.

They all finished their breakfast, speaking of nothing more important than homework, and the chances of the Chudley Cannons this season. Ron and Tracey got into a slightly heated argument when the auburn haired girl said she thought that the Holyhead Harpies were far superior. Harry silently agreed with Tracey, but vocally supported his best mate.

Classes dragged by that day. Harry and the others all had their minds on one thing. The Locket that now rested in Snape's private room waiting to be destroyed. Harry particularly felt a growing anxiety within his chest, a strange overwhelming fear. He tried to rationalize it as nerves about what they were about to do, but it did not abate the feeling at all. Most disturbing of all, was the dull throb in his scar, which seemed to be growing in intensity as the day crawled onward..

Finally, the day ended and the three Gryffindors made their way to Snape's private chambers, where they were met by a very apprehensive looking Daphne.

"Is he in there?" Ron asked motioning to the closed door.

"I've no idea. I thought it best to wait for you all. Hermione, you look a little better." Daphne said as she greeted her new friends.

"I took a bit of a nap earlier." The bookworm admitted. "I'll feel loads better when this is over with."

The other three nodded their agreement.

"I guess we should announce ourselves." Harry said. He raised his hand to knock on the door when it was suddenly flung open. Snape stood leering at them all.

"Get inside, now." He ordered harshly, stepping aside to allow them entrance. He closed the door tightly behind them and turn to face them.

"No one saw you?"

The four shook their heads. Snape eyed each of them in turn before sweeping past into the main sitting room where the Locket sat on a low round table in the middle of the room.

Harry took a second to look around Snape's dwelling. It was very strange to be in Snape's domicile. It was nothing like Harry had pictured. The room was nearly bare, save for two chairs and a single low round table between them. There were two large bookshelves standing next to each other on one wall

"I went to the Headmaster's office this afternoon and retrieved this." Snape said pulling the Sword of Gryffindor from a small wardrobe. He held it out towards Harry, who looked a little shaken at the moment.

"Given that it would take several days to produce the potion Dumbledore spoke of, and I am not about to use Fiendfyre in the castle, as it is rather difficult to contain and control, I felt this was our best option. One of you three must do it." Snape said looking at Harry, Ron and Hermione in turn.

"I'll do it!" Ron announced, stepping forward. "I'll teach that sorry son of a bitch to mess with my friends." He hefted the sword out of Snape's hands, expecting it to be quite heavy, but found it to be the opposite. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. The sword was pulsing with power, and it felt comforting in his hands. Ron couldn't help but smile at the others.

"Wow." He whispered to himself.

"Weasley. I am going to open the locket. When I do, you must stab it hard and fast. Try not to miss it." Snape said, bending low, and reaching out for the locket.

All at once Harry's scar seared with pain, and he fell to his knees. His head was filled with a wailing cry that was not his own. Daphne bent down to help him, and he swung his arm out, knocking her into Snape's bookshelf. He raised his head to see both Snape and Ron looking dumbfounded, and it was all the hesitation Harry needed.

"Stop it!" He screamed, lunging forward and tackling Ron to the ground, wrestling the sword from his hands. Harry kicked, clawed and punched his best friend until the redhead relinquished the great sword, which Harry picked up and got to his feet to face Snape.

"Potter, get hold of yourself!" Snape shouted, reaching for his wand. Harry had his own wand out in a flash and stunned the Defense teacher easily. Snape fell in a heap, and Hermione rushed over to protect the professor as Harry stalked towards him, sword in hand, a look of pained hatred in his eyes. She had never seen Harry looking the way he did now. He was like a feral beast, his nostrils flaring, his eyes not the same warm green she had known. They were darker, haunted.

"Harry, what's the matter with you?" Ron asked getting to his feet and unsheathing his own wand. His face was bruising, and there was a lot of blood coming from his nose.

"You're my problem, Weasley!" Harry turned to face his best friend. Ron was startled to see the change in his best friend. Ron knew at once that he wasn't looking at his best friend, but the evil thing within him. Dumbledore's words from the previous night echoed in his mind. If the Horcrux were to take him over, all of Harry's loved ones would be in terrible danger.

"Harry, you got to fight it, mate." Ron pleaded as he raised his wand.

"Listen to him, Harry." Hermione shouted. "It's the Locket. You have to destroy it." Hermione was on her feet as well now, her own wand out, though she hadn't yet aimed it at Harry.

"Destroy it?" Harry said coolly, turning back towards Hermione. "I can't do that."

Hermione saw it for just a moment. A split second flash of confusion in her best friend's eyes. As if there was some sort of struggle happening within him. It had been only the briefest of instants, but she was sure she had seen the real Harry in that moment.

"You can do it."

Harry turned to see Daphne rising from the floor. Her stare was firm, though she was shaking as she approached him. She did not reach for her wand, nor did she cower. She knew that Harry was not himself, but she also knew that Harry would never allow her to be hurt. He was still in there, fighting against whatever was happening, and she wanted so desperately to help him.

"You have to destroy it, Harry. You can't let him win." She urged softly.

Harry shook his head quickly. "No, you're trying to trick me." He raised the sword, pointing it at his girlfriend. As he did so, his eyes flashed and Daphne saw that whatever was happening inside of Harry, it was passing. Harry was fighting back, and she needed to help him.

"You know I'm not trying to trick you. Fight it, Harry. You can beat this."


"Harry, I know you're in there. You have to fight. You have to destroy it." Daphne said, edging ever closer.

"Ron." Hermione whispered. "Get the Locket, and open it."

Ron looked at his girlfriend as if she'd lost all her marbles, but her unyielding stare made him comply. While Harry's attention was focused on Daphne, Ron bent down and approached the little round table where the Locket had remained undisturbed during all the chaos.

He slowly reached out and grasped the golden Locket, feeling a wave of revulsion as his fingers flipped the tiny latch and he began to open it.

Suddenly all the candles and the fire itself were extinguished in a torrential wind. An eerie green light illuminated the small living quarters, and an ethereal voice cried out curses and pleas.

"Harry, you have to do it now!" Daphne cried out.

Harry was struggling within himself. He knew that he had to drive the sword into little golden Locket, but his body refused to obey his mind's commands. He screamed out, trying to make himself move, but something else was fighting him, something within him.

Harry closed his eyes, and in his mind he saw a pair of maniacal red eyes staring back at him. He could hear the voice from the Locket begging to be spared, promising power, and his hearts most desperate desires. The voice was soothing, comforting, friendly. It was like Siren song in Harry's mind.

Images flashed of his friends, laughing and having fun. A house on a hill, where he sat on a bench with Daphne, leaning against him, a cool summer breeze playing with her golden hair, and the laughter of small children filled his ears. Harry felt joy. He could see Remus coming up a cobblestone walk, waving as he was laughing with someone Harry recognized.

"Sirius?" Harry asked softly.

"I can grant you all you desire." the maniacal voice promised.

"Harry, come back to me." Daphne's voice called out to him from somewhere he couldn't see.

"She will never make you happy. She can't give you what you want."

"You can't bring them back." Harry cried. "You took them from me."

"Harry, I love you."

Harry's eyes snapped open and he saw Daphne staring at him, tears falling from her brilliant brown eyes. Her hand was on his cheek, and he felt power surge through his entire being. The voice in his mind screamed with crazed fury, and Harry could feel he had control of his body again.

Daphne jumped slightly when Harry's eyes snapped open, but she felt a rush of relief. They were the brilliant bright green that was uniquely Harry. His body relaxed at her touch, and she knew in that moment she had her boyfriend back. He smiled lightly, grateful for her unwavering belief in him. He turned his head slightly, and kissed her palm.

Harry stepped around Daphne and raised the sword high, staring coldly at the little Locket on the table, which Ron held open. With a scream of rage, Harry brought the sword down like a missile, driving it into the open Locket, and through the little table.

The moment the sword pierced the metal, and was driven through the little table, Harry's scar throbbed in intense agony, and he fell to his knees shrieking. Harry clutched at his scar, feeling the warm stickiness of blood in his hands.

The Locket shook and rattled as Harry screamed and writhed in tormented agony. The very room seemed to shake as the eerie green light grew to blinding intensity. And then, it was over.

The light disappeared, and Harry's screaming stopped as he passed out. Daphne got to her knees and crawled toward where Harry had been, finding him with her hands in the dark. She pulled him into her lap, cradling him as tears fell from her eyes.

"Lumos." Hermione said, lighting her wand. She was inspecting the now blackened Locket, not daring to touch it.

"I think he did it." She whispered.

A groan from Snape broke them from their silent astonishment. Both Ron and Hermione helped the Defense teacher to his feet. Hermione then busied herself with lighting the candles again, while Snape inspected the charred locket.

"Who did it?" He asked.

"Harry did. He fought whatever was happening to him and he destroyed it." Ron said, now kneeling next to Daphne and Harry.

"Daphne helped him." Hermione added. "She broke through whatever it was, and he listened to her. I don't know that he would have done it without her."

"Indeed." Snape said, touching the blackened Locket with the tip of his finger. He could no longer feel the dark waves of energy from it. It was nothing more than a twisted, blacked, broken piece of jewelry now.

"What happened when he stabbed it?" Snape asked, now turning his attention to Harry.

"His scar split open and he began screaming like he was being tortured." Daphne said, sniffling. "Then, he passed out."

"Then, we brought you here." Daphne concluded.

"How long was I out?" Harry asked hoarsely.

"A few hours. It's almost noon." Daphne smiled.

"What happened to the Locket?"

"Professor Snape took it to Dumbledore. I don't know what happened after that."

"Looks like Dumbledore's plans have yet another wrinkle in them. I don't want to do that again." Harry remarked.

"Nor do I."

"Thank you." He smiled at Daphne.

"For what?" She asked, looking surprised.

"It was you who helped break the spell, or whatever. I heard your voice. I heard you say you loved me."

Daphne looked at the floor, her cheeks reddening. "I don't know why I said it."

"It doesn't matter." Harry sighed. "All that matters is that it was you who got through, it was you that made me fight harder. I fought for you."

Daphne looked up and saw him smiling at her, his green eyes sparkling. Her heart pounded in her chest and she squeezed his hand tightly. Tears burned her eyes.

As they sat there, sharing the moment, all Daphne could think was that she was falling in love with him, and he was going to be taken away from her. He was going to die, and she couldn't think of a way to prevent it.

Albus Dumbledore was dying.

He had been dying slowly for the past few months, but his foolishness in the cave, consuming that horrible potion had all but accelerated the process. Now, instead of months as he had planned, the ancient headmaster, the leader of the light, had only weeks left to him, if that.

In the time he had remaining to him, he wanted desperately to find an answer to the greatest riddle he'd ever known. How could he saved Young Harry Potter's life.

He'd been trying to figure out any other way that would result in Voldemort's demise, with Harry being able to live a long happy life. He'd witnessed the skinny, frail, shy little boy become a powerful, selfless leader in his own right. Dumbledore felt the young man deserved more than what fate seemed to have in store for him, yet he couldn't find another way.

He'd read every single book he could find. He'd spoken to Healers, Muggle Priests, and even a few witch doctors. He'd even foolishly attempted to remove the damned Horcrux himself. He'd almost killed the boy that night.

Dumbledore wasn't the only one who wished nothing more than to save the boy. His friend, Hermione Granger had tried to convince the headmaster of another way. A way to remove the Horcrux without causing Harry any harm whatsoever. Her plan was nothing more than idle dreams. In fact, he had been surprise she had even suggested it at all. But he couldn't blame her in the least. Wanting to protect her friend was one of the most noble things about Miss Granger

And things were becoming worse. Severus Snape had informed him late the previous night that the Horcrux they'd retrieved from the cave, the locket, had been destroyed, but it almost hadn't. Snape told of how Harry had turned on them all and tried to protect it.

Thankfully the boy's will had proven powerful, and with some help from his girlfriend, Harry had been able to destroy the Horcrux himself.

Dumbledore had never once considered the possibility that Harry might be susceptible to influence from another Horcrux. Another oversight on the headmaster's part. This complicated matters even more than they already were.

With every Horcrux they collected, destroying them would become more dangerous as Harry could fall under the influence of their dark aura, and possibly allow the pieces of Voldemort's soul to join inside of Harry.

Dumbledore's heart broke further when he thought that things might have to be changed again, forcing Harry to confront Voldemort before the search for the other Horcruxes could be continued. Dumbledore would have to do what he'd often been accused of an become the chess master.

It was with a great defeated sigh that the leader of the light began to conspire to lead Harry Potter to slaughter.

"Neither can live while the other survives."

Hermione had been repeating this in her mind for two days now as she poured through books and making notes. She was positive she had found an answer. The answer. She knew that she was right, but she was having much difficulty in proving her hypothesis.

She had gone to Dumbledore almost straight away with her thoughts, and the old man had all but laughed at her. He smiled, his bright blue eyes twinkling, and he told her that it was most impossible. That death did not separate, and that for Harry to even consider attempting her idea would be most foolish.

"But you said yourself he was going to have to die. Why must it be by Voldemort?" She had asked.

"Because of the prophecy, my dear child. Neither can live while the other survives. Lord Voldemort has to kill Harry, and the Horcrux within him. There is no alternative."

Hermione didn't believe that. She felt the headmaster's translation of the prophecy was wrong. Hermione felt that that single piece of the prophecy did not refer to a confrontation between Harry and the Dark Lord, but only of Harry, and the Horcrux within him.

She had worked it on after she'd been dismissed by the old man that night. As she walked, she had begun repeating the words over and over, and just as she reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, it had dawned on her.

"Of course!" She cried out, startling the sleeping portrait. Hermione gave the pass word and raced back up to her bed. She had tried to sleep, but her mind was too wired, trying to figure out if her theories were on track and what complications there could be.

She had not been able to work anymore on her solution as they had destroyed the Horcrux the next evening. It had been very late when she'd gotten to bed, and she had awoken very late the next day.

Finally she had been able to seek her answers in the library, only to be disappointed by it's lack of information on anything she had thought. She knew there would be no references to the Veil itself, and she knew there was only a tiny blurb on Horcruxes. She could also find no references to blood wards, or magic based in self sacrifice. Yet she was undeterred. Hermione Granger was willing to bet the life of her best friend that she was right on this.

The problem was going to be in convincing Harry to walk through the veil.