
Harry Potter and the marriage contract

Harry and Daphne Greengrass find out their parents put together a marriage contract when they were born, now they must deal with it. It is not my book. I just reposted it.

Masked_0869 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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26 Chs

chapter 10

So, another date with Daphne tonight, eh?" Ron asked, shoveling another mouthful of scrambled eggs into his gaping maw. "This is like three weeks in a row. Have you even kissed her yet?"

"What?" Harry looked up from reading his book that he'd gotten from Dumbledore, and his morning toast, to see Ron smiling like a mad man. He wrinkled his nose at the chewed up mess of food in Ron's mouth. "You're really disgusting mate."

"What? You're going to marry her, may as well snog her." Ron looking a bit put out.

"Don't say that!" Harry hissed. "You know how fast the rumor mill works around here. We have enough to deal with already without the entire school knowing everything. Besides, I thought you hated her. You know because she was a Slytherin."

"No." Ron shook his head, shoveling more eggs into his gasping maw. "Hermione has talked to me a lot about it. I'm starting to realize that she's right. I shouldn't judge her because I hate Malfoy. Plus, I met Tracey Davis, and she's hilarious. A bit devilish, too."

Harry looked warily at his best friend, putting his half eaten toast down. "When did you meet Tracey?"

"About a week ago. After practice I found Hermione in the Library with Tracey. She's a bit strange, but kinda nice, you know?"

Harry was just about to question his friend further about his introduction to Daphne's best friend, when Hermione bounced into the Great Hall, looking as chipper as ever.

"Good morning, boys." Hermione said smiling as she joined her friends at breakfast. "How are you this morning?" She leaned closer to Ron, preparing to give him a kiss, but obviously had a change of mind when she saw him shove a full pancake into his mouth.

"When did you start hanging out with Tracey Davis?" Harry asked as Hermione was pouring milk on her cereal.

"A few weeks ago. We just started talking and found we had a lot in common." Hermione shrugged. "She's very nice and seriously funny, though, her sense of humor is quite lewd at times."

"You never mentioned that." Harry eyed his bushy haired friend.

"Since when do I need to run everything by you?" Hermione looked affronted. "I can make up my own mind about things. Why is it any concern of yours who I make friends with?"

"I didn't mean anything by it." Harry backpedaled. "I just thought it was strange that you never mentioned her before. You usually tell us everything."

"I do not. There are loads of things that I've never told you."

"Like what?" Ron piped in.

"I'm not about to go spilling all of my secrets to you both." Hermione stared both boys down into silence. Harry quickly realized by the look on Hermione's face that it would be best to let the subject drop.

"Harry, a woman has many secrets she never tells. Even when you think you know her, she's still got loads of things that you may never learn. Remember that as you get to know Daphne better. Speaking of which, are you going to take her to Slughorn's Christmas party?"

"I'm not going to that." Harry said, picking up the rest of his toast, and turning back to the book he had been reading.

"Why not?" Hermione asked shocked. "It's going to be really fun. In fact, he's already asked me about your schedule. The party's going to be on the night before we go home for Christmas. There's really no way to avoid it."

"Oh, man." Harry dropped his book again and ran his hands through his already messy hair. "Why would you do that to me?"

"Come off it, Harry." Hermione chided. "Some of his parties are rather fun. Besides, what better way to get him to give you that memory?"

"Oh, this again." Harry huffed.

Hermione had been bugging Harry to do as Dumbledore asked and try to get Slughorn's memory. Harry was still unconvinced of the true importance of it all. Harry had been training with Snape and Flitwick over the past few weeks. Snape had been telling him about individual Death Eaters and some of their favorite methods of fighting. Harry was starting to believe his fighting lessons were more important than Dumbledore's trip down memory lane.

"Harry, Dumbledore asked you to do this, so it must be important. You should really be trying to get the thing. You haven't even tried once."

"I'll think about it." Harry shook his head, trying to avoid an argument.

"Harry, you should really…"

"I said I'd think about it!" Harry hissed angrily.

At that moment, the morning post began swooping in. Hundreds of owls burdened with care packages and letters swooped down to their intended recipients. Harry didn't spare a glance, as his only correspondent had died last spring. So, Harry was a bit surprised to see a very regal looking Tawny owl land gracefully in front of him.

Harry regarded the owl for a moment, wondering if the bird had made a mistake. He looked to see a an envelope addressed to him attached to the owl's outstretched leg. Harry united the letter and the owl took to the sky straight away.

"Who's it from?" Ron asked.

"Don't know." Harry whispered, staring at the envelope.

"You're not going to find out until you open it." Hermione said a little bossily.

Harry glared at her and opened the envelope, unfolding the letter it held.

Dear Mr. Potter

My name is Annabelle Greengrass. I have been informed that you are now aware of the Betrothal Contract between yourself and my granddaughter, Daphne. I would very much like the chance to speak with you over the coming holiday. I wonder if you would be agreeable to join me for tea on Christmas Day at Greengrass Manor. There would be no need for a written response. I hope to see you in person, as I believe we have much to talk about.


Annabelle Greengrass.

"Wow." Hermione sighed after she had read the letter. "Are you going to go?"

"I don't know." Harry shrugged, looking a bit confused. "I think I should. She might be able to explain about the contract and why it was made."

"Makes sense to me. Should be easy, too. You're still staying with us over the holidays, right?" Ron asked.

"Yeah." Harry confirmed.

"Well, you can floo over, and floo back." Ron offered. "You could be back in time for dinner."

"Are you going to tell Dumbledore about this? You really shouldn't go anywhere without some kind of protection." Hermione urged.

Harry looked up at his friend, a wicked little smile playing on his lips. "I don't think I need to worry the Headmaster with this. I'm not going."

Harry tucked the letter into his bag and returned to his breakfast. He looked over to the Slytherin table where Daphne was reading the morning paper and sipping her tea. He would show her the letter later that night when they would meet in the Room of Requirement. One thing Harry was sure about was that he was not going there with an escort. Not if he could help it.

Daphne sat at her favorite table in the library, along with her best friend. They had gone to the library straight after dinner to get a jumpstart on their assignment from Arithmancy. Daphne was having a difficult time concentrating however, as she was constantly looking at her watch, anxiously anticipating another meeting with Harry Potter later tonight.

"So, we haven't talked about you and a certain black haired boy in a while…" Tracey gave a small grin as she looked up a definition. She carefully avoided looking at Daphne, who seemed to get rather upset when the topic was broached lately.

"Yeah, like twenty minutes." Daphne scoffed. "You really need your own man."

"I'm working on it. Boys, such skittish creatures." Tracey smiled wistfully.

"Who's the intended victim?" Daphne asked, looking up from her own essay.

"Well, my dear Daphne," Tracey put her quill down and looked up from her parchment. "I'm exploring uncharted territories. I'm following your example and diving into the Gryffindor pool. Last night, I met up with a striking young man by name of Cormac McClaggen. And while he was very yummy looking, he was a bit to self absorbed for me. Yet, still quite a few boys to experiment with."

"Oh, you truly are horrible." Daphne scowled.

"Now, about you and your intended." Tracey smiled, folding her hands on her parchment. "You are aware that Professor Slughorn has a Christmas party planned, and that he has invited a very select few to attend, and that the one he is most excited to have is your special friend."

"Thank you for not saying his name." Daphne groaned.

"I know there are ears everywhere. But quit trying to change the topic. I think it would be a very good idea for you two to attend this party together. And before you object, I am well aware of your feelings on being seen with the boy, but the fact is, eventually it's going to come out anyway. Why not let it happen on your terms."

Daphne regarded her seriously for several moments. Tracey had been urging Daphne to make her and Harry's budding relationship public for two weeks. Daphne had of course resisted the idea, for many reasons, all of which were valid, Tracey had admitted, but also argued that nothing would change, not even time. Daphne just couldn't fathom taking such a huge step, especially considering she had absolutely no romantic feelings for the messy haired boy. At least that's what she constantly told herself.

Daphne had found herself thinking of Harry a lot more lately. At the most inappropriate times in her day, Harry's green eyes and easy smile would appear in her mind's eye. It was becoming increasingly frustrating to the Slytherin girl.

"Do we have to have this conversation again?" Daphne sighed. "I've already told you why we shouldn't. The many, MANY reasons why it's a bad idea. Can you imagine what could happen if certain people find out about us? If they read too much into our relationship?"

"Yes, I can. I've thought about it quite a bit actually." Tracey admitted, her voice becoming near whisper. "I'm just as scared about the consequences as you are. You're my best friend, Daphne. All I want is to see you happy. I've seen your face when you come back after seeing him. I can see it in your eyes. He's broken through your defenses, just as I know you've broken through his. Somehow, against all the odds, you two have touched each other's lives. I know that he's got loads of people wanting to kill him, and they'll stop at nothing to get to him, even killing you. But, and I want you to really think about this, what if the two of you being together makes you both stronger somehow?"

"You really believe in the mysterious power of love, don't you?" Daphne looked uncertainly. "You've read far to many romance stories."

"Whatever. Look, I can prove there is nothing more magical than the power of love. No matter how bad the world gets, nothing makes you feel as strong, or invincible, or relaxed, or even at peace than when you mom gives you a good strong hug, and tells you it's all going to be ok. You believe her because she loves you. It's the same, possibly even stronger when someone you love, that special person looks at you from across a room and you see in their eyes how much they love you." Tracey set her bright blue eyes on her friend, who was watching her skeptically.

"I still don't think it's a good idea. I just don't think I feel that way about him."

"How do you even know?" Tracey leaned forward. "Do you truly know that for sure? You haven't even tried to kiss him."

"Why does it always come back to that?" Daphne threw up her hands.

"Because, you'll know everything you'll ever need to know about your true feelings for him when you kiss him."

"Is that why you kiss every boy you can?" Daphne glared.

"Partially. I also like getting snogged." Tracey grinned. She quickly became serious again as she stared hard at her best friend. "Just think on it. I mean, really think on it."

Daphne stood and began piling her books into her bag. She shook her head a little angrily.

"I am sick to death of this conversation. I've been getting letters from my mother saying the same damn thing for three months now. This whole situation is hard enough without everyone pestering me to open up, give it a chance. It would be fantastic if I could fall madly in love and he returned those feelings, and this stupid mess was nothing but a technicality. But that's just not reality. I don't want to talk about this anymore. Why can't I just have a normal life?"

With that she hefted her bag and left the library.

"I told you she would resist. She's just like Harry." Hermione said, coming around a shelf of books arms loaded with tomes, and sitting down.

"You were right. I pushed too hard. But I thought I made good points." Tracey said looking at her new friend sadly.

"You did, and maybe she'll listen to you. But, we have to let them find their own way. There's already too much hanging over them, we don't need to add to it." Hermione sighed.

Tracey stared at the place where she had lost sight of Daphne when she had left. She felt guilty for pushing her friend, but still felt she was right. Daphne and Harry had changed, Tracey could see it. She saw it on Daphne's face every time she came back from one of her private meetings with the messy haired boy. The way Daphne would shyly avoid Tracey's eyes, as if Tracey could see what was in her friend's heart. Tracey was convinced that an attraction had begun, on some basic primitive level at least. She could only hope that at least some of what she had said sank in to Daphne's mind.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming." Harry smiled as Daphne approached.

"I almost didn't." Daphne huffed. "Tracey really got me angry, and I didn't want to see anyone."

"We can do this another time, if you like." Harry said, his shoulders sagging a bit.

"No. It's fine." Daphne waved it off. "I'm fine. Really. Shall we go in now?"

Harry's face looked perplexed now. "I'd like to, but the Room's not working. I've been trying for ten minutes, and it won't open."

"Do you know why?" Daphne asked, now looking confused as well.

"No. By the way, could you give this to that little girl who passed you? She dropped it and ran off." Harry held out a set of brass scales.

"No one passed me." She looked more confused. "I didn't see anyone on my way here."

"Really? There was a first year, a girl from your house here. She saw me, and dropped the scales. I thought I had frightened her somehow. She ran off before I could give these back to her."

"Well, I'll take it back to the dorms tonight and see who's missing them, and apologize for you." Daphne gave a small smile.

She had begun feeling better once she had arrived for her normal meeting with Harry. He had been waiting for her outside the room as usual, but this time there was no door as there usually was. He looked good tonight. He had obviously tried again to flatten his hair, and his jeans looked closer to his size than normal. Daphne once again found herself fantasizing about taking the boy shopping for proper clothing.

Daphne silently cursed her best friend for implanting the thoughts in her head late one night as they were discussing boys in general. Daphne had been thinking of trips into Diagon alley to outfit the boy in tailored robes. She had found herself making lists of things she'd like to see Harry dressed in.

"So, since we're obviously not getting in here tonight, would you like to find another secluded spot?" Harry looked a bit embarrassed by his inability to get the Room opened.

"Are you trying to get me into a broom cupboard?" Daphne smiled slyly.

"Starting early tonight, are we?" Harry shook his head, smiling lightly. "I think I'm getting used to your jibes. See, no blushing."

"Oh, I see I've been taking it too easy on you. I'll have you burning red by the end of the night." Daphne promised. "Why don't we go to the Chamber? We can explore it a bit more thoroughly."

Harry nodded and pulled his Invisibility Cloak out of his own book bag.

Once again, Daphne found herself close to Harry as they journey down to the second floor. This time, Daphne paid closer attention to Harry. She kept glancing at him, seeing the concentration on his face as they silently passed their fellow students. He did not take her by the waist this time, which made Daphne curse the first years for not running in the halls.

Tracey's speech came back to her as they walked. Her advice on knowing all she'd ever need know by simply kissing him replayed over and over again. Daphne found herself looking at Harry's mouth a little closer. She felt a chill run up her spine as she imagined taking Harry's head in her hands and pushing her lips against his for several long moments. Scenes from several trashy romance novels played in her mind, and Daphne had to concentrate on clearing her imagination. No matter what everyone said, Daphne Greengrass did not love Harry Potter.

"It smells better than it did last time." Harry commented as they entered the Chamber ten minutes later, and lit the torches.

"The torches probably help. I wonder if we could harvest something from it. Might be nice to have a little nest egg for a rainy day." Daphne mused while staring at the corpse of the giant serpent.

"What do you think we could harvest off of it?" Harry said, drawing closer to the rotting corpse.

"Maybe the fangs. Possibly the skeleton. Everything else is too decayed, I think." Daphne shrugged, wrinkling her nose as she got closer to the rotting corpse.. She walked closer to the beast and touched what would had once been the nose. "Sometimes the fangs hold venom, there might be a chance we could get some of it. That would bring in quite a bit of gold. Maybe enough for a small house."

"Already shopping for our house, eh?"'

"Why not? We're going to be married, in case you've forgotten." Daphne threw a wry smile over her shoulder at the boy. Harry returned the smile, and shook his head.

"No, I haven't forgotten. Speaking of which, I received a letter today. An invitation, really.'

Daphne perked up. Harry pulled a folded envelope from his bag and handed it to her. Daphne looked at him a bit perplexed, but opened the letter and read it.

"She really sent you this?" Daphne asked rhetorically, as the answer was in her hand at the moment. "I can't believe it."

Harry thought Daphne would be angry. Anytime the topic of her family had come up, she would get a bit angry. Harry had discovered that Daphne was still angry at her parents over the contract. She had even admitted to not writing letters to them for over a month.

"I can't believe this." Daphne repeated.

"You seem….happy about this." Harry ventured.

"Well, yeah. Nana is something special." Daphne said, her eyes bright and cheery looking. "She's just…she's hard to describe. I don't think she's ever really grown up. She's got this really mischievous side to her, you know? Like she's always up to something ingenious. She's always got great stories, too."

"This time, I think the story is going to be about us." Harry said as he took the letter back and put it away.

"So does that mean you'll be coming?" She asked, catching up to him.

"Of course. I want to hear what she has to say, and I'm willing to bet my vault at Gringotts that you do to."

"That I do." Daphne admitted. She suddenly looked down, feeling twinge of awkward fear. A strange feeling in her stomach caused her to begin fidgeting her hands

"What if she knows a way out of it?" Daphne asked. She looked frightened of what his answer might be.

Harry thought about it for a long time before looking into her chocolate brown eyes.

"I guess we figure it all out when we know for sure." Harry shrugged, looking a bit sheepish.

Daphne nodded and as Harry turned, he missed a flash of worry upon Daphne's face.

"What do you think is behind the statue?" Daphne asked changing the subject. Harry turned to look at the giant stone head where the Basilisk had emerged four years ago.

"I don't know. A nest of some kind?"

"Can you open it?"

Harry shrugged and approached the giant stone head. He concentrated as he spoke in Parselmouth, "Open."

There was only silence. Harry tried several different versions of the same request, which were met with nothing. Harry felt as if he'd let Daphne down. He turned to see her looking just as disappointed as he felt.

"Maybe the Chamber only recognizes Slytherin's heir. I can get in this far because I know Parseltongue, but maybe there's something special, like a password or something." Harry reasoned.

"I suppose it's possible. You did say that You-Know-Who was Slytherin's heir, so maybe he knew what to say to open other parts of the Chamber. Something on the family crest or something like that." Daphne reasoned.

Harry nodded thoughtfully, inspecting the mouth of the great stone head carefully.

"So are you going to at least ask me?" Daphne sighed, folding her arms and watching Harry. The black haired boy turned to look at her a bit perplexed, pushing his glasses up.

"Ask you about what?" he asked stepping away from Slytherin's great stone bust.

"Slughorn's party. Everyone's talking about it." Daphne said matter-of-factly. Inside, she felt a bit anxious, even sick. She couldn't understand why she suddenly wanted to attend the party, especially on Harry's arm.

"Oh. That." Harry grimaced. "I wasn't really planning on going, to be honest. It's just going to be Slughorn showing off all the great people he knows, or parading me around like some trophy. I don't think I'd have that much fun."

"I suppose. But if you had someone there to protect you from too much parading, say a fantastic looking blonde Slytherin"

Harry looked at her suspiciously for a second. "Malfoy?"

"You prat!" Daphne shrieked, a bit of a smile playing on her lips. "Me."

"Are you saying you want to go to the party with me? I thought we were trying to keep a lid on our situation. You know what'll happen if we go together." Harry warned.

"Yes, I do. I know that everyone in school will begin talking about Famous Harry Potter dating the Ice Queen of Hogwarts. There will be questions, and rumors, and Merlin knows what else." Daphne said tossing her hands up in exasperation as once again Tracey's words echoed in her mind. She was angry that once again, Tracey had made a modicum of sense. Eventually they were going to have to come out in the open with their situation, as they still called it. At least this way, they had the opportunity to do it on their terms.

"Yeah, and there could also be people trying to kill you. I don't want to seem over protective, or prejudiced or anything like that, but Slytherin house does have more than a few Death Eater offspring. All it takes is for one person to open their mouth to their family and you could be used to get to me. Even killed."

"I suppose it's possible that…"

"No, not possible.' Harry said cutting her off. "Definite. Do you really think that Voldemort wouldn't use you to get to me?"

Daphne shivered at the name, but quickly regained her composure.

"I know what you're saying, and I am flattered that you don't want me hurt. But the fact is that, sooner or later, unless I take his mark and become one of his mindless sheep, I could get killed anyway."

"Not likely. He values your bloodline too much. Pure bloods can do no wrong in his eyes."

"Except the Weasleys, the Bones, and any number of other families. Any one who opposes him will wind up dead. Sooner or later, my family, who've been neutral for years, are going to have to choose a side as well. No one is truly safe, Harry. No one."

Harry looked at her for a long time, without speaking. He knew that she was right. She often was, he had found. Daphne had an amazing ability to make him see things logically. Still, the thought of being paraded around like a trophy by the portly, pretentious potions master was just sickening.

"What about the rumors and all that?"

"It's going to happen no matter what. Eventually the world is going to learn about us, Harry. At least this way, we can kinda make it on our terms. We can stop sneaking about, or worrying about our conversations being overheard. Wouldn't it be nice to have a conversation somewhere other than the Room of Requirement, or here?" She motioned around her.

"I suppose." Harry shrugged. "What about your housemates? Won't you get a lot of remarks, or …"

"Sure. I might even get threatened or something, but it doesn't matter. I can deal with it." Daphne smiled confidently.

"I don't know." Harry ran his hand through his hair, messing it a bit more than it already was.

"Harry," Daphne began, stepping closer to the boy. She looked into his emerald green eyes, so full of doubt and gave the sweetest smile she could.

"I know you hate when people talk about you, but it's going to happen no matter what you do. I don't want people talking about me, but it's going to happen. I know you just want to protect everyone from You-Know-Who, but it's just not possible. So I'm telling you this…I want to go to a Christmas party, and as my Betrothed, it is your duty to take me."

"I guess there's no point in fighting it, then." Harry grinned.

"You can't fight destiny. You should know that better than anyone." Daphne gave a satisfied smile and playfully punched Harry's arm. "Now, have you given any thought on my Christmas gift?"

"I have to get you a gift?" Harry looked annoyed, but Daphne could see the smile in his bright green eyes.

Two weeks later found Harry waiting for Ron to finish dressing for the party.

"No frills, no dodgy lace, These are proper dress robes." Ron said giving a very satisfied grin.

His new robes, which had been purchased by his twin brothers, were a plain black, and fit Ron better than anything else he owned. Ron liked them very much, not only because they were "very manly", but were also brand new. Coming from a poor family, Ron coveted anything that was brand new, as most of his life, he'd only gotten hand me downs, and second hand things.

"Yeah, great. Are you ready yet?" Harry glowered.

"Why are you so nervous?" Ron looked at his best mate with concern. "Hermione already told you this was a good idea."

"Well, it's not Hermione's life that's going to be on display, is it? No one's going to be spreading rumors, or writing to the paper's over you and her showing up to the party together. No, it's going to be me and Daphne. This is a terrible idea." Harry said frantically.

"Why didn't you try and talk her out of it then?" Ron looked confused.

"I tried. For two weeks I tried. I thought I had her last week when she said Malfoy made some strange comments about the two of us. She said it was nothing, but I think he knows."

"Oh, not this again." Ron groaned. "Mate, you don't know it was Malfoy in the Room that night. He's not up to anything more devious than perfecting his sneer."

"Why don't you believe me?" Harry glared at his friend. "I scare a girl, a Slytherin first year who drops her scales, which echo in that hall very loudly. She runs off without picking up her things. I give the scales to Daphne to return to the poor girl, only to find out that none of the first years are missing their scales. I'm telling you, it's fishy."

"Right, it is fishy, but it doesn't mean Malfoy's behind it." Ron reasoned. "I'm sorry mate, but it just doesn't add up to anything."

Harry shook his head and his shoulders sagged a bit. He had been dreading this night ever since Daphne had talked him into going. He couldn't understand why she wanted to suddenly come out of hiding with their …whatever they had going on. Sure, part of him liked the thought of being able to speak to her in the open. The thought of walking the grounds together, instead of sneaking around the halls would be quite pleasant.

But Harry was convinced they were taking a very unnecessary risk as far as her safety was concerned. Sure, eventually the truth would come out, but Harry was hopeful that it would be after Voldemort was dead and gone, and the only thing they would have to worry about was what would be written on the gossip pages.

He had tried, quite unsuccessfully, to make her see reason, but she simply planted her feet and wouldn't budge on the matter. She seemed determined to attend this party and be on his arm the entire night. When he asked her why, she could not provide any answer other than she felt it was the right thing to do. The most logical step in their courtship.

That had flummoxed Harry for a long time. He hadn't even thought of courting her. Sure, they had flirted a few times, but nothing serious. Harry had chalked it up to the two of them becoming more comfortable around one another.

Sure, he thought of her a little more often nowadays. Yeah, he'd had a few daydreams about her. That didn't mean anything. He didn't get butterflies in his stomach when he thought of her, or stumble over himself when they talked. There was nothing to make him even consider the possibility that there was anything more than a loose friendship.

"Come on, Harry." Ron said, tearing Harry from his thoughts. "We're going to be late, and I don't fancy Daphne to be the type of girl who'll tolerate that sort of thing."

Harry and Ron came down to the common room where Hermione was awaiting them. Harry felt a twinge of jealousy when he saw Ginny come down from the girls Dormitories and into Dean's arms. She looked quite lovely all dressed up for Slughorn's party.

"Well, you both look very dashing." Hermione smiled as they approached her. "We better hurry." She took each of their arms and they were off. Harry felt a growing trepidation the closer they got to the Entrance Hall, where they would be meeting up with Daphne.

"I guess we made it on time." Ron said as they arrived in the Entrance Hall. "She's not here yet."

"Correction." Came Daphne's cheery voice. "Hermione, you look absolutely splendid."

"As do you, Daphne."

Harry had to agree, though his mouth had apparently lost its function. He could not stop staring at her.

Daphne's silky blonde hair was done up in a very elegant knot. She had a stunning red, strapless dress, which fell to just below her knees, giving Harry a good look at her gorgeous legs which were accentuated by the three inch heeled shoes. She had a velvet chocker around her neck, adorned with a crystal star, which drew attention to her slender neck.

Harry found his attention drawn to Daphne's cleavage, which the dress seemed to emphasize. Harry felt his stomach doing somersaults as he gazed upon her beauty.

"Harry?" Daphne's voice finally broke through his stupor.

"Sorry. Uh, you look very nice. Very nice." He tried to say, but his mouth was still having trouble working properly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hermione hiding her smile behind her hand, and Ron openly grinning.

"You clean up rather nicely, as well." Daphne said, patting Harry's arm. "Shall we go to the party then?"

Harry offered his arm awkwardly, and the two couples set off. As they walked, Harry couldn't stop thinking about how nice Daphne looked. And she smelled amazing as well. She was intoxicating him. It was true that she was an attractive girl, but tonight, she was simply beyond words, as he had demonstrated. Harry still felt a sense of looming dread, but it had been shoved aside by Daphne's appearance. As they drew closer to the party, Harry felt himself puffing out his chest a bit, for he knew he was going to have the most desirable woman on his arm tonight.

Daphne had been worried about tonight for two weeks. She still had not had any explanation as to why she had chosen to follow Tracey's advice, but some of it had made a lot of sense. And as she had told Harry, this way, they would be more or less announcing their relationship on their own terms.

She became a bit more determined to attend the event when Draco Malfoy had alluded to Harry and Daphne being an item in the Slytherin Common Room a week back. He had called out quite loudly, so the entire house would pay attention to his remarks about Daphne fraternizing with lesser wizards in the Seventh Floor corridor, and that she should raise her standards.

Daphne had been enraged, but had said nothing. If she remained quiet on the matter, no one would question it, believing Malfoy to be showing off or something. Yet, his comments had stuck in her mind. There had never been anyone in the corridor when they met, so how was it possible that he knew she had been up there at all?

Secondly, Daphne did enjoy dressing up. Sometimes she really hated to admit that she enjoyed such girly things like putting on a fancy dress and doing her hair and make-up, but she did truly find it fun. And having a boy react to her appearance, like Harry just had, made it all worth it.

Daphne had been rather nervous as to what his reaction might be, even though Tracey had kept up a constant stream of encouragement while she had been getting ready. Daphne found her stomach in knots as she made her way to the Entrance Hall. She had arrived a few minutes before Harry and his friends, but had stayed hidden. She had repeatedly thought of simply going back to her dorm and staying in for the evening, but her own pride wouldn't allow it.

She had been quite amazed by Harry's own appearance this evening. He had somehow managed to get most of his hair to lie flat, and he did look very handsome in his dress robes.

Daphne also had to admire Ron. The redhead had somehow managed to get a very charming set of robes for himself. Daphne remembered with a grin the travesty that had been Weasley's robes from the Yule Ball. It had been a topic of much comedy throughout Slytherin house for several weeks, she remembered.

"Well, this is the last chance to change your mind." Harry whispered to Daphne. The blonde girl clutched his arm a bit tighter as she looked at him meaningfully.

"I did not get all dressed up for nothing, Potter." She smiled politely.

With a heavy sigh, Harry steeled himself as they entered the brightly lit room. It was quite ostentatious, with streamers, and twinkling fairy lights. A large Christmas tree was set in one corner, and there were several students dressed in white coats passing around hors d'oeuvres. Harry recognized one of the servers.

"Ritchie? What are you doing here?" He asked the fourth year beater.

"I got detention. This is much better than a lot of things I can think of." the boy smiled brightly.

"Ah, Harry m'boy. So glad you could make it." Professor Slughorn nearly pounced on Harry, shaking his hand vigorously. "And who is this most enchanting lady?"

"Professor, surely you recognize Daphne Greengrass." Harry smiled politely as he introduced his escort.

"Oh, my dear. Don't you look fetching this evening. I didn't even recognize you. Harry, lad, keep an eye on this one." the rotund professor chuckled. "And Miss Granger, so good you could make it. Is that Wembley with you?"

"Weasley, sir." Ron said, a bit of malice in his tone. "Ronald Weasley."

"Of course, of course. Well, come in. Do enjoy yourselves. Harry, there are some people you simply must meet. Come with me, lad."

Without warning, Slughorn took Harry's shoulder and began guiding him about the room. Daphne only just caught the fingers of his outstretched hand as he was being led away. Slughorn was just as Harry had warned Daphne he would be. Parading Harry about to many of the who's who of the wizarding world as some kind of trophy or prize he'd won.

After a half an hour, Daphne began to feel quite sorry for Harry and decided to step in.

As Slughorn was introducing Harry to another one of his former students made good, Daphne cleared her throat. Slughorn, Harry and the puffed up blowhard who they were talking with all turned to look at her. Daphne was unfazed by their stares.

"I'm so sorry, but I would like just a few moments with this charming young man. Would you please excuse us?" Daphne gave her most winning smile as she took Harry's arm and led him away. She could hear Slughorn chuckling a bit and saying something about young love. She turned to see a very grateful smile on Harry's face.

"I owe you big for that." He grinned.

"It was my pleasure. I was getting tired of being ignored."

"I wasn't ignoring you." Harry countered.

"No. In fact, you were doing a very good job of introducing me to everyone we met. Slughorn just kept forgetting I was there." Daphne growled.

"I'm sorry for that." Harry looked back at the Potions master who was still talking with a rather pale looking man with dark eyes and hair.

"You did look rather miserable. I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you told me he was going to be like this." Daphne looked sympathetic as she grabbed two glasses of punch from a passing server, and handing one to him.

"I still got to talk to him." Harry said softly.

"What about?" Daphne looked inquisitively.

"A memory. I don't know if I should tell you." Harry looked apologetic.

"Something to do with your fate?"

It had become a bit of a joke between them whenever the topic of Harry and Voldemort came up. Daphne now knew for certain that there was a prophecy and was pretty sure that it said that Harry had to kill Voldemort, though Harry had never confirmed it. In fact he was quite tight lipped on the subject, but Daphne had read the signs well enough. Harry had mentioned taking special lessons with Dumbledore, but being very unsatisfied with whatever it entailed. He had also mentioned special lessons with Snape and Flitwick. It didn't take genius to put it all together.

Harry had opened up a little bit regarding his training, and Daphne had been the one to suggest utilizing Snape more. They had both agreed that Snape's obvious loathing of Harry would only help to prepare Harry better, as Snape was very unlikely to make things easy.

But this mention of a memory had intrigued the Slytherin girl.

"So you think Slughorn might be able to tell you something about You-Know-Who?" She asked as the two strolled amongst the other guests.

"Something like that. Dumbledore seems to think it's really important, but I don't see the point. I haven't even seen the him since our last lesson over a month ago." Harry noted.

"It doesn't seem like he's as invested in training you as he says." Daphne observed.

"No. It really doesn't." Harry said, a slight frown on his face.

At that moment, Professor Snape approached the two of them, sneering.

"Potter, are you bothering Miss Greengrass? I'll have you in detention the rest of the year for harassing another student." The former Potions professor snarled.

"Actually, Professor, Harry is my date for the evening." Daphne smiled, taking Harry's arm again.

Snape looked taken aback for several moments. Daphne smiled up at her Head of House, while Snape seemed to be trying to puzzle out how one of his own students had gotten mixed up with the Gryffindor Golden Boy. Finally Snape bent low, glaring deeply into Harry's eyes and speaking low and sinisterly.

"Do not think of doing anything inappropriate, Potter. I'll not have you besmirching anyone's good name. If anything should happen to Miss Greengrass and I find out about it, you'll wish you had never been conceived."

Harry nodded slowly, keeping his own eyes fixed on the black orbs of his greasy haired defense teacher. Snape stood to his full height and stalked off, his black cloak billowing behind him.

"I knew he hated you, but that was intense. I could actually feel it in the air." Daphne looked shocked by the interaction.

"He's held onto a grudge against my father and just passed it on to me. He exists on hate." Harry watched the man fade into the crowd.

"What a sad existence." Daphne said morosely.

"Have you seen Hermione or Ron?" Harry asked, peering through the crowd for any signs of his best friends.

"No. Do you need them?"

"No." Harry admitted, smiling at Daphne for the first time all night. Daphne felt her cheeks heating up, and quickly looked away.

"There you are, Harry." Slughorn stumbled up to them. His cheeks a bit red and his eyes a little bleary. "There are a few more people I'm just dying for you to meet."


The party seem to come to a crashing halt as Argus Filch came striding into the room holding tightly to a struggling Draco Malfoy.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt, Professor Slughorn, but I caught this boy in the hall, lurking about. He says he was invited." Filch said in his grumbling tenor.

"Get your filthy hands off me. So I wasn't invited. I was crashing" Draco shrugged Filch's hands off at last.

"Excuse me, Professor." Came Snape's horrid cadence. "I'll be happy to se that he gets back to his dorm, where he belongs."

Harry couldn't help but notice Draco's malevolent glare at the Head of Slytherin house.

"Nonsense, Severus. He's more than welcome to stay and enjoy the party. Everyone please, enjoy yourselves." Slughorn said, a slight hiccup punctuating his statement. The guests began talking again and people began moving about, forgetting the incident immediately.

Harry watched as Snape took hold of Malfoy and began forcefully leading him away.

"Would you excuse me?' Harry asked Daphne, who had seen Harry's demeanor change.

"No. You're not going to leave me here alone. We'll go together." She said, taking his hand.

The two teens followed at a fair distance, keeping out of sight. Snape led Malfoy into a nearby class room, shutting the door tightly behind them. Harry rushed to the door followed by Daphne, both of them leaning in close to listen to the heated discussion being carried on inside.

"…Really reckless. You're taking far too many chances. Why won't you let me help you?"

"He gave this to me. It's my job, my mission to finish. You just want the glory for yourself. It's my time now."

"You're acting like a spoiled child. You're father would be…"

"Don't you dare bring him into this. I am far more competent than him."

"There was a time that you trusted me, Draco." Snape's tone seemed to falter into a sadness that Harry had never imagined the man capable of.

"I've learned to rely on myself. This is my task to accomplish. I have a plan, and it will work. I don't need help from you, or anyone else."

"Draco, I promised your mother I would look out for you. I made the Unbreakable Vow to keep you safe."

"Well, then that makes you an even bigger idiot that I had originally thought. Stay out of my way, Professor. I don't need you're help. I will finish this task on my own!"

There was a long pause before Snape spoke again.

"I see your Aunt Bellatrix has been instructing you. Your occlumency shields are very strong. Very well. But know this, I will not cover for you any longer. If you are caught, I will be able to do nothing."

Harry and Daphne had to dash into a darkened alcove to avoid being spotted. Draco marched out of the classroom, looking haughty and proud of himself, strutting down the hallway away from the two hidden teens. Snape came out of the class a moment later, staring at Draco's retreating silhouette for a few moments before he also stalked away.

"Well, that was rather cryptic." Daphne mused as she stepped out of the shadows.

"Not really. It confirms what I've suspected for a little while now. Draco is a Death Eater."

Daphne snickered. Harry turned to glare at her viciously. He'd had this argument to many times with his friends already, now it looked like he was going to have it with Daphne.

"Ok, I admit that Draco is a devious, troublesome little ponce, but a Death Eater? Why in the world would you-Know-Who want a sixteen year old in his circle?" Daphne asked skeptically.

"To spy on Dumbledore? Information on certain people?"

"A bit full of yourself there, aren't you?" Daphne chuckled.

"Fine. I don't care if you believe me or not." Harry said, growing angry. "But I know that little ferret is up to something, and I know it's going to be bad if he accomplishes whatever it is he's doing."

"Fine, let's say for a moment that I believe you. The bastard's capable of a lot of really foul things, I admit it. Seeing how he treats people who he believes to be beneath him is proof enough of that. But what could he possibly do here that could be so horrible?"

"I really don't know, but whatever he's up to has Snape concerned. Maybe we should be as well." Harry said with an air of finality. Daphne followed Harry's gaze down the hall where Draco had disappeared. For some reason, she felt that she should believe Harry. She decided that maybe it would be a good idea to keep an eye on the Slytherin Prince, if anything to ease Harry's already over burdened mind.