
Chapter 17 - How much you bench bro?

Arya giggled looking at Daphne's distraught expression as she realized that Chad had better command over his magic than her. "I told you Daph theory will only take you so far you need to put more work into the practical side of magic. You barely lasted longer than Mione and she has much less experience than you" said Arya. Daphnes expression grew even more depressed as she nodded at Arya internally promising herself she wont be left behind by her friends. Professor Flitwick interrupted their talk saying "now now Ms Greengrass, it is nothing to be upset about you did very well. I can see you have the theory behind the spell masterfully handled you just need to put more work into your magic and you will be at a higher level of mastery in no time"

Daphne nodded again as she watched the rest of the competitors curious to see how it would play out. The cubes weight was raised to 75 kilograms, the remaining students were all able to handle it but the increased strain on their magical reserves was evident in everyones expression. Once the weight was raised to 80 kilograms Chad gracefully bowed out of the competition as his reserves were almost completely drained leaving only Arya, Harry and Theo in the competition.

Professor Flitwick - "Outstanding work you three your abilities so far have been very impressive and only makes me more excited to see your progress in the future. Now we shall continue until only one of you remains, you shall all be awarded the cubes to keep practicing after class but the decider of who will get the most house points must take place. I am very impressed with you all."

The three students in question nodded their heads as they braced themselves for what was to come. The weight was steadily increased 85, 90, 95 kilograms before finally Harry had to admit defeat as he couldn't complete his figure eight in the air. Harry collapsed in his seat as his reserves have been almost emptied but he smirked to himself extremely proud of his accomplishment. To push the two prodigies beside him so far was very satisfying.

Professor Flitwick - "Fantastic work Mr Potter, this is to be expected from the scion of the house of Potter, both your parents were exceptional students especially Ms Evans. She was head of the charms club for three straight years and excelled in almost every field of magic, in fact Ms Granger reminds me of her very well as she too was a muggle born witch with incredible talent. Your father was also a very powerful wizard but put most of his time into pranks and quidditch. Regardless forty points to Gryffindor for Mr Potters performance"

Professor Flitwick sighed as he fondly remembered the two in his class. 'James was always chasing after Lily, I am to this very day convinced he would not have done nearly as well in his grades if not for Lily. Harry looked sad at the mention of his parents but that sadness was quickly pushed aside as Sirius had told him many things about his parents and he was very proud to be their child.

Professor Flitwick - "Alright Mr Nott, Ms Rosier we shall continue I am intrigued to see how far you too can go. At this point I should probably tell you class that the average a first year has managed in my little competition was 45 kilograms so you have all gone far beyond what I was expecting from you"

Arya and Theo looked at each other and smiled before Theo said "Usual bet Ary?" Arya smirked at him and agreed instantly as they have often competed in charms over their years. It was an area that both truly excelled in and they took pleasure in competing with a worthwhile opponent. Hermione asked Daphne who was at their table what the usual stakes were that they were talking about. Daphne sighed an explained "The loser will owe a week worth of chores or in this case homework notes and will have to eat whatever the victor chooses, usually these two try and make the spiciest thing possible and make the other eat it. It is truly idiotic and most unbecoming of a child from a most Ancient and Noble house but these two really enjoy it so I stopped getting involved. Word of warning Hermione never accept it when Arya asks you to try some of her "new recipes" you will only regret it" Hermione gulped at the thought and watched in fascination as these two clashed in magical prowess. On one side you have the publicly acknowledged Charms Commander himself Theodore Nott and on the other side the widely touted most gifted young witch in Britain, Arya Rosier truly a match every young witch and wizard would love to see. The excitement could be felt throughout the class at the clash of prodigies and Professor Flitwick could be scene excitedly twiddling with his long mustache.

The class collectively held their breath as the weight reached 100 kilograms but the two geniuses managed it with what seemed like ease as their competitive spirits rose. The weight incrementally rose 105, 110, 115, 120 kilograms at this point both competitors were heavily panting as they performed their figure eight in the air until finally Theo succumbed to magical exhaustion and his cube dropped heavily towards the desk before Professor Flitwick caught it effortlessly with a swish of his wand before lowering it to the desk. Arya grinned in victory as she completed her figure eight.

Professor Flitwick - "Spectacular work Mr Nott your talent is not to be underestimated, I am convinced if you had reached your second magical maturity already this would have continued. 50 points to Gryffindor for Mr Notts performance. Outstanding work Ms Rosier 60 points to Ravenclaw for unmatched prowess."

Arya let out a celebratory yell as she pumped her fist in the air "Take that Theo you may know more charm spells than me but my greatness is too much for a mere mortal such as yourself to match" Daphne swiftly chopped Arya on her head before saying "That behavior is most unbecoming little dove watch it". Tears formed in Aryas eyes as she grimaced in pain holding her head pouting at Daphne. Theo let out a disappointed sigh but knew he was at his end and that Arya could have kept going if she wanted to. He looked sullenly at Arya before saying "very well it is my loss this time Arya but it wont happen again."

The class bell rang and the students made their way out as talked amongst themselves at the undeniable prowess of the prodigies in their class. Professor Flitwick stopped Arya at the door and told her "We shall see the headmaster after dinner Ms Rosier, I look forward to our sessions" as he grinned sadistically at Arya. Arya paled knowing she was in for a lot of pain when the dueling maniac widely acknowledged as the "Doctor of Dueling" took his time to tutor her. She gave a polite nod and responded saying I look forward to it Professor before continuing on her way with her friends.

Yo. Part two of five chapters to come today. What do you guys think of the method to strengthen their magical core? I took the idea from the Arinthian Line series by Sever Bronny. Its free on Kindle unlimited and I highly recommend reading the books its one of my favorites. Next chapter we shall finally meet Dumbledore will he be the great savior he was in the books or the manipulative ass pseudo dark lord we all know him as from our personal opinions and multiple FF? We shall see. Let me know.

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