
The Threat

Girls' Wing, Durmstrang, March 1 st

The sharp knocking at her door caused Calypso to put aside her book and draw her wand. Had Potter figured it out already? If it had been anyone else, she would have said no, but Potter was clearly not your average Durmstrang student.

Making sure her wand was hidden yet accessible, Calypso opened her door. She narrowed her eyes at her surprise visitor.

"What do you want," she demanded.

"We need to talk. Now."

Calypso sneered and made to close the door. However, before the door was halfway shut, she was pushed backwards, and Viktor Krum angrily strode into her room. Calypso drew her wand, but Krum hadn't stopped moving once he had managed to get inside. Quickly crossing the distance between them, Viktor dodged Calypso's hex, and, using his superior strength, physically disarmed her of her wand.

"Get out of my room, Krum!" Calypso snarled as the large Bulgarian flicked her wand at the door, causing it to slam shut.

"No, I don't think I will." Placing Calypso's wand into his robes, Viktor stepped forward and roughly grabbed Calypso's arm, stopping her from retreating away from him. "Why are you showing an interest in Harry Potter?"

"Let go of me, Krum!" Calypso kicked out with her left leg, hitting the Bulgarian squarely between his legs. Krum grimaced at the sharp pain.

"What," he repeated angrily, "are you planning to do to Harry Potter?"

"Afraid I'm going to hurt your tutor, Krum?"

"I'm afraid," Viktor said as he applied pressure to Calypso's wrists, causing her to wince slightly, "that you will hurt my friend. Imagine my surprise this morning when Harry told me that the two of you had been practicing magic alone in Grausam's classroom last night." Raising his voice, Viktor continued, "As if that wasn't enough, imagine, if you can, my reaction to finding out that the two of you had a friendly duel."

"It's not like I used Dark Magic! I want his help, you ignoran–"

"Shut up! I do not care about what spells you used, and I do not give a hippogriff's shit what you claim your motivations are. You will never duel Harry Potter again unless I am there to watch and act as his second. You are very fortunate that Harry appears to be fine and actually enjoyed his time with you last night. I assume, of course, that he doesn't know who you are, does he?"

Calypso said nothing, but her silence was all the confirmation Viktor needed. "Very well. Since Harry seems...happy to have made an acquaintance his own age, I will not interfere with your little study group. That said, if you so much look like you're going to send a Jelly-Legs jinx at him, I will return the favor one hundredfold upon you. Is that understood?"

"If you try to do anything to me, Krum, my father–"

"Will do nothing," Viktor snapped. "My family is not without influence, and, unlike yours, we aren't tainted with the stain of being associated with dark lords."

"Like your parents would lift a finger to help you! Everyone knows you're a disgrace, always flying around on your broomstick, ignoring actual magic in favor of that stupid game."

Viktor's face contorted in rage. Withdrawing Calypso's wand from his robes, Viktor shoved it under her neck, the tip glowing a soft pink hue. "If you ever mention my family again, I will make you regret it."

After a moment of tense silence, Viktor threw Calypso's wand into the furthest corner of the room. "Remember my words. I do not know why you are interested in Harry, but if anything happens to him..." Without another word, he shoved Calypso onto a nearby couch, and, with a final look of disgust on his face, left her room.

Getting up from the couch, Calypso walked to the corner of the room and collected her wand. She gently rubbed her bruised wrist and hatefully glared at the spot where Victor Krum had just been standing.