
The Announcement

Main Hall, March 26th

"So that's it?" Harry asked. "You're done?"

"I wish I didn't have to stop, Harry, I really do. I just don't have the time," Viktor said in resignation. "I'm just too exhausted to spend time working on the transformation."

"I understand Viktor." Kira rubbed her boyfriend's hand softly. "You're way too busy right now. Besides, you know your form. There will be time for you to become an animagus when you're not dealing with Quidditch."

Silently, Harry admitted to himself that Kira had a point, and Viktor had been looking uncharacteristically exhausted of late. Ever since Bulgaria had defeated Australia in the quarterfinals of the Quidditch World Cup, Viktor had been getting more and more ragged every day. "I understand. I've noticed how tired you've looked lately, but you've never complained about your Quidditch schedule before."

"That's because it's not the practices and the international Portkeys that are so tiring. I've dealt with those for well over a year." Viktor seemed to grow more irritated as he spoke. "It's the media! They hound me now. There are journalists at every practice, and I'm obligated to speak to them. Half the time they don't even ask questions about Quidditch. One witch yesterday asked me if I was in favor of increasing the international restrictions on fire salamander eggs! I didn't even know fire salamanders laid eggs."

"So I guess we can expect you to fail Potions?" Calypso said sarcastically. "After all, you've only been using fire salamander eggs in that class for the last two years."

"Rosier," Kira said sweetly, "why don't you go do us all a favor and fucking die."

Viktor simply ignored Calypso's jab. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Since my next game is in June, I will be able to get all of you tickets if you want to come and watch me play."

Kira grinned broadly. "Really?"

"Yes, we'll play the winner of the Sweden/Japan match on the sixth in Paris."

"I appreciate it," Harry said. While he wasn't a huge Quidditch fan, Viktor was his friend and he'd show him his support.

"Well, you know I'll go Viktor." Kira kissed Viktor's cheek in appreciation.

Viktor smiled and then turned to look at Calypso, who was intently looking at her potatoes and ignoring the conversation. "I can get you a ticket as well if you would like to go," Viktor said, ignoring the incredulous look Kira was giving him.

Calypso appeared just as surprised as Kira at the offer.

Before Calypso could respond, everyone's attention shifted to the staff table where the Highmaster had stood up. Every professor had reminded their class that there was a mandatory dinner tonight, and that the Highmaster would be making an announcement of 'great importance.' Rumors from Karkaroff announcing his own retirement, to the banning of all half-bloods were circulating the school, and even Harry found himself incredibly curious about what was going to be discussed.

When the entire hall had grown silent in anticipation, Karkaroff looked over his students imperiously. "It gives me great pleasure to announce that the first Triwizard Tournament in almost three hundred years will take place next year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Immediately excited chatter began around the hall, however, it was quickly quelled by a cannon blast charm leaving Karkaroff's wand. "Silence," he commanded. "Now, as I was saying, after fifteen months of negotiations, the three great magical academies of Europe have provisionally decided to reintroduce the Triwizard Tournament. We are still negotiating several conditions, however, the preliminary rules have been agreed upon, and Durmstrang has pledged to compete next year."

"For those of you who are not aware. The Triwizard Tournament is a competition of great honor between Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, and Hogwarts, which are the other schools competing. A single student is chosen from each school, and the three compete in a challenging magical tournament. Durmstrang has always represented itself well in this tournament, and I expect our current class of students will hold up this tradition."

"Technically, anyone who considers themselves a current Durmstrang student can be chosen as our champion; however, I will only be taking forty students with me to Hogwarts. From those forty, our school's champion will be chosen. Know that the selection process is already ongoing, and only the best shall be given the opportunity to represent Durmstrang."

"Finally, before you fools start trying to badger or bribe your professors to improve your chances, know that fame, money, and connections will not sway the one who chooses our champion, and only those with exceptional talent shall be selected to represent Durmstrang at Hogwarts."

The moment Karkaroff sat down, conversations exploded around the Main Hall.

"I can't believe the Triwizard Tournament is back," Kira said excitedly. "Oh, I have to ask professor Cherny what I can do to get selected. I know I'd make a great champion."

Calypso snorted. "Do you really think that you will be chosen as Durmstrang's champion?"

"And I suppose you think a half-trained third year could compete!" Kira snapped.

While Viktor attempted to stop another argument between Calypso and Kira, Harry completely ignored the bickering. He knew next to nothing about this Triwizard Tournament, but the image of him, standing in front of his old peers in Ravenclaw as the Durmstrang champion was intoxicating. He could practically see their shocked faces as he was announced, the most talented student at Durmstrang – a school that far outclassed Hogwarts.

But was he good enough to be named the Durmstrang champion? He was, after all, only going to be a fourth year during the tournament, and there were some very talented upperclassmen. With his mind made up, Harry decided to ask Rosemburg and Kosarev about this tournament.