
Rising Action At Hogwarts

Main Hall, Durmstrang, March 10 th

Sitting at the breakfast table, Harry ate some porridge while Viktor and Kira discussed something from her Dark Arts class. Viktor had come to the conclusion that Kira and Harry needed to spend more time together in order to become friends. Personally, Harry thought that there was as much a chance of that happening as Wizards and Muggles reconciling their differences and dropping that Statue of Secrecy.

The fluttering of wings announced that the mail had arrived, and Harry saw a large, impressive-looking horned owl land in front of Viktor, who removed the scroll from the creature's leg. Harry was about to ask who the letter was from when an owl landed next to him.


Alright, this might sound a little crazy, but believe me, everything is completely true. Earlier this year, Hermione, Ron, and I were out of bounds after curfew when we ended up in the forbidden third floor Charms corridor. You know, the one that Professor Dumbledore warned us about at the welcoming feast.

Well, it turns out the corridor is forbidden because there is a gigantic three-headed dog in that room. Yeah, that's right. A massive, drooling, very mean, three-headed dog is just standing on a trap door in the room.

Harry had to put down the letter. His brother was without a doubt the dumbest person he had ever met. No, Harry corrected himself, that wasn't true. Nathan was never stupid like that before he started Hogwarts, and he knew Granger was not the type to break a serious rule. That left one person. Weasley. Harry made a mental note to curse the boy when he undoubtedly showed up at their house over the summer.

It turns out that the dog is Hagrid's, and he lent him to Professor Dumbledore to guard something. Hagrid wouldn't tell us what the dog was guarding, but he did say it was between the Headmaster and a person by the name of Nicholas Flamel. Ron, Hermione, and I couldn't figure out who Flamel was until your letter. Thanks, by the way.

Nicholas Flamel is not just Dumbledore's partner for the twelve uses of dragon's blood, but he's also the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, the elixir of life! That's what we think Fluffy (that's the three-headed dog's name) is guarding. Flamel's Philosopher's Stone is at Hogwarts, and I think Snape is trying to steal it!

Now before you tell me that I'm wrong, listen to what Ron, Hermione, and I found out. Do you remember my first Quidditch match when I lost control of my broom? Well, I didn't lose control, it was being jinxed by Snape! Hermione set him on fire with a blue ball flame she had brought with her to keep warm during the match, and once she had done that, I regained control of my broom. Also, around November, I went to the staff lounge to get a book back that Snape had confiscated from me, and I saw he had a bloody leg and was complaining about Fluffy attacking him. Hermione, Ron, and I think he might have let that troll into the school on Halloween as a diversion so he could get past Fluffy!

We need help to prove to the Headmaster or Professor McGonagall that Snape is trying to steal the stone. Can you think of anything that might help us?

Stay warm,


"Of all the stupid, ludicrous, idiotic things," Harry swore angrily, causing Krum and Kira to look up in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Viktor asked.

"My brother is a moron."

Viktor snorted in amusement while Kira did her best to seemingly ignore Harry's existence.

"I'll see you in Charms, Viktor." Harry grabbed his bag and stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"To send a letter to my brother before he does something completely mental."