

Durmstrang, Sept 22nd

The sound of owls entering the Main Hall was not a new one. A massive burst of fire directly above the high table, immediately followed by the beautiful and heart-lifting Phoenix song, was something unique.

The entire hall watched, completely captivated, as the phoenix appeared. The magnificent creature erupted out of a fireball and started to circle high in the rafters. After a solid minute, the fire bird seemed content that it had properly announced itself, and it glided down, coming to rest on Harry's shoulder.

"Hello, Fawkes." Harry beamed at his Grandfather's long time companion. Taking a piece of sausage from his plate, he offered it up to the bird. "Hungry?"

The Phoenix seemed to inspect the meat before opening his mouth and gobbling it down.

"Magnificent," Viktor said in awe, his eyes never leaving Fawkes. Hesitantly, he reached out to touch the legendary bird, who lowered his head, allowing the Seeker to pet him.

Smiling, Harry asked, "Do you have a letter for me?"

Opening one eye, Fawkes simply raised his left leg and released a letter that he had been clutching in his talons. However, rather than flying off, Fawkes remained perched on Harry's shoulder, seemingly content to let Viktor stroke his head.

Laughing to himself, Harry turned his attention to the letter.


That's great news! I'm so glad you're going to be coming to Hogwarts! When Dumbledore announced the age-line, Hermione was sure you wouldn't be able to come since you can't compete, but it's awesome that your Headmaster is letting you come anyway! I'm already writing to Mum and Dad, I'm sure they'll be happy that you're going to be back in England. Have you written them to let them know?

I still can't believe you didn't tell me about the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Hermione thinks it's unfair that Durmstrang students knew almost half a year ahead of time, and Ron's just happy he'll have the chance to meet Viktor Krum. I know you and Ron have never really gotten on Harry, but can you please get him an autograph? He really wants one.

Hermione wanted me to ask what classes you're going to be taking at Hogwarts. It would probably be silly for you to be in our fourth year classes, right? I mean, you probably learned this stuff ages ago. Do you know if you're going to be sorted, again? Or will Durmstrang just be independent?

Merlin, this is going to be so great, Harry. I know you didn't enjoy Hogwarts much, but this time it'll be different, I promise. It sucks that Quidditch is canceled, it would have been amazing to play against the Durmstrang teams – though I bet Krum would have crushed everyone playing on the Hogwarts school brooms.

Can't wait!


P.S. How cool is this? Fawkes just showed up when I was in the owlery trying to send the letter. See you on the 30th!

"Merlin, Nathan," Harry muttered, "mention Hermione much?"

Putting the letter down, Harry couldn't help but feel a myriad of emotions. While he was pleased that his brother wanted to see him, he didn't like that his brother just assumed he wouldn't be allowed to compete. He was going to Hogwarts for one reason – to win!

"Well, this is new." Calypso approached her boyfriend, eying the large Phoenix carefully. "Why is there an incredibly rare magical creature on your shoulder, Harry?"

Grinning, Harry said, "Calypso meet Fawkes – he's Professor Dumbledore's Phoenix. Fawkes, this is my girlfriend, Calypso."

Breaking contact with Viktor, Fawkes sharply turned his head and stared at Calypso. There was a very tense moment when Fawkes and Calypso seemingly locked eyes and neither refused to look away.

After what felt like ages, Fawkes began to softly sing before fluttering over and landing on her shoulder.

"See, he likes you!" Reaching into his bag, Harry withdrew a piece of parchment and began to compose a quick reply. He never noticed that Fawkes, who now loomed over Calypso, had returned to staring intently at the girl.

Unwilling to be intimidated by a bird, no matter how magical, Calypso, once again, met the Phoenix's gaze. She felt a slight lurching in the pit of her stomach, but she pushed the feeling aside, and refused to look away. "You're an interesting creature, aren't you?"

Extending her hand, she lightly brushed her hand across the bird's body, slightly put off by the way Fawkes was eying her fingers like they were snacks. The fact that the Phoenix's talons had tightened their grip on her shoulder was a very clear reminder to Calypso that the Phoenix was an incredibly dangerous magical creature, and it had long ago earned its XXXX rating from virtually every magical government.

Feeling bold, Calypso lifted her hand, and brushed the top of Fawkes' head. Eventually, Fawkes closed his eyes and his talons relaxed – a pleased thrill echoing throughout the Main Hall.

"All done!"

Quick as lightning, Fawkes' eyes snapped open and he flew from Calypso over to Harry.

"Do you mind bringing this back to Nathan, Fawkes?" Harry asked. "I can easily send it with a Durmstrang owl if you'd rather not."

Fawkes affectionately rubbed his head against Harry's neck before he snatched the letter in his talons and flashed away.

"That was nice of him," Harry said pleasantly.

Calypso simply nodded her head in agreement. As she listened to Viktor ask her boyfriend a series of questions about Fawkes, she couldn't help but feel that she had just been judged by the Phoenix, and she wasn't sure just where she stood with the creature.