Main Hall, Durmstrang, Sept. 3rd
Harry watched the other students intently, they were his competition. The very best Durmstrang had to offer.
He, like the thirty-nine others, had been asked to attend an information session about the Triwizard Tournament. Of all the students, only Harry and Calypso were fourth years. There was a pair of dark-skinned twins representing the fifth years, but everyone else was either a sixth or seventh year.
Glancing around the room, Harry could tell that he and Calypso were not particularly welcome, though no one seemed ready to actually object to their presence. Harry's academic achievements in several advanced classes more than earned him the grudging acceptance from the upper years while Calypso was a frighteningly proficient duelist and Professor Rosier's daughter.
For once, Harry found himself a little upset that he hadn't spent much time socializing outside of his personal clique. While he knew a few of the sixth years from class, the seventh years were almost a complete mystery to him. There were a few whom he recognized by appearance, but he hadn't the foggiest clue where their talents lay.
"So this is it, huh?" Calypso looked around at the various students and seemed to dismiss many of them with a glance.
"Not impressed?" Harry asked, hoping his girlfriend could provide some insight into the competition.
Calypso snorted. "Let's just say, the crop of students for the Tournament doesn't look very strong." Nodding her head at a surly looking seventh year girl, Calypso said, "Besides Krum, Deidre over there is probably the only seventh year worth mentioning. She's a talented enough duelist, and her Charms work is stupendous."
"Can't Transfigure anything to save her life though," Krum said, joining the two fourth years, Kira trailing behind him. "She failed the course for the second time in her fourth year and wasn't given the chance to continue it."
"She's in my Potions class," Harry said, recognizing the girl. "Professor Kral didn't seem to like her. I always thought she was a sixth year."
"Hardly." Kira scoffed. "She's dating that fool Poliakoff. I have no idea why he got an invitation."
"He finished Transfiguration and Potions last year," Viktor supplied. "Pretty much average in everything else, though I heard Deidre had to help him a lot to pass Charms last year."
Calypso laughed quietly. "He is a truly pathetic duelist. Father failed him last year and wouldn't let him continue. Said Poliakoff's final project was a joke, and that he couldn't cast a quarter of the spells on the fifth year's list."
Idly, Harry couldn't help but compare himself to each of the students. If what Viktor, Calypso, and Kira said was accurate, he might have a very real chance at getting the Durmstrang nomination. While a few students might be more advanced than him in some classes, overall, it sounded like he was the more competent wizard. In fact, Harry had to admit that Kira and Viktor might be some of his toughest competition.
Glancing over at Kira, he found the girl staring back at him. Harry was tempted to reach out with Legilimency to see just what she was thinking, but he wasn't sure how much Kira had advanced her mind magic.
Before Harry could decide if it was worth testing just how much he'd improved his Legilimency, the door behind the high table opened, revealing the Highmaster, Professor Rosemburg, Professor Kosarev, and Professor Rosier.
"Please, be seated," Karkaroff said, pausing as everyone sat at the various tables.
"Before we begin, I want to commend each and every one of you." Karkaroff seemed to appraise the students with a great deal of pride. "You are the very best of Durmstrang, and the work you have put into your studies is exemplary. I have no doubt that each one of you have worked with even greater enthusiasm this summer so that you might earn the honor of representing Durmstrang in the Triwizard Tournament."
Karkaroff's demeanor shifted slightly and his eyes found Harry. "Unfortunately, while you are all deserving, there has been an unforeseen complication. As you all know, the negotiations for the Tournament continued well into the summer, concluding only a week before the term began. It has since been decided that only those over the age of 17 will be eligible to compete."
"What!" Harry snapped out angrily before he could stop himself.
The entire room seemed to turn to stare at him, and Harry struggled to contain his raging emotions. With painstaking care, he pushed his anger aside. "I apologize for the interruption, Highmaster."
Karkaroff nodded, though he looked decidedly unhappy. "While your manners could use some work, Mr. Potter, I share your sentiment. Know that Durmstrang argued vehemently against the restriction; however, we were outvoted by both Hogwarts and Beauxbatons. As unfortunate as the situation is, I must ask that everyone who will be under the age of seventeen by October 31st to depart this meeting."
Harry was the first person to stand up, magic practically radiating off of him. He never noticed the weary looks some of the students were sending him as he started to storm out of the Main Hall, and even if he had, he wouldn't have cared.
"Mr. Krum!" Karkaroff called out, sharply. "Just where do you think you are going?"
Turning around, Harry was surprised to see that Viktor, along with Calypso and a dozen other students, had gotten up and begun following him out.
"I apologize, Highmaster," Viktor's voice was hard and determined, "but any tournament that will not admit my friend, a friend that is a far more skilled wizard than I, is not one I wish to participate in."
Harry couldn't help but stare at his first real friend with a profound sense of pride and gratefulness.
"Mr. Krum!"
Ignoring the Highmaster, Viktor strode over to Harry, who quickly turned on his heel and walked out of the Main Hall.
Once they had cleared the doors, Harry said, "Thank you, Viktor, it means a lot, regardless why."
Viktor looked torn before he said, "To be honest, I didn't really do it for you, Harry. You know I don't want to compete in this tournament. By denying you a spot in the delegation, they gave me an excuse to protest the tournament. When the press reports on my lack of appearance, I will not be painted as a coward, but rather as someone standing up for a friend. Though I am truly sorry, Harry. I know how much you wanted to compete."
Sensing nothing but truth from Viktor, Harry shook his head ruefully. "I worked every day, Viktor. I practiced every fucking day, even on my birthday. I feel cheated. Just because the younger students at Hogwarts and Beauxbatons are useless doesn't mean it's that way at Durmstrang."
"You should write to Dumbledore," Calypso said, catching up to Harry and Viktor. "Maybe you can convince him to grant an exception."
Harry shook his head as the three of them walked upstairs. "Dumbledore won't do that. Trust me, if he gave me an exception, then everyone would scream favoritism."
"It couldn't hurt to try, Harry," Viktor said, trying to be supportive.
"Mr. Potter!"
Turning around, Harry saw Professor Kosarev walking up the stairs.
"Yes, sir?"
"The Highmaster asks that you wait for him in his office." Kosarev looked slightly smug. "He will be with you as soon as the meeting in the Main Hall is over."
"We'll be in Grindelwald's room," Calypso said after sharing a look with Viktor. "Have a good meeting."
Harry nodded his head as Viktor and Calypso continued walking up the stairs to the fourth floor.
"Do you know why the Highmaster wants to speak with me, sir?" Harry asked as Professor Kosarev led him down the stairs and to the Highmaster's office.
Kosarev chuckled. "Surely it's obvious, Mr. Potter? The Highmaster wishes to speak to you about Mr. Krum's decision not to compete." Stopping outside two large double doors with the golden crest of Durmstrang above them, Kosarev paused and favored Harry with a slight grin. "Three dragons fly west."
"Why am I here if the Highmaster wants to talk with Viktor?" Harry asked.
"Mr. Krum has been looking for an excuse to get out of attending this tournament for some time," Kosarev said. "The Highmaster obviously thinks he has a much better chance of convincing you than he does Mr. Krum."
Harry scowled as he took a seat in front of the Highmaster's desk. "Why should I do that? Viktor doesn't want to compete, and I'd rather have my friend around at Durmstrang than away at Hogwarts without me."
"The Highmaster is a powerful man, Mr. Potter," Kosarev warned. "It would be wise of you not to dismiss him so casually when he arrives here."
"I'll listen to what he says, sir, but there's only one thing I want." Doing his best to remain calm, Harry said, "I worked too hard not to go to Hogwarts, sir."
"So have many, Mr. Potter," The Highmaster snapped, entering his office and closing the door sharply behind him. Dismissing Professor Kosarev with a look, Karkaroff sat behind his desk imperiously. "Have you enjoyed your time at Durmstrang, Mr. Potter?"
Harry did his best to remain calm. He knew the Highmaster could make his remaining time at Durmstrang difficult, but he was determined to get what he wanted. "I have, sir."
"And you wouldn't wish to do anything to hurt Durmstrang's reputation, would you?"
"I would always try to act in Durmstrang's best interest, sir," Harry said honestly.
Karkaroff beamed. "Excellent. Then you will convince Mr. Krum to stop this silly protest and take his rightful spot amongst the delegation."
"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not sure I can do that," Harry said tensely. "Viktor has no interest in going to Hogwarts."
"As I am well aware," Karkaroff spat, dropping all false pleasantries. "However, it is best for Durmstrang that Mr. Krum go to Hogwarts for the tournament."
"With all due respect, sir," Harry countered, "I believe having me go to Hogwarts for the tournament is what's best for Durmstrang."
Karkaroff narrowed his eyes. "That is exceptionally arrogant of you, Mr. Potter."
"Yes, sir, it is." Harry admitted. "It doesn't change the fact that I believe it to be true."
Karkaroff leaned back into his seat. Much to Harry's surprise, the man did not grow angry. Instead he seemed to think very hard about something. Eventually, he said, "I am magically bound not to aid any student under the age of seventeen enter the tournament. Dumbledore was insistent about this point."
"Sir, maybe you could just let me accompany the delegation to Hogwarts?" Harry asked slowly. "Officially, you wouldn't be helping me enter the tournament, just allowing me to spend the year with my brother. Would it be possible to convince the judge on my own that I should represent Durmstrang? Would they listen to me if I spoke to them privately?"
"Dumbledore is like a grandfather to me, sir." Sitting up in his seat, Harry tried to sound convincing. "Put me in the Durmstrang delegation, and give me a chance to talk with him."
For the first time, Karkaroff seemed to consider what Harry said, a slow smile creeping across his face. "The judge would be very amicable if you were able to reach it."
"It?" Harry asked, confused.
"I cannot say more." Karkaroff's tone broke no arguments. "I am unable to reveal certain secrets about the tournament; however... This oath allows for certain slips of the tongue. Still, Dumbledore will not make it easy for you. The man was emphatic about establishing an age limit. And while I have little love for Albus Dumbledore, you would have to be a fool to take him lightly."
"Sir, if you want Viktor in the Durmstrang delegation, I need to be also. Even now, Viktor is probably writing a press release or owling his publicists to explain why he won't attend the Triwizard Tournament."
Thinking hard, Karkaroff finally said, "You can have a spot in the delegation, but, officially, you are not there to enter the tournament, agreed?"
Not entirely happy, but glad that he still had a chance to enter, Harry said, "Yes, sir."
"This is all contingent on Viktor attending." Karkaroff said. "If Krum doesn't go to Hogwarts, neither do you."
"I understand, sir."
"Then go," Karkaroff said dismissively.
Standing up, Harry was about to walk out of the room when he felt a foreign flash of amusement in his mind. Turning his head sharply to the left, he found himself staring at a large bookcase. Extending his hand, Harry took a tentative half-step towards the bookcase.
"Potter!" Karkaroff snapped. "Go! I won't have Krum announcing he's not participating in the tournament. Get out!"
"Sorry, sir." Turning away from the bookshelf, Harry quickly left the office.
Removing his invisibility cloak, Romulus Rosier's eyes lingered on the Highmaster's door. "The boy is quite talented."
"Now you think he's talented!" Karkaroff tossed his hands up incredulously. "You were the one who convinced me to agree to Dumbledore's stupid age limit. What do you want, Romulus? Don't think I didn't know you followed me from the Main Hall!"
"Calypso will be a part of the Durmstrang delegation."
"And why should I do that?" Karkaroff asked, angrily. "Potter coming ensures Krum will be there. Why should I risk damage to my magic just so your daughter can tag along with Potter?"
Romulus' eyes hardened. "Because if Calypso does not go to Hogwarts, you might find some of our compatriots in England awfully interested in knowing how to bypass the Durmstrang ship's wards, specifically those on your personal quarters. How many attempts have been made on your life over the years, Igor? How many times have I warned you about Lucius' plots or Thorfinn's assassins?"
"Get out." Karkaroff whispered, his face growing pale.
"Do not cross me, traitor." Romulus slammed his fists on Karkaroff's desk, causing the man to instinctively step back. "If you do not admit Calypso to the delegation, you will find that not even the fabled wards of Durmstrang will protect you."
Knowing that his point had been made, Romulus threw some powder into a nearby fireplace. "My office!"