
Here And There

Hogwarts, Room of Requirement, Mar. 11

"Aqua Eructo"

Immediately the water rose out of the pool and was directed into a nearby barrel.

"You're getting better, have you tried other water, or even just elemental spells to see if your control has grown for them as well?" Calypso asked while reading a book, breaking Harry's concentration which caused the water that was still in the air to drop to the ground splashing its surroundings.

Vanishing the water which splashed on him Harry replied "I have but it's been mixed results so far. Water and to a lesser extent ice are a lot easier now and interestingly enough so is fire but nothing else except that most elemental spells have become easier to start and stop."

Thinking for a moment a table appeared in front of Calypso and she put her book down.

"Well that is at least something right? Are you planning on learning Fiendfyre now?"

"Not yet. I still haven't fully mastered Aqua Eructo. I at least want to be able to consistently control the water while generating it and I'm still only barely able to control water as of now." Harry said, preparing to try again.

"You know since next year will be your seventh in charms are you planning on learning to Apparate soon?"

"I would like to but I doubt the ministry will let me have a licence when I'm only 15" Harry said with a laugh.

"Then go to another country to get it. I was going to get one next year from Egypt as they have laxer laws there about Apparate" Calypso said

"Really? So then you can Apparate anyway?" Harry asked, thinking about the usefulness for him.

"Well not exactly. Most of Europe have similar Apparition laws so after you get the licence in Egypt you than have to go to Greece or Italy to update your licence which means at least in the eyes of the French ministry you are eligible for their licence and than once you get the France Apparition licence and final you can apply for the European licence. It isn't as long of a process as you would think though, if you don't apply for the European licence it only takes around a month or so."

"So a month long trip to Egypt, Greece and France over the summer holiday" Harry muttered to himself before asking "Is that only if you can get to the next country fast enough?" Harry asked

"No, as they send an owl with your certification so you can just leave after you finish the test."

Thinking about it for a moment Harry then willed the Room to get rid of the pool and barrel and focus on magical transport. As the Room shifted Harry said "The Room will probably have something on Apparition".

Once the Room finished moving around Calypso looked around at the piles of brooms, floo powder, what she could only assume to be old portkeys and other miscellaneous vehicles from rugs to even muggle cars caused her to laughed and said "We only wanted books on Apparition"

Once again the Room shifted, this time only a bookshelf and a tall black cabinet remained.

"Why did you want that?" Calypso asked Harry who for some reason wanted it to stay.

"I'm pretty sure that that is a Vanishing Cabinet" Harry said, amazed at the find.

So this chapter introduces the vanishing cabnet. The mcguffin that is going to keep Harry at the heart of things in the fifth year, that and Apparition of course.

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