
Dementors, Patroni, and Harry's Awkward Moment

Main Hall Nov, 22nd


I really wish I was writing with some good news but, unfortunately, I can't

Your mother and I were at Nathan's first quidditch match of the year when a horde or Dementors flew over the pitch. The Dementors attacked your brother while he was several hundred feet in the air searching for the snitch. With that many Dementors around him, Nathan was rendered unconscious and fell from his broom. Fortunately, Albus was able to slow Nathan's fall before he hit the ground while the professors, your mother, and I were able to drive off the Dementors around the stadium.

Nathan is going to be alright. He suffered a few bruised ribs from the fall, but it wasn't anything that Madam Pomphrey couldn't quickly heal.

After the attack, Albus and I spoke to the Minister about removing the Dementors; however, Fudge is being remarkably stubborn and is refusing to send them back to Azkaban.

The one piece of good news that has come from this ordeal is that your brother has begun to realize the danger he is in this year. Nathan has asked Remus to give him some special lessons to practice the Patronus charm, as well as several of the spells on the list you gave him earlier this year. While I hope Nathan never has to use those spells to defend himself, I find it reassuring that he is going to be learning them.

Please write back soon Harry, your mother and I could use some good news.

All my love,


With an angry scowl on his face, Viktor gave Harry back his letter. "What is wrong with you Englishmen? Putting Dementors anywhere near a quidditch match is madness!"

Unable to hide his anger, Harry spat, "Our minister is clearly an idiot. If Nathan had been kissed..."

"Do you think your brother can manage to learn the Patronus Charm?" Calypso asked in the ensuing silence. "That's some pretty advanced magic."

"Yeah, because that's what's important about the letter, Calypso," Harry said peevishly. "My brother could have died!"

"But he didn't." Reaching out, Calypso took one of Harry's hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "He's okay."

Relaxing somewhat, Harry said, "Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm just worried about him."

"At least your father thinks that your brother will start preparing to defend himself now." Viktor couldn't help but notice the way Harry and Calypso seemed to have grown even closer as of late, and he wasn't sure it was a good thing. "So maybe some good has come of this."

A dark look crossed Harry's face. "It shouldn't have taken a bunch of Dementors to get my brother to practice some advanced magic."

"But at least he's started," Viktor said reassuringly. "What do you know about the Patronus Charm? You should try to learn the spell and help him over the break."

"Honestly? Nothing. I've never even heard of it," Harry admitted. "Obviously it defends against Dementors somehow, but I don't know in what way. Can you even kill Dementors?"

"I seriously doubt it, Harry. If you could, I imagine they would have been exterminated a long time ago. It's not like they actually serve a useful purpose. Father knows a bit about Dementors, and a book I read over the summer mentioned the Patronus charm," Calypso said.

"And," prompted Harry.

"It didn't say much, just that the Patronus was a spell that required a high level of emotional intent. The book just used it as an example, and didn't explain the spell itself. If you want to know more about it, go ask my father or, better yet, professor Kosarev."

"Kosarev has come down with a mild case of Dragon Pox," Viktor interjected. "The Highmaster has sent him home till he recovers."

"When did this happen?" Harry asked. "We had class with Kosarev a few days ago, and he looked fine."

"The symptoms apparently began showing during one of his first year classes yesterday," Viktor said. "One of my old teammates was in the hospital wing, and he overheard the Highmaster and Lady Shluga talking about it."

"Alright, I guess that means I get to go ask your father," Harry said, standing up. "Do you know if he's in a good mood?"

"Last I checked, he was planning on spending the entire morning grading some papers." Calypso said.

"Papers?" Viktor asked. "I don't think I've ever been assigned an essay from your father."

"That's because father feels that if you can't cast the spell, writing several feet about the magic is a waste of time," Calypso explained.

"So why is he grading papers now?"

"Because he lost his temper when none of his second years could successfully banish a Boggart. He told them all to write five feet of parchment on combating Boggarts or he would lock them in a closet with one till they figured it out."

"Five feet on Boggarts!" Viktor said incredulously. "Is there even that much information on Boggarts in the entire library?"


"So you want me to interrupt your father while he's grading papers and is already in a bad mood," Harry clarified. "Maybe I'll just wait till tomorrow."

"No, no, no. By now he will have read a dozen essays that make the same point, so he's probably looking for anything to distract him."

"Alright, I'll ask him," Harry said, "but if I get hexed, I'm going to be taking it out on you, Calypso."

Calypso laughed. "I'm sure you'll be fine Harry."