
An Ominous Meeting

Durmstrang Library, Nov. 1 st

"Well, I think you've got it, Viktor. We can work on it a little bit later if you want, but I don't think we should push our luck casting spells in the library. Just remember that intent is all that really matters. Don't get caught up so much in the wand movements," Harry instructed.

Viktor nodded his head before successfully summoning his bag from beside their table. "Thank you again, Harry. Do you think Kosarev will really give us a quiz tomorrow?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders in an unconcerned manner. "I don't know. Considering that most of the class wasn't able to do the Summoning charm, and this is the second week he's had to spend time answering questions about it, I wouldn't be surprised."

"What are you doing later tonight?" Viktor asked. "Want to work on that essay from Rosemburg on switching spells?"

"Sorry Viktor, I've already promised Calypso that we'd work on our project tonight," Harry replied. "Are you having problems with the essay or something? I thought it was pretty straight forward."

"No, not particularly. I just wasn't sure if you had done it yet..." Viktor trailed off as his face darkened and he sent a glare at someone over Harry's shoulder.

Turning around, Harry saw two older students had just entered the library. From the way Viktor was staring at one of them, Harry removed his wand and hoped that he wouldn't have to stop his friend from sending curses across the library.

"Who's that?" Harry asked.


"Err, okay," Harry said, uncertainty looking between the two students, "umm, who is that?"

"Deddrick," Viktor spat, "is the short blonde one. I despise him."

"Obvious," Harry joked. "You look like you're about to start firing curses. Why don't you like him?"

"Deddrick is a good student," Krum said begrudgingly before a slight smirk crossed his face, "but a poor Quidditch player. I beat him badly in a match during my first year, and he took exception to losing. After I caught the Snitch, he asked me to show him how I did the maneuver I used to beat him. When I went to help him after the match, he and his friends ambushed me while I was in the air. They cursed me and after I hit the ground, they left me lying unconscious on the Quidditch pitch. I was found a few hours later and had to spend a few days in the hospital wing."

Harry couldn't help but let his concern show. It had taken him a day to have his entire scapula replaced. Whatever happened to Viktor must have been pretty horrible to warrant an extended stay in the hospital wing.

"Since Deddrick is a year older than me, he and his friends took to randomly cursing me throughout my first year. They tried to keep at it during my second year, but I practiced dueling with my father over the summer to help in my Quidditch conditioning. When it became clear that I could fight back, he and his friends decided to take a different approach. One night I came back from a late practice to find my room completely trashed, and the next day Deddrick started the rumors that I was going to fail out of Durmstrang. I can't prove it, but I know Deddrick broke into my room and saw my first year grade report. I truly hate him."

"Is that one of his friends?" Harry gestured at the tall brown haired boy standing next to Deddrick.

For the first time, Viktor glanced away from Deddrick and turned his attention to the student standing next to him. "No, that's his older brother Havard. He's a seventh year, and a very good duelist."

The older boy looked over, and Harry met his eyes for a moment. Havard then turned to his brother and whispered something to him. Deddrick quickly turned his head and a large grin appeared on his face as he started to walk over to their table.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," Deddrick said, drawing the attention of several nearby students. "What are you doing in the library Krum? Surely you haven't passed enough classes to be allowed in here?"

Before Harry could so much as warn his friend, Viktor had stood up and had his wand pointed a few inches away from Deddrick's face. Harry sent a nervous glance at Havard, who had followed slightly behind his brother. Gripping his wand in his hand, Harry hoped that Viktor wouldn't cast a spell. Havard would no doubt defend his brother, and Harry did not want to get involved in a fight between upperclassmen, especially against a student who was known to be a good duelist.

"Mr. Krum, put your wand away at once!" Lady Doktor snapped, quickly making her way over to their table. Her wand was out, and she looked incensed that anyone would dare start a fight in the middle of her library.

When Viktor lowered his wand, Deddrick sent him a superior smirk. "Detention for you Krum," he whispered.

"Mr. Rowle, Mr. Krum, my office, now." Seeing the shocked look on Deddrick's face, Lady Doktor said, "Yes, the both of you. Right now."

Harry could only watch as Viktor and Deddrick followed the angry librarian towards her office. Sitting back down at the table, Harry took out a transfiguration book and waited for Viktor to come back. While he hoped Viktor wouldn't get in much trouble, Harry couldn't help but be slightly relieved at the librarian's timely intervention.

"Do you mind if I sit down Potter?"

Looking up from his book, Harry saw that Havard had not followed his brother and was standing on the other side of his table. Hoping that the older boy wasn't looking for a fight, Harry nodded his head.

Havard smiled and sat down in the chair directly across from Harry.

"I do hope your friend doesn't get detention for more than a day or two," Havard said, his German carrying a slight Scandinavian accent.

"Um, yeah, me too," Harry said uncomfortably. "Can I help you with something?"

Havard took out his wand and lazily cast a spell. "There, now we won't be overheard."

Despite his nerves, Harry asked, "What spell did you use? I've never heard of an area effect silencing charm."

"It's not," Havard replied. "The spell just causes anyone around us to hear a soft buzzing sound."

"Can you show me the wand movements?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"The incantation is Muffliato," Havard said before casually demonstrating the spell. "It's quite useful for keeping conversations private."

Harry made a note of the spell and the wand movement in a notebook before nervously saying, "So, um, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Havard's face darkened somewhat. "I'm here to warn you about Rosier. You should stay away from her Potter."

"What?" Harry asked. "Why?"

"Why else," the older boy said sarcastically. "She's giving her father information on your brother."

Harry shook his head in denial. "No, she wouldn't do that. Calypso never asks me anything about my brother."

"Well then she's trying to get information on your parents or you." Havard warned. "Listen to me Potter. I've seen her give reports about you and your family to her father, and I know she's researching your family. Everyone knows Mr. Rosier was a Death Eater, so I'm warning you, be careful."

"Calypso wouldn't do that," Harry hissed. "She's my friend!"

Havard simply snorted. "You know, for a supposedly smart kid, you're really fucking stupid."

Before Havard could say anything else, he turned his neck around and quickly canceled the spell he'd placed around them. A moment later, Viktor arrived with an angry looking Deddrick trailing a few feet behind him.

"Alright there, Harry?" Viktor said, looking at Havard with distrust.

"Don't worry so much, Krum," Havard said dismissively as he stood up from his seat.

Viktor slowly walked around Havard and sat back down next to Harry.

"Potter," Havard said in farewell before walking out of the library with his brother.

"Why was Havard talking to you?" Viktor asked darkly.

"It was nothing," Harry lied tensely. "He showed me a spell and just waited for his brother to get back. What do you know about him?"

"A little, but not a whole lot. Most of what I know about him is rumor," Viktor admitted. "He is supposedly very good at Potions and the Dark Arts. He didn't threaten you did he? You could probably stop him from doing so pretty quickly if he did.

"Oh?" Harry asked. "How's that?"

"The Rowle family has always been close to the Rosiers. If you said something to Calypso, or maybe even Mr. Rosier, Havard and Deddrick would leave you alone."

"H-how close are his family to the Rosiers?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"Very," Viktor said seriously. "Thorfinn Rowle was believed to be involved with the Dark Lord in Britain, just like Calypso's father. I believe your ministry even has a standing arrest order for Thorfinn, which is why his family moved away from Britain. What exactly did Havard say to you, Harry?"

"It was nothing, Viktor. Don't worry about it." Harry said, a bit of doubt creeping into the back of his mind.

"If you say so, Harry."