Romulus Rosier's Office...
Harry opened the door to his professor's office and nervously looked at the scowling figure of Professor Rosier sitting behind his desk with an inordinate amount of parchment stacked next to him.
"Mr. Potter, what can I do for you?"
Perhaps it was Harry's imagination, but he thought Professor Rosier seemed uncharacteristically inviting. Hoping that Calypso was right, and her father was seeking a distraction, Harry said, "I was hoping to ask you a question about a spell, sir."
Professor Rosier eyed Harry curiously for a moment before looking distastefully at the pile of essays he had yet to grade. "Why don't you take a seat, Mr. Potter. Does this have to do with your final project? My daughter tells me you're already starting to develop ideas for both your Transfiguration and Charms projects."
Feeling slightly unnerved that Calypso was apparently still providing her father updates about him, Harry took a seat across from his professor. "Um, honestly, I don't know, sir. It might."
"I see. What is the spell you wish to discuss?" Professor Rosier asked.
"The Patronus charm."
"Ah, the Patronus charm," Professor Rosier muttered. "You certainly have an eye for interesting, if obscure, magic, Mr. Potter."
"I suppose, sir."
"What do you know of this spell?"
"Very little," admitted Harry.
"How did you come to learn of it then?"
"Dementors are placed around the Hogwarts grounds. I heard that the Patronus charm can stop them, is that true?"
Professor Rosier nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, the Patronus charm certainly does that, though it is very advanced magic. When successfully cast, a corporeal Patronus will act as a shield for the wizard against a Dementor or Lethifold. Like most powerful magic, the spell requires not only an incantation and wand movement, but also a great deal of intent on the part of the caster in order for it to work properly. The emotion that fuels a Patronus is happiness. Without a suitably happy or joyous memory, the spell will not function to its full effect."
"Happiness? I don't think I've ever heard of a spell that required that emotion before."
"Happiness, joy, love. Those are all powerful emotions, Mr. Potter, although we do not focus on them much in this class. After all, the spells that require such emotions rarely fall under the category of 'Dark Arts.' Now, is there anything else you wish to know about the spell?"
"Would that make a good final project?" Harry asked curiously.
Professor Rosier 'tutted' in a disapproving manner. "I teach the Dark Arts, Mr. Potter, and, as I said, the Patronus, while impressive, would fall more under the category of Charms. However, I'm sure Professor Kosarev would be impressed if you managed it. "
"But Dementors are dark creatures," Harry commented. "Dark creatures are a part of the Dark Arts curriculum."
"I am aware of what is covered in my class, Mr. Potter." Professor Rosier said sarcastically.
"So you wouldn't pass me for casting the Patronus Charm, even though you just said it was powerful magic?"
"I did not say I wouldn't pass you," Professor Rosier said irritably. "If you were able to successfully cast the Patronus for your final project, I would be disappointed in your project, but I would still pass you."
"Why would you be disappointed, sir?"
"If you cannot understand why, clearly I have reason to be." Professor Rosier casually summoned a book from behind him and handed it to Harry. "Chapter seven describes how to properly go about casting the Patronus Charm."
Harry quickly accepted the book. "Thank you, sir. I promise I'll take good care of it."
"I'm sure that you will."
Standing up to leave, Harry was surprised when Professor Rosier quickly said, "Sit back down, Mr. Potter, there is another matter we need to speak about. Wouldn't you agree?"
"I've noticed that you and Calypso seem to be growing closer." Professor Rosier's voice didn't reveal anything, but Harry had a feeling that his professor wasn't pleased. "You are aware that Calypso will have a marriage contract made for her at some point, correct?
Sitting across from Professor Rosier, Harry felt trapped in his chair by his professor's powerful gaze. Instinctively, Harry thought back to all the times he'd seen Calypso laugh or smile, the way his heart sped up when she held his hand, the kiss they shared. As those thoughts seemed to cross his mind, a horrible sense of realization caused Harry to immediately clear his mind, stopping the sudden onslaught of emotions he was feeling.
Immediately, his thoughts of Calypso ceased, and he looked at his professor with a neutral expression. "I am aware of that, sir. She mentioned it to me at the start of this year. However, Calypso and I are not dating."
Harry felt his professor's Legilimency again reach out and touch his mind, trying to coerce a thought or emotion from him. After a few seconds, the uneasy feeling of Legilimency began to diminish, but not completely disappear.
"I see," Professor Rosier eventually said.
Wanting to escape his professor's presence, Harry did his best to continuously mask his emotions. "If you'll excuse me, sir. I have to meet Viktor in the library." Still feeling the sense of Legilimency from Professor Rosier, Harry couldn't help but add, "Besides, I'd hate to keep you from your grading, sir."
Inside the office, Romulus Rosier waited until Harry Potter had left his office before he allowed a smile to slowly make its way across his face. "Such an interesting young man."