
A Growing Chasm

Hogwarts Library, Dec 17th

It was a particularly bored Harry Potter that walked into the Hogwarts library. He'd just spent the better part of an hour working with Calypso on the Aqua Eructo charm, and they were still both struggling to command the spell. After nearly an hour, Calypso had called an end to their practice session, saying she wanted to take a nap before dinner.

So, with a few hours to kill and his brother stuck in Divination, Harry found himself browsing the Hogwarts Restricted Section. While he thought Dumbledore was being a little extreme not allowing any Dark Arts practice off the Durmstrang ship, Harry was glad that the Highmaster had negotiated unlimited access to the library.

Finding the book he was looking for, Harry pulled the small tome from the shelf, and went to check it out with Madam Pince.

"Find everything alright, Mr. Potter?" she asked, eyeing both Harry and the book he had chosen with displeasure.

Harry ignored the woman's slightly reproachful look. Apparently giving an entire group of students access to the Restricted Section greatly offended the old librarian. "Fine, ma'am."

"I suppose you're off to study with Mr. Krum?" Madam Pince said, sounding disapproving. "When you go over to his table, you tell him that if I have to throw out one more gibbering Quidditch fan, it's him that will be getting tossed out of here."

"Viktor's here?" Harry asked, surprised. "Where?"

"He and Ms. Granger typically sit at the last table on the left in the Ancient Runes section." The Matron tutted.

Leaving the old woman to her musings, Harry grabbed his book and set out looking for Viktor. Sure enough, his friend was sitting eerily close to Hermione at an old table in the Ancient Runes section. Seeing their lips moving, but unable to make out what was being said, Harry walked over to their table and sat down.

"Harry?" Viktor asked, looking surprised. "I thought you and Calypso were practicing?"

"Finished early, she went to take a nap before dinner." Glancing at his brother's friend, Harry asked, "How are you Hermione? What are you studying?"

"Oh, just some extra credit work for Ancient Runes," Hermione explained. "Viktor has been helping me with a translation. Anyway, I think Ron and Nathan should almost be done with Divination, thanks again for your help, Viktor."

"It was no problem, Hermione," Viktor said happily.

As Hermione packed up her things and left, Harry eyed his friend curiously. "You never took Ancient Runes."

Viktor scowled. "That does not mean I can not look things up, Harry. I don't understand half the concepts you rattle on about for Charms, but I still help you."

"Cut the crap, Viktor," Harry said, his face splitting into a grin. "You like Hermione."

His wand work was crisper than Harry had ever seen from his friend, Viktor cast Muffliato. "Watch what you say, Harry. I do not want someone to overhear you. The last thing I want is for Rita Skeeter," Viktor spat the woman's name, "to create some ridiculous story about us."

"You really like Hermione," Harry said, his eyes widening. "What about Kira?"

With a sigh, Viktor's shoulders slumped. "I still care for her, Harry. She has been my friend for years..."


"We have... grown apart," Viktor admitted. "I have asked her to the Yule Ball, but I don't feel the same way about her that I once did."

"And Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Is different," Viktor said, a smile crossing his face. "She does not see me as a Quidditch player or Durmstrang champion. When I first saw her working alone in the library, I thought she looked lonely. Apparently, she has few friends in her Ancient Runes class, and I offered to help her."

"Ever the White Knight, Viktor," Harry joked before becoming a little serious. "You're okay with her age? She's only a fourth year."

Viktor waved Harry's concern off. "She's fifteen. The things Kira and I did at fifteen."

"Right, well, if you're going to ask out Hermione, you should probably break up with Kira first. I don't have a lot of experience with women, but I think that is fairly obvious."

"I don't know what I am going to do yet, Harry," Viktor said quietly. "What does your brother think about Hermione?"

Harry blinked. "Nathan? Honestly, I don't know. I always kind of figured he'd get together with Hermione, but he hasn't asked her to the Yule Ball yet, so I don't know what's going through his head."

"When I inquired about her plans, she said she will be attending with a Longbottom, but that they are only going as friends."

"I don't know what to tell you, Viktor," Harry said. "If you like Hermione, ask her out. Just be careful. I don't think Kira is the type that gets broken up with easily."

Viktor nodded. "I agree. I must handle the situation with great tact."