Outside in the hallway...
Sirius canceled the eavesdropping charm. "Not a word," he said to Nathan and Remus. "Harry can never know we heard."
"But I should say something," Nathan protested. "I need to apologize."
"How do you think that would make him feel?" Remus asked, shaking his head sadly. "He clearly didn't want us to know, Nathan. You would just make him feel bad. It wouldn't make him change his mind."
"But he's leaving and it's my fault! I should have spent more time with him."
"Nathan, this isn't your fault. You didn't make the other Ravenclaws dislike Harry."
"But it is," Nathan argued. "If I wasn't the Boy Who Lived, Harry wouldn't have had those problems."
"Nathan we can't change who we are," Sirius said, trying to calm down his nephew.
"I should have done something, though," Nathan said, tearing away from his uncles and running up the stairs to his room. He didn't notice the concerned looks that the Grangers and Weasleys sent him as he passed the dining room.