
Harry Potter and the Bloodline Madness

Charles, an orphan with only a first name, has his life plans flipped upside down when he receives a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, proclaiming him a wizard and inviting him there to learn. Unable to resist the allure of a magical school, he accepts the invitation. Charles is looking forward to making friends at Hogwarts, but what will happen when he realises that hidden inside the castle walls, are many dangerous secrets and it's already hard enough just looking out for himself? Can a boy with no knowledge of his heritage escape it, or is he destined to repeat his family's mistakes. Either way Charles needs some sleep. He's been getting more and more Gaunt as the days go by. I do not own Harry Potter. Not my art work. Will change it if requested

LordDamnSteel · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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24 Chs

The Common Room

Charles Gaunt POV

After taking one last mouthful, Charles dropped his spoon into the cleaned-out bowl and let out a content sigh. He had eaten far too much chocolate ice cream for his own good and was now having to fight the urge to lay back and slouch in his seat.

It was something Daphne had said before the deserts were served, 'In Slytherin it's important to act with dignity and grace. One should always do their best to uphold the correct manners and etiquette. My father made sure to remind me of that before I left and more than once too.' She had spoken to all of them, but Charles wasn't stupid. He knew it was directed mainly at him, it had to be as they were all sitting perfectly, with their backs straight and eating slowly with their mouths closed. Charles on the other hand hadn't been so perfect and was leaning on the table with his elbows when she had spoken.

Albeit indirectly, she was clearly hinting for him to behave more mannerly. Charles knew she had no ill will, and was simply trying to help him out, had spent the rest of the banquet doing his best to behave as they were. It felt a bit awkward, but he assumed it was important to do since Daphne had gone out of her way to emphasise it.

"You enjoy that ice-cream, Charles," Tracey laughed, "Its as though you've never had any before."

"Well I've had vanilla before, but this chocolate flavour is much better, I think." Charles said plainly, a small smile on his face as he recalled the taste.

"Wait, are you saying you had never eaten chocolate ice cream before today?" Theo asked, surprised by his words.

Charles shrugged. "Actually, it's my first time eating most of what's on this table today. Honestly, it's definitely a good thing I came to Hogwarts." Theo and everyone else looked shocked and Charles understood why, knowing he didn't have much knowledge about the magical world, he had been probing around, prying at whatever information he could. In doing so one thing had become clear. His new friends all came from rich families.

He didn't know how well off they all were but the images of the houses their words painted all pointed towards them being extremely wealthy, Daphne's house supposedly even had a massive maze in its flower garden. Charles wondered what it looked like.

"Well, Hogwarts is a good place to try new food. The food here is better than a lot of what I eat at home," said Blaise. Charles was grateful to hear the boy's voice as he had spoken even less than himself.

Tracey agreed quickly, "That's true, especially these treacle tarts. They're way better than the ones my mum makes!" She immediately regretted her words, she knew her friends well and was worried they would use what she said against her. She looked around the table, hoping her comment had gone over their heads.

It hadn't and Theo seized this opportunity. "Your mother would be in tears if she heard you," he said, faking disappointment.

"Luckily for me, no one will ever tell her, right Theo?" Tracey said and was quick to put on the waterworks. She knew her plea was hopeless but still hoped her well trained and now teary eyes would halt whatever devious plot Theo had thought up.

Charles saw through her fake tears, and clearly, he wasn't the only one. Theo smirked at her, "Well I suppose, being the kind-hearted soul that I am, I might be willing to keep my mouth shut. For a price, of course."

Tracey looked away, annoyed her act hadn't worked before turning back and speaking sourly, "Well, go on, what do you want then?"

Theo grinned and Charles watched on intently, curious to find out the boy's goal. "You do whatever homework I get this week." Tracey visibly grimaced, she hated writing. Charles didn't understand what was so bad about it, not to mention, they didn't know how much homework the would get this week, if any at all. However, it was only Charles who didn't know that it was a well-known tradition at Hogwarts for teachers to give out homework in the first lesson of each subject; it was to get the students to start with the right attitude.

Still, even if Charles had known, he would have made her do something else. He was a firm believer in doing things yourself when you can, though that only really applied to things like homework. He would happily outsource help for cleaning a toilet, or perhaps collecting rubbish. In fact, most tasks could be delegated to someone else.

"Fine!" Tracey moaned, unhappy with the arrangement and glaring at Theo.

However, Theo was enjoying himself too much to stop, "Make sure you make it different to yours. Wouldn't want the professors catching on, would we?"

Seeing Tracey reluctantly agree, Charles realised this was a good opportunity for him. "I can help you with it, if you want. I'm pretty confident about the first-year content. As long as there are no spells involved, I should be able to help you."

Tracey brightened up and beamed at him, "Ok! You can't take that back now!" She was more than happy to have someone to push the work onto. "Here, eat some more ice cream." She insisted, scooping a spoonful onto his previously empty bowl.

'Is she buttering me up?'

Theo and Blaise were both shaking their heads. "She's just going to make you do the whole thing, you know," Theo told him.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up making you do hers," Blaise added.

Tracey gasped in shock horror. "I wouldn't do that, I promise Charles," she pleaded to him, worried their words could change his mind.

"Nothing to worry about then. We can talk more about it once we actually get the homework," Charles gave her a small smile. In truth, Charles thought it would be better if he did most of the work. Charles was an outsider in this group, and in order to be equal to the rest of them, he had to bridge the natural gap that existed. In helping Tracey, he would be able to gain her trust and solidify their friendship whilst also showing his talents and worth. He doubted the homework for the first week would be too difficult, so helping her now was a win-win for both of them.

Charles went to eat his extra scoop of his ice cream, but it wasn't there. He looked across the tables and watched as the last deserts all disappeared. Dumbledore stood up soon after.

"Ahem – just a few more words, now we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you." When the Hall was completely silent and he had everyone's attention, he continued, "First-years should note that the forest in the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students should do well to remember that as well." His eyes were on the Gryffindor table, near Harry and some older red-heads.

"I have also been asked by Mr Filch, the caretaker, to remind you that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. "

"And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bound to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death." Charles was confused, he had thought Hogwarts to be a safe place, like his previous schools, and while he was curious about what was on the third-floor, if it was even half as dangerous as the headmaster said, then he would be staying as far away from it as possible.

'I'll ask one of these guys about it later,' Charles glanced over his new housemates.

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" Dumbledore cheered. The other teachers wore tight expressions as he pulled out his wand and flicked it in a practiced manner. Flying out from the wands tip, came a bright golden ribbon, long and silky, rising up above the tables. The ribbons formed words and then sentences as they twisted and folded like snakes. "Everyone pick their favourite tune, and off we go!"

Charles took one look at the lyrics displayed and decided he wouldn't be singing today. Other than a few of his fellow Slytherins, however, the rest of the school bellowed out in response to his words, singing in different paces and tones, complemented by an invisible orchestra.


Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something please,

Whether we be old and bald,

Or young with scabby knees,

Our heads could do with filling,

With some interesting stuff,

For now they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies and bits of fluff,

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot,

Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot.


Dumbledore wiped his eyes emotionally after the singing ended, "Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!" he dismissed them all before turning to the teachers.

"First-years!" an older Slytherin student called, getting their attention. The first-years all gathered together around her, she proudly introduced herself. "I'm Gemma Farley, and as your prefect I expect you all to come to me if you have any issues, however," her somewhat friendly face hardened, "I'll warn you now not to waste my time with childish rubbish."

When she felt the message had gotten through, she continued, "Now stick close and follow me." Gemma led out of the Great Hall and down a flight of stairs. Charles felt eyes on him as they walked, it was an uncomfortable feeling, one that was worsened by his lack of knowledge as to why they looked at him so. Malfoy's glare was the worst. Due to him sucking up to the seniors at dinner, this was the first time he had seen him since the train, and Charles could tell the boy wasn't over it yet.

The portraits on the wall stared at them as they walked through the corridors quietly, but quickly. The temperature lowered the further down they went and by the end of the final stairwell, Charles could see his breath as he exhaled.

Eventually they stopped in front of a dark grey and damp stone wall. "This is the entrance to the Slytherin common room. The location to the entrance is a secret to the other houses so don't go blabbering your mouth about it. Got it?" Gemma paused, "Good, now then!" she turned to the wall.

"Heritage," she said forcefully. The wall slid open, revealing a hole for them to step through.

They entered one by one and once Charles had gotten through, he examined the room. 'Not what I was expecting, but it's not bad.' Charles had expected a comfy and warm area, filled with bright lights. Instead he was met by a cold room adorned with expensive looking carpets and sofas and chairs. A green hue seeped into the room, through the windows, outside of which Charles saw strange looking fish swimming about.

'Are we under the lake?' For a moment he worried about the windows cracking and drowning them all, but he reasoned they wouldn't be staying there if it wasn't safe.

An impressive row of bookshelves lined the walls and a group of older students, sat on dark leather couches, surrounded a fireplace sat in the centre of the room. They nodded to Charles when they felt his gaze and he responded in kind. 'This is getting annoying.'

"The boys dormitories are to the right and the girls are to the left," Gemma gestured to three passageways. "The middle one leads to a potions lab which we all share." She reminded them of the password and left, telling them to wait there for the Head of House.

Charles felt a hand press on his shoulder. It was Malfoy's, "Separated from your friends, are you?" he said with a hint of a sneer. Just like on the train, Crabbe and Goyle leaned in from behind him, sending mean glares at Charles. They were trying to intimidate him.

Charles wasn't amused by their attitudes nor was he frightened. 'Annoying,' he thought. 'Clearly Malfoy's the type who thinks he's better than everyone else, and although normally I wouldn't give a damn, but…' Charles returned a glare at Malfoy and the blonde's smug face crumbled a little. 'He needs to understand that I'm not someone who he's going to be able to push around.'

Unfortunately, however, now wasn't the time to send that message. Malfoy had influence in Slytherin, that was plain to see, and until Charles knew more, it would be safer to play nice with Malfoy. Charles stopped his glaring and put on a small smile.

"Some of them," Charles made eye contact with Theo and Blaise, the two had been paying attention ever since Malfoy had spoken. They were friends with Malfoy and Charles could use that. "But not all of them." Charles was grateful when they reached out to him earlier, but he knew the main reason they did was his surname. He didn't know why but he was willing to gamble it was important enough to get them to back him against Malfoy. At least for today.

Sure enough, they stepped forward. "C'mon Draco, cut him some slack. We're all Slytherin's here, let's all get along," Theo voiced out in a slightly playful tone.

Blaise nodded, "Fraternity, Draco."

Malfoy wasn't happy. "I didn't think you guys were the type to cuddle up with his kind. What would your father say, Theo?" Perhaps Malfoy had spoken to fast as he looked slightly regretful of his words. Still, he didn't apologise.

"Careful Malfoy!" Theo told him harshly. "If you think – "

"He's no mudblood, Draco. You know that," Blaise interrupted, attempting to placate Malfoy. It

wasn't working.

Malfoy ran a hand over his slicked back hair as he argued back, "Even so, at most he's nothing but a dirty half-blood!" He was too loud and now everyone in the common room was staring. Silence floated about the area. Charles was close to forgetting his earlier idea of playing nice and was fighting back the urge to punch Malfoy's now obnoxious looking nose.

"Perhaps you should be more careful of what spout comes out of your mouth," a dry voice drawled out from behind Malfoy.

"Uaarrghh!" Malfoy jumped up and squealed. His fright increased as he turned around to face the source of the voice. "P-professor!" The professor was a tall but lanky man with dark hair that reflected off the light of the room, parted from the middle. He had a hook shaped nose, with nostrils that curled before he spoke.

"Professor Snape," Theo said respectfully.

He was ignored, "Welcome to the noblest house of Salazar Slytherin. I am Professor Severus Snape and your Head of House. If other cause you trouble you will come to me and if you cause trouble you will answer to me." He paused and sent a discerning look at both Charles and Malfoy. "Whilst you are in this House, I expect you to behave with the decorum expected of all Slytherin students and as long as you do so, all your needs will be met, and your trust in me will never be broken. Make no mistake, I expect excellence from every one of you in all matters."

Charles wouldn't lie, Professor Snape was a scary individual. From his stance, to his menacing tone of voice, the man was a walking terror for children. Charles couldn't help but feel a bit of fellowship with him.

"I will not tolerate subpar performances in your classes, nor will I tolerate any disrespect towards your teachers." Snape drawled on more about his expectations for them as the First-years listened on in complete silence. Like Professor McGonagall had before they were sorted, Snape instructed them on the House Cup. Apparently, Slytherin were on a six-year winning streak and Snape warned them about having a loss on their heads. Once his speech was finished, he dismissed them, "For your sake, I hope you've payed attention. Now off to your dorms."

Held in breaths were let out as the first-years left to their dorms. Charles walked with Theo and Blaise after they waved towards the girls who went their own way.

"Mr Gaunt," Snape called. "You will join your housemates later. For now, come with me. the Headmaster wishes to speak with you." With that, the Professor turned and left, his black robes waving behind him.

Charles nodded to his friends and eagerly followed after Snape. There was only one reason the Headmaster would want to speak with him, his name. Charles was fed up with being left in the dark and wasn't willing to stay there any longer. 'Finally I can get some answers!'

This chapter was hard to write.

Plot should be starting soon.

~Hope you enjoyed it~

LordDamnSteelcreators' thoughts