
Harry Potter : Ancient Magic

[A Harry Potter fanfiction] Adam is someone who possesses the memories of his other life, now he is in the world of Harry Potter, and is the heir to an ancient and wealthy family. His quest for power and affinity with magic will intertwine with the plot of the main story. Will he go against dumbledore? Unravel the ancient secrets of Hogwarts? Follow Adam as he pursues his own dreams and influence in the world. DISCLAIMER : I do not own any characters other than my OCs. The cover photo is not mine either.

Guryon · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Changes in the plot

Unlike in other places, the use of a wand or other focusing object, was something new, most witches here practiced magic without a wand.

And it is worth saying that they were not weaker by any means, in fact it was probably the opposite, having the most intimate contact with magic seemed to have given them the most control over it.

At a witch event I went to at this place, I saw a fourteen year old teenager turn into a leopard, a fourteen year old animago, that was ridiculous.

My time in Africa was learning from start to finish, I was like a sponge in water, soaking up every drop of knowledge.

But all good things come to an end, and today I was in my room at the Davies Mansion in France. We had arrived in the morning, straight from Africa. After taking a shower and eating something, I went back to my room to get organized, after all, I was now ten years old and soon I would have to go to school.

During that trip, I accumulated hundreds of books, Charlie did not ask twice whenever I wanted a new book, and even sent it to a translation specialist, who soon after returned the original book and the translation.

In my room on the floor was a dark suitcase, I opened it and what appeared were not clothes but a ladder, this was an enchanted suitcase with a hidden space.

The United States was full of places with hidden spaces; during our stay there, Charlie presented me with an enchanted suitcase so I could carry all my books.

After descending the stairs, I took a satisfied look around. In the place, there were a few bookshelves with several books, and still empty spaces waiting for the next ones.

On a stand, several jars of crystals were stored, and in the same place were small bags and other things, which I used to store my ingredients for potions. There were ingredients from various countries and some were really expensive, like dragon blood.

On one of the shelves were notebooks and not books, I went to one of them and picked it up, this was the only one that still had blank pages, in them I wrote my notes, be it spells, potions or doubts, I wrote and focused on research, in search of the best result.

I was happy with my current progress, with the journey I learned that both spell methods were useful, and depended a lot on the situation, but I also learned that the combination of both would be the best result, when using a spell, I could force my will upon it and change it as desired, I could increase or decrease the strength of a spell for example.

My mastery over most of the spells I studied reached a level where there would be no mistakes, all without a wand, and even better without hand signals.

Moving my hand when using magic without a wand, was something that came naturally, whether it was moving an object or casting a spell, pointing with my hand was common, but I wanted to lose these habits, so after many months and hard work, I succeeded. Now I can cast spells silently and without gestures. Although I still used them sometimes.

But there was still a long journey ahead and this was just the beginning, with my eleventh birthday approaching I needed to decide something important.

Which school should I go to?" I asked myself, but in the next instant I laughed at myself, that was a stupid question, I already knew which school I wanted, there was only one that I wanted to go to even before I came into this world.

A few weeks after arriving from my trip, I sought out Charlie to express my thoughts.

So you're saying you want to go to Hogwarts?" he asked again.

Yes, Uncle. I want to study at Hogwarts, that's also the reason why we left Great Britain out of the tour, spending seven years there will already allow me to read your books.''

Charlie was silent for a moment and I could see that he was thinking.I knew that he was afraid, after all it wasn't so long ago that Great Britain went through a period of fear and chaos.

"Fine," he agreed, and said that I didn't need to worry about anything that he would prepare the move.

After that the moving began, although there wasn't much to do really, after all everything could be shrunk down and taken in one trip, plus the Davies mansion in England was all furnished, only personal things needed to be taken care of.

Charlie and Grini were responsible for doing everything, I just continued my studies, and a little over a week later I was already in the new mansion.

The mansion was even larger than the one in France, it was in a valley far away from any other house, the grounds covered a large part of a forest, had a beautiful garden and a greenhouse where potion ingredients could be planted.

Living in such a big mansion with only two people was a funny thing, besides after we arrived Charlie was mostly on a business visit, or taking care of bureaucratic paperwork.

My enchanted suitcase needed to get a permission from the ministry, but it was amazing what the power of money could do.

After arriving in England my first request was books, as well as a subscription to the daily Prophet. For the books, I asked for all the Hogwarts undergraduate books, from the first to the seventh year, covering all the contents, even divination, the only one I left out was the study of the trouxas, I really didn't have time for that.

In addition I now had access to the books in my family's library, this was something I had doubted before, after all in the old mansion in France there was only Charlie's personal library, which I must say was not at all encouraging.

The Davies family book collection in the mansion was only a few hundred, apparently my family was never the biggest fan of books, focusing more on collecting money, if you know what I mean.Most of the books were from my parents' collection, and a few others that were passed down from the old generation just because nobody touched them.

Unfortunately I didn't have anything very rare, but I managed to buy some old versions of books I already had, depending on the era the writer's understanding of something might change, so you get to absorb more about magic in Britain, which I must say is a more modernized version of magic, focused on using the wand for any spell, even the simplest ones.

They were also not very creative, and had no area of emphasis, unlike in Germany for example where the study of the dark arts has a lot of study material.

Today I was sitting in my special room, the place where I used to study and practice magic, the whole room was reinforced with anti-sound and self-repair spells, and extra protection on the walls.

In front of me was a block of wood, I focused my gaze on it and after a while it turned into a pumpkin, it had the holes for eyes, mouth and nose.

Then I turned it into a stool and then to the wood block again.

Just then, someone knocked on the door. I let myself in and it was Grini, with a newspaper and a pot of tea.

"You can leave it under the table," she said.

When she left, I sat down on the couch and put sugar in my tea. My gaze moving to the big headline on the newspaper next to me

'' Look at that, it's about the pot-'' I spat out the tea with fright.

In a hurry I picked up the newspaper and looked at the full headline.

'' the Potters are seen in the ministry''

Below the news, was a black and white photo, in it there were four people, I knew the boy in the photo, with his lightning scar, it was Harry Potter, the boy who survived.

Next to him was a little girl, who seemed to be the same age as him, I couldn't guess the color of her hair, but from the resemblance to the woman behind her, I was sure she was Harry's sister, the woman behind was pretty, and I assumed she was Lilian potter, the man next to her, was Harry's spitting face, or the opposite, whatever.

I continued reading the news in search of information.

'' The Potter Family visited the ministry yesterday afternoon, the whole family was gathered, Auror James, his wife Lilian and their twin children, Harry and Isabella Potter. The reason for the visit is not yet known but...''

''hahahahaha. '' I laughed hysterically. it was good that there were ante sound spells in the room, or they might think I'd gone crazy.

Dog shit, that was a different reality from the original story. I don't know how much it changes yet, but now the future is even more uncertain.

My mind spun in thought, trying to understand if these changes were bad or good.

It took me a while to accept all of this, but it was a good thing. That way Harry wouldn't have to go through the suffering of losing his parents and being raised with his shitty uncles.

And this was a real world, I couldn't expect everything to be the same as in the book, my own existence changes many things, this change of the Potters served to remind me to make my own decisions and guide my life as I wish, using future knowledge yes, but with caution.

That way I wouldn't have to be so afraid of changing something, after all now I didn't know how true to the original things would be. And making my own plans would be more reliable.

This about the Potters took me by surprise, but I knew that self-power would still be my best weapon, so I tried to put it to the back of my mind and focus on my training, reminding myself only to investigate the political state caused by these changes.

In the following months I increased the intensity of my training even more, taking all my feelings to the max.Besides training I gave more focus to reading old newspapers and keeping up with the new news.

I took one of my books and used it to write down each news item that I thought was important, preparing a map of the events and putting them together to understand this reality, focused on things that seemed like an open secret.

With the observations I made, I understood that having James and Lilian alive, changed some things, but most things remained.

Having them alive, prevented Sirius from going to jail and in his place Petter Pettigrew went to Azkaban, after betraying the potters. Sirius in turn was still Harry's godfather and a present figure in his upbringing, plus along with James he was an auror.

One of the things I learned, from talking with Charlie and along with my research, was the state of the political world.

There were three factions, the light faction with Dumbledore as its head and the phoenix order behind it, focused on avoiding pureblood extremists and their ideals against witches.

Gray, which was controlled by a man named Jacob Greengrass. The Greengrass family was old and wealthy like the Malfoys, but they aimed for profit and neutrality, and hung on neither side and focused on personal gain.

Finally, the Dark faction, led by Lucius Malfoy, the main contributor of their fortune. They sought to bring control of the wizarding world to the pureblood side, led by Voldemort's ideals, and with many members in high positions in the ministry.

From what I understand, the Dark faction is really unstable during that time, without Voldemort to lead them they don't make any headway, apart from a few Death Comensals or loyal followers who sometimes launch attacks on thralls and half-breeds

Of course, this political part of the three factions was something little known, only the important families really knew more details. But the wizards were not stupid, and since Voldemort fell they understood the value of having a side, and little by little each family tried to get closer to others with similar ideals.

'' the fun will really start in a few years, when he comes back...'' I mumbled, remembering the future events.

I took a deep breath and closed my fist tightly'' by then I would be even stronger''

Strength was the only way to face these dark times ahead, or I could flee to the other side of the world and hope that everything would stop in Great Britain.

Of course I wouldn't do that.