
Harry Potter : Ancient Magic

[A Harry Potter fanfiction] Adam is someone who possesses the memories of his other life, now he is in the world of Harry Potter, and is the heir to an ancient and wealthy family. His quest for power and affinity with magic will intertwine with the plot of the main story. Will he go against dumbledore? Unravel the ancient secrets of Hogwarts? Follow Adam as he pursues his own dreams and influence in the world. DISCLAIMER : I do not own any characters other than my OCs. The cover photo is not mine either.

Guryon · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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10 Chs

Books,Legilimency and travel

Just as promised by Charlie, the next day I got three books. The three books were very thick and seemed to be a kind of condensed edition of more than one volume.

The books were in French, which was not a problem for me, so I wasted no time and set to studying.

The theory was really something. doing things without knowledge left my hands tied. Now with the book, I caught the essence behind the spells, an example, was when wanting to cut something, normally I would use, my will over the air and make a sort of blade, but the spell acted more directly, using for example the Diffusing cut spell, where I used magic as the source for the cut.

In one I used the air already in the environment to form the blade, in the other the blade was created by the spell.

Little by little, I absorbed this knowledge, and understood where to apply it. To cast a direct spell, instead of simple manipulation, required even more focus, the process was slow and complicated, especially without a wand.

I took a notebook and started to write down my observations and file my personal tests.

When I was studying, I was completely lost, focused only on the books, the lines seemed to become my world, and my mind was clear, traveling between them.

The first spell I learned was the famous levitation spell, Wingardium Leviosa.

I confess it was a great experience. And the feeling I felt, was even better, it stuck in my mind, and I used this as a basis, to use in the next spells, I would be looking to feel the same, whenever I would use a spell.

However I soon began to wonder what was the best method of magic, before when I made an object float, even if I took my eyes off it, as long as I didn't lose concentration it would stay there floating, but with the spell it wasn't like that, once eye contact was lost, the connection would end.

So I continued my studies, always trying to absorb what was not implicit in the lines, trying to bring each new thing to my own experience, without taking anything as absolute truth.

Not to be arrogant, but I am a genius. A year and a half, that's how long I used to delve into the theory, and make my own notes.

Two months ago, I told Charlie that I wanted to take that trip, and he agreed. I could just buy the books remotely, but I knew that experiencing the culture would be key, and I didn't want to miss it.

This was one of the many advantages of being rich. Even a trip around the world was not something worth thinking twice about.

However, something new happened that caused us to delay this trip by a month, I had a new ability. It was actually a natural ability, but it had not manifested itself because everyone around me, in this case Charlie, had protections.

Some time ago, I left the mansion for a walk in a park not far away. Charlie's idea, he wanted me to take a week off to rest before the trip. That day I had my first contact with Witches since I came into this world... it was really strange, seeing normal people from a witch's perspective. I mean, they seemed so naive, unaware of the truth of the world, of the dangers that lurked there, unaware that two dark lords had already tried to take over the world.

' and one is still free ' I thought as I remembered someone.

That's when it happened...

As I walked around the place I felt a headache, followed by a flood of unfamiliar voices. It felt like my head was going to explode, I closed my eyes and crouched down on the floor.

'Get out of my head' It took all my willpower to get them to stop. Charlie, who was with me, became concerned and brought me back home, calling a curator soon after.

That day I found out what I had, and it was not a disease. I was a natural Legilimente.

Legiliments were able to read people's minds, to put it superficially. This was a very specific area of magic, being natural gave me an absurd advantage, with some training I would be able to control, and avoid these accidents.

So I spent those two months studying legilimency and occlumency, which was the art of closing the mind, preventing intruders.

In two months, with my talent, the fact that I am a natural, and a large number of books, I have reached a beginner's level in the art of mind blocking, and legilimency control.

That was just the beginning, but because I was a natural, I could continue my study like any other material, learning bit by bit over time. If someday I reached a block or wanted to advance further, I could do specific study in the area, under someone's tutelage.

Now that I can keep close to people without having my mind on the attack of thoughts, it was finally time for the trip.

Charlie had left several commands with those in charge of the business, besides in the magical world, it was anything but difficult to travel far with the right means.

Are you ready?" asked Charlie when he saw me, waiting in the living room.

Yes," I confirmed seriously. This was an important moment for me, I knew that this trip would be a great differential in my journey.

With that, we entered the fireplace and with a toss of flu powder, we disappeared from the Davies mansion.

There were some legal ways to travel to other countries. It could be by ship, like the witches, or in more common ways for wizards, portal keys.

Portal keys were usually simple objects with space enchantments, which served as a long scale apparatation.

We went to a portal key, which was controlled by the ministry, and made a point with other countries, this was the most common legal way to travel. There was a fee for using the key, but it was not worth mentioning.

The feeling of using a portal key was strange, at least the first few times, I could feel my last meals coming back down my throat. The urge to vomit followed by the dizziness was horrible, but after using it a few times I got used to it and began to try to understand the feeling, maybe it would come in handy when it came time for my apparatus training.

The world was really big, and the magic was unique in its form in some places. I had personally planned the route we would take, to emphasize certain places.

The first destination, was Italy, it was a beautiful country, with ancient and important buildings, some of the families in Italy, were even older than the Davies family, which was something really noteworthy.

Still there we visited Rome, and the Vatican City, which was hilarious to think about. The pope is perhaps the biggest hater of witches? I laughed as I thought about the witches who lived in this place, remembering the history of witch-hunting in the past.

In Italy we visited several other cities, got to know historical sites and inscriptions as old as the cities themselves.

Then we went on to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Staying a short time in each of these countries.

Next, we arrived in the Asian continent, China was amazing, its antiquity was something that reflected in magic. Still in Asia, we visited Japan and South Korea.

All the Asian countries were interesting, their cultures standing out greatly from the rest of the world.

North america was interesting, there was a strong community focused on keeping witches and non-magicians separate. The ministry of magic there, has laws that even allow for memory change in wizard parents.

South America was something extraordinary. Especially Brazil, which had a rich and abundant fauna and flora. There were even magical beings specific to this country. In addition to his vast knowledge, in the area of herbology.

Brazil was so far the country where we spent the most time, and it was our penultimate stop, because right after that we went on to the vast African continent.

I chose to leave this place last, because I felt it would be my place of greatest learning.