


By the middle of October everyone was stressed with their work and excited for Halloween. 

"Are you ready for Halloween?" Kaden asked. 

"Yes!" Ethan exclaimed. 

"Today we only have Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, charms and Transfiguration ." Kaden said.

"Okay let's get breakfast and go to Defense Against the Dark Arts." Ethan said. 

"Okay." Zyair responded.

Once they were at the Great Hall they saw pancakes, Waffles, eggs and sausage. 

"Wow, that looks better than usual!" Ethan exclaimed. 

"Yes it does!" Zyair exclaimed. 

Once they dug into the food it was nearly time for their first class. 

"Let's go!" Kaden exclaimed. 

"But there's still pancakes." Ethan responded. 

Once they got to class they were welcomed with,

"Good morning, I hope you will have fun today and learn lots!" Professor Lupin said. 

"Now class , do you want to learn and make boggarts look dumb?" Professor Lupin asked.

"Yeah!" The class screamed.

"Does anyone know what a boggart is?" Professor Lupin asked. 

The class went silent and only Kaden raised his hand.

"Yes Kaden." Professor Lupin said. 

"A boggart is a creature that's original shape is not known, and they take the form of what the person they see turns into what they are most frightened of." Kaden replied. 

"Good ten points to Gryffindor." Lupin said.

"Wait, can a boggart hurt us?" Asked a student.

"Yes they can." Professor Lupin said.

The class went silent again.

"Well now line up in front of this box and we'll get started." Professor Lupin said.

A girl named Elizabeth went first, Lupin opened the box and the boggart came out as a pile of homework, and a couple students laughed.

"Now say Riddikulus." Professor Lupin said.

"Riddikulus." Elizabeth said.

Then the pile of homework ripped itself to pieces.

"WOW, that was brutal, and I love stuff that is brutal." Elizabeth said. 

"She's like me." Kaden whispered to Ethan.

"I guess but she doesn't like homework and we don't need any other people like you." Ethan said.

After a few more students it was Kaden's turn, Mr. Lupin opened the box and out came a giant Millipede.

"Riddikulus." Kaden said.

Then the Millipede turned into a pile of homework with a bunch of legs.

"Well that's not what I thought was going to happen." Professor Lupin said.

Next up was Ethan, Lupin opened the box and out came a Graphorn.

The whole class stepped back a few feet.

"Do I have to do this?" Ethan asked.

"No, but you probably should." Mr. Lupin responded.

"Ok, Riddikulus." Ethan said.

Then the Graphorn turned into an egg.

And then Professor Lupin picked up the egg and put it back into the box.

After Ethan it was Zyair's turn.

Lupin opened the box and out came Nearly Headless Nick.

All the Gryffindor students laughed, even professor Lupin chuckled.

"Riddikulus." Zyair said.

Then Nearly Headless Nick turned into a goat, and the goat started to eat the floor.

"Accio goat." Professor Lupin said then he led the goat into the box.

Last up was Mason, professor Lupin for the last time opened the box and out came single bean.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mason screamed.

Every single student started to laughing on the floor.

"RiDdIkUlUs." Mason nervously said.

The bean turned into a hundred beans.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Mason screamed while running out of the room.

"Well, I think that's class, next class we will get into more spells." Professor Lupin said.

When they got out of class Ethan asked.

"I wonder what happened to Mason?" 

"I don't know, I was too busy laughing on the floor." Zyair replied.

"Maybe he went back to the Gryffindor common room." Kaden said.

"Well next we have potions so we better start heading there." Ethan said.

When they got to potions they sat down at their desks and waited until class started.

"Today we are going to make the wiggenweld potion and before we start, does anyone know what this potion does?" Professor Malfoy asked.

Kaden's hand once again shot up in the air but he didn't get called on.

" Elizabeth." Professor Malfoy said.

"The wiggenweld potion heals most wounds but not all." Elizabeth said.

"10 points to Gryffindor, and now open your books to page 87 and let's get started." Professor Malfoy said.

By the end of class only Elizabeth and Ethan got a perfect wiggenweld potion, Kaden got his too but it would make your ears grow bigger.

"I can't believe you beat Kaden at something." Zyair said.

"I know but poor Beatrix, she tried Kadens wiggenweld potion and now she has ears as large as a slice of pizza." Ethan responded.

When they were about to go to lunch Mason caught up to them.

"Hey, have you guys seen my cat bubbles?" Mason asked.

"No." Zyair said.

"But we will be happy to help you find her." Ethan said.

"Thank you, I noticed she was gone over by the rows of knights." Mason replied.

When they got to the rows of knights they started to look around for bubbles.

"I put an enchantment on bubbles so she would glow neon and that when she exhales out of her nose bubbles come out." Mason said.

"Why didn't you just say accio bubbles?" Kaden asked.

"That is a good idea, accio bubbles." Mason said.

Then bubbles burst out of the inside of a knight suit and straight to Mason.

"Bubbles there you are." Mason said while bubbles pushed him to the ground.

"How did she get in there?" Ethan asked Kaden.

"I have know idea." Kaden replied.

"Well now we can go to lunch." Zyair said.

"But before we do that, Reparo." Ethan said with a flick of his wand.

Then the knight suit came back together.

"Ok, we can go to lunch now." Ethan said.

When they got to the great hall someone was waiting for them.

"Hello again." Atlas said with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want?" Ethan asked angrily.

"I want to get back at you." Atlas replied.

And what happened next went by fast, first Atlas tried to take bubbles with accio and then, Ethan used Expelliarmus then Atlas's wand went flying and hit the wall, then Atlas lunged at Ethan but Kaden used Wingardium Leviosa and held Atlas up in the air, then Kaden put Atlas on the ground and then Ethan used petrificus totalus to freeze Atlas, and not freeze like he was in ice but freeze like freeze tag.

"Well that was fun to watch." Zyair said.

"How was that fun to watch, he could have hurt my cat?" Mason said.

"And he tried to rip me to pieces." Ethan said.

"And he tried to, wait he didn't do anything to me." Kaden said.

"Just forget I said anything and let's have lunch." Zyair said.

"What about Atlas?" Kaden asked.

"Someone has to come around eventually and undo the spell." Ethan replied.

Then they went into the great hall to eat.

When they were done eating they headed to charms.

"Good morning class today we are going to learn the spell stupefy, does anyone know what this spell does?" Mrs. Harp asked.

Kaden's and Elizabeth's head shot up in the air once again.

"Kaden." Mrs. Harp said.

"Stupefy stuns anyone that is hit by its blast." Kaden answered.

"Correct, 10 points to Gryffindor, now open your books to page 116 then choose a partner and get started." Mrs. Harp said.

Ethan paired up with Kaden and James paired up with Mason.

"Stupefy." Ethan excitedly said.

Then a burst of light came out of Ethan's wand and hit Kaden in the chest.

By the end of class Kaden, Ethan and James got stupefy correct.

When they walked out of class James said.

"That has been my favorite class yet because I did well at it."

"It wasn't my favorite but close." Kaden said.

"I liked shooting my partner with stupefy, it was funny." Ethan said.

"Hey." Kaden said.

"What do we have next?" Zyair asked.

"Transfiguration." Kaden replied.

"Last one there is a rotten egg." Ethan yelled excitedly.

"Hey no fair, I wasn't ready." Kaden said.

When they got to Transfiguration Mrs. Dewey greeted them with a smile.

"Ok class today we will learn the arrow shooting spell, you can probably tell what this spell does by its name, so open your books to page 23 and let's get started." Mrs. Dewey said.

Then Mrs. Dewey conjured targets and then class started.

Elizabeth and James got a bullseye first try, Ethan got a bullseye further into class and Kaden got it at the last minute, Atlas got hit in the butt by one of Mason's arrows and he had to go to the nurse to get it out.

When they got out of transfiguration it was almost dinner.

"Well we better go to dinner." Zyair said.

"There's 45 minutes till dinner." Kaden said.

"I know but I want chocolate pudding and it takes 40 minutes to get there." Zyair replied.

"How is it going to take 40 minutes to get there?" Ethan asked.

"Because we're going to walk slowly." Zyair said.

"Well I'm going to be running, see you there." Ethan said.

"Bye." Mason said.

When Kaden, Mason and James met up with Ethan they walked into the great hall and started eating.

"Watch this." Ethan said while conjuring a whole pizza.

"PIZZA PARTY!" Ethan yelled.

In a few minutes the whole pizza was gone.

"I'm full." Ethan said, Ethan had eaten 6 slices of pizza.

"Me too." Mason agreed, Mason had eaten 1 slice of pizza.

Then a huge roar swept the great hall.

"What the heck was that?" Kaden asked.

"I don't know." Zyair said.

"Maybe it was someone in the bathroom." Mason said.

Everyone looked at Mason in disappointment.

"What?" Mason asked.

"Why would it be someone in the bathroom?" Ethan asked.

"It could have." Mason replied.

"No just no." Ethan said.

Then another huge roar came and knocked Mason and Kaden off their seats.

"How come we got pushed off our seats?" Kaden asked.

"Because you guys don't weigh that much." Ethan said.

"Oh, I forgot." Kaden said.

Then Mr. Potter stepped up to the golden owl.

"All students go to your dorm, this is an emergency go to your dorm!" Mr. Potter yelled.

Every student stood up then started walking to their dorms.

"What's going on?" Kaden asked.

"I don't know but I'm going to our dorm." Mason said.

"Me too." James said.

"We'll be right with you." Ethan said.

"Come let's go." Zach said.

"No, we're going to check out the door where we heard the scratching." Ethan said.

""Fine." Zyair replied.

Then they walked to the door but it was still closed.

"Then where is the roaring coming from?" Kaden asked.

Then a huge shadow covered all the windows.

"What was that?" Ethan asked.

They ran outside and standing in front of them was a full grown dragon.

"Run." Ethan said quietly.

"Wait, run?" Kaden asked.

"RUN." Ethan yelled.

Ethan and Kaden started to run but Zyair was petrified.

"Zyair, snap out of it." Kaden yelled.

But Zyair was still just standing there.

"Keep running." Ethan said to Kaden.

Then Ethan ran back to Zyair, slapped him in the face then dragged him on the ground.

"What, what's going on?" Zyair asked.

"There's a dragon chasing us around and you decided to stop to sniff the flower." Ethan said sarcastically.

"Why did I stop to sniff the flowers?" Zyair asked.

"I was being sarcastic, now get up." Ethan replied.

Once Zyair got up he looked behind him and screamed like a baby girl.

"There's a dragon." Zyair said while running.

"I just said there was a dragon where you, even listening?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, but you said you were being sarcastic." Zyair said.

"Less talking, more running." Kaden interrupted.

"That sounds good to me." Zyair said.

Then the dragon stopped and opened its mouth.

"What's it doing?" Zyair asked.

"Zyair, run." Ethan said.

"Why, what about you guys?" Zyair asked.

"Just run Zyair." Kaden said.

Then Zyair did what he was told and ran.

"Ready?" Ethan asked.

"Ready." Kaden said.

"We have to time this right or we die, which won't be fun." Ethan said.

"Ok." Kaden replied.

Then out of the dragon's mouth burst fire.

"NOW." Ethan yelled

"GLACIUS." Ethan and Kaden said simultaneously.

Then there was mist over the Hogwarts grounds. The dragon stepped out of the mist and started to walk back to the castle when.

"DEPULSO." Ethan yelled as a blue light shot out of his wand.

Then the dragon fell to the ground.

"Did you just kill the dragon?" Kaden asked. 

"No, depulso is a powerful spell but it can't kill anything unless they fall off a building." Ethan replied.

"What type of dragon is it?" Kaden asked.

"It's a Norwegian Ridgeback." Ethan said.

"Well we better get your dad." Kaden said.

"Yeah." Ethan said.

When they were walking away they heard a stomp from behind them.

"What was that?" Kaden asked.

They slowly turned around and saw the dragon staring right at them with its yellow eyes.

Then out of nowhere an arrow shot right into the dragon's heart, and the dragon fell to the ground with a mighty thump.

"Who did that?" Ethan asked

Ethan and Kaden turned around and saw Zyair with his wand up. Then all the teachers ran out of the castle and looked at the dragon.

"What happened?" Mrs. Harp asked. 

Once Ethan explained everyone was in shock. 

"Why didn't you alert the headmaster right away about the dragon's whereabouts?" Mrs. Harp asked. 

"We couldn't, we were getting chased by the dragon." Ethan said.

"Well you guys better go to your dorms." Professor Lupin said.

"Okay." Zyair said.

When they got to their dorm they were so tired Ethan fell asleep on the floor, Kaden fell asleep on a couch and Zyair fell asleep in his bed because he barely did anything.

New chapter coming within this week

Kaden_Ethancreators' thoughts