
Harry Potter A New Story

God? reincarnation? multiverse? what?! WTF god is spinning a roulette! Ding! congratulations! you can choose a world of your liking. Ding! lineage randomly chosen. Ding! time line randomly chosen. Ding! power/abilities randomly chosen. Good Luck!

predicate · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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50 Chs

Continued story

'God bless our king it's a bright light day,

Let us worship in your triumph.'

I was singing in my head while heading to my place at the Ravenclaw table. This song, I remembered was from an anime ending song on its last episode.

Waiting for all the students to settle down in their seats, looks like there is going to be an announcement first before we can eat.

"Your attention please," McGonagall said using her wand to amplify her message. All the students paid attention to the front.

"There is much news that has come lately, some are very intriguing. As you can see our Headmaster is not present at the moment. He is currently fixing all the problems and making sure that the rumours going around will be straightened. Now any events or circumstances that do not have any connection with your studies must be set aside. Focus on your studies and nothing else?" she announced.

"Why are we not allowed to go out of our houses it is Sunday we have our free time." some student protested.

"You are now allowed to roam free in the castle grounds." the professor answered.

"Why do our mails from owls are being intercepted?" another student ask a question.

"Your mails are not being intercepted they were just delayed due to the massive influxes of owls. It can create chaos in the hall. you can visit the owlry if you like in your spare time."

Looking in Tonks's direction I saw her making a thumbs up, meaning the task is done.

I activated the device I personally made with the communicating pearl as a base.

"Is it true that you accompanied Headmaster Dumbledore to deliver the boy who lives to those muggle families to he abused and not visit even once in the past decade?" A loud female voice came from the Slytherin side in the great hall.

Minerva gasp, mouth wide open, placing her right hand on her chest. She seems to have a heart attack or panic attack of some sort, almost losing her balance, if not her other hand did not hold on the podium.

Loud gasps and murmurs started to rise in volume.

"Is it true that Headmaster Dumbledore is gay and like to abused children like Gellert Grindelwald, Tom Riddle, Newt Scamander, and Harry Potter?" a man's voice now shouted, still in the Slytherin's table.

Some professors stood up, other students from different houses look at Slytherin's table. The Slytherin students are in commotion trying to look where the sound came from.

McGonagall slumped where she stood. I really think that she is having a heart attack, if not a mental breakdown.

"Whoever you are asking this question, come forward!" shouted Snape, but all the Slytherin are silent.

"Is it true that both headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape are legilemens and practice their art prying inside the minds of innocent children and now are master legilemens?" another voice shouted, again in the Slytherin's side.

The students uproared. many don't know what to do. Tonks on the other hand is looking at me directly giving me the what the hell are you doing looks.

I just winked at her.

"I need to send a letter to my parents." a student shouted and started to run towards the exit door.

many students look at the student running towards the door and many started to follow towards the door.

Snape wave his wand in the door direction and the door closes shut. the first student who ran towards it did not even make a successful exit.

" Is it true that professor snape is a death eater with a dark mark on his left arm and Dumbledore knows about it and allowed him to still teach in Hogwarts to improve his legilemency with the headmaster's guidance?" another shout.

"Who is that presumptuous student who is asking these questions? Show yourself!" roared Snape.

"Professor, why are you locking us inside the great hall? I want to go out." a legit student asks the question.

"Professor Flitwick why are you not doing something?" the Ravenclaw prefect shouted.

the whole Ravenclaw student looks at the front towards the house head professor. The professor just stutters in his sit.

"Silence!!" shouted Snape, using a voice amplifying spell it makes the whole great hall tremble with his voice.

"I don't think we are safe here at Hogwarts anymore. I want to go home. You can't force me to stay here anymore. Let me out of this castle." the mysterious voice sounded once again.

the Slytherin students are now trembling with fear trying to find the culprit at their table but to no avail.

They will not find it. I program it with runes to make it stealthy while blending to its environment like a cuttlefish, and like a spider that can crawl silently to change position when it is voicing out.

"the professor is taking us as hostage defend yourself." A shout came from Gryffindor's table.

That was the device I planted in the Gryffindor's table yesterday.

Many students draw their wands, especially the older students. This started a chain reaction of the students pointing their wands at Snape. Now begins the staring contest between the students and the professors.

While the action scene is commencing, Tonks is still looking directly at me. She must have a very interesting suspicion in her mind.

I smiled more wildly. I decided not to hold back anymore. I summon the communication crystal and contacted Idun.

"Idun, start the take over phase one."

The standoff of wand pointing and staring lasted for a few minutes, until professor McGonagall composed herself and started to make an announcement once again.

"All of you lower your wands. This has escalated to much out of bounds. Professor Snape, stand down. All students calm down do not be barbaric. You are all free to do whatever you want except go out to the school grounds. Send letters to your parent, eat, loiter around, I don't care just please don't create more chaos. All of the professors will have a staff meeting. now!"

this chapter has been in my draft for a long time and expect more later maybe next week i will do a chapter a day if lucky 2 chapters a day

predicatecreators' thoughts