
Harry Potter A New Story

God? reincarnation? multiverse? what?! WTF god is spinning a roulette! Ding! congratulations! you can choose a world of your liking. Ding! lineage randomly chosen. Ding! time line randomly chosen. Ding! power/abilities randomly chosen. Good Luck!

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Atlantis, packing it up

The conversation and the event that had happened in the room with the elder took more time than I thought and I don't want to speak about it in detail. The scene where a very big slithereen with an ugly face crying and even snorting the mucus on his nose is not a memory to cherish. The heck I even made an unbreakable vow not to speak of it ever and I even created a mind space for that memory and locked it in the deepest part of my min.

Meeting the other in the garden patio we had our dinner and talk about the updates on things. Asuna, Anita, and Idun had a great time training while Mattinea had collected all the things she wants to bring along with the things of Ariel and Jesabel. After some time we went back to our room and rested. Tomorrow after all the things I need to collect I have decided to leave Atlantis and continue my journey. I had planned to stay a few more days but after 'THE TALK' I've changed my mind immediately.

A new day has come once again. As agreed upon I first met up with Mattinea in the garden near the bank. I took the gillyweed prepared by her so I can drive down and collect the magical plants and creatures. They even have captured many kinds of fish for breeding. Last night I took the time to adjust the salt lake terrain in my mini world to make some parts deeper some are shallow. Made some coral reefs and sea caves. To make the environment as natural as possible with the suggestions given to me by Mattinea.

Almost an hour passed to finish up the collection and transportation of all the things that as needed. After that, we went to see the marketplace to collect my orders. Then after to the blacksmith for my customized wand and the treasury.

I have shown the emblem given to me by the elder. They were also informed ahead of time about my visit. A guard escorted me inside the vault and said that I can get anything a want. I toured the vault and got some very rare and interesting things including materials harvested from an ancient sea dragon and magical sea creatures that I did not know exist. Including creatures from the deep sea. Luckily there are noted descriptions that come with the item. The ocean is vast including its uncountable varieties of living creatures and rare materials.

After doing our business at the treasury. We came back to the castle to say our final farewell. I did inform the elder about our plan to leave today.

[ elder it was really an honor to be received by you all but we must ask for forgiveness our schedule is tight and we will have to leave to stick to our plans.] I said my goodbyes.

[young Ophias May the blessings of our ancestors be upon you. I will entrust you, my beloved princess. I do believe you will handle her with care.]

[ yes great elder I will make sure no harm shall befall on your daughter.]

[ my princess may you grow more beautiful and intelligent like your Mother. If you have any troubles at all or any mishaps just give me a call through your communication crystal.]

[ yes, Father. I will call you often.]

The elder came close and hug me tightly, then her Daughter and he gave a wave of the hands to the others. I did try to make haste to leave as I saw the elder's eyes are getting a little bit watery again. So I make a bow turn around and leave. I do not want to experience another episode again. We can not apparate here in Atlantis' premises the whole place has anti apparition circle I did inquire about it to the shaman and she gave me the rune formula, which was included in her rune diary. We need to go out of the island for us to be able to do so. So I put the four of them into my mini-world for convenience and a guard help me to lead the way out.

We took the underwater tunnel maze again, after that the forest where we stayed for a couple of hours to look at the amphiptere habitat. I let out Mattinea again to have an extra guide beside the guard. She is quite informative about the subject. Also, we went to a place where the nagas have a farm in the forest for herbs and edible plants they consume. I got another batch of supplies of the things that I need and interest me, especially a king of magical grass that the amphiptere love to sleep on. I placed it on the area where Mattinea's private place resides inside my mini world.

[do you want to have an amphiptere? They have a very useful ability to control earth.]

[I have one. I forgot to introduce her to you all because she is still sleeping I think she is hibernating. After we gather the thing in the forest I return you to my mini-world and show you where Moriah resides in the mini world.]

She was so shocked to see that Moriah is a horned amphiptere that she want to disturb her sleep to inspect her all over.

[she might be in the process of evolving so we must not disturb her.] I stopped her from disturbing Moriah.

[a horn on ahead of a serpent represents great power. Like the dragons. They are ancient creatures that hold great unimaginable magical powers. Unfortunately, they are extinct like this horned amphiptere, or so I thought, here she is.] she explained.

[dragons are extinct? I thought there are many dragons around the world they even have many varieties.] I asked.

[no no no silly they are just descendants of the real dragon millions of years ago. They are really a wyvern. A dragon has four limbs plus their wings with a horn on the forehead. There are ancient drawings about them in our ancestor's caves. I forgot you did not know about that cave because we did not go there. It is in a different place. Not here on Atlantis.]

Well, that's new. I accompany Mattinea back to the salt lake and go back outside. And continue the travel towards the first cave shore we're we first docked our boat Idun was with me this time.

In here we can now apparate so I placed the boat inside my mini world and go back to Greece to meet up with Robert and go to our next destination.

The net destination I plan to go to is of great importance. This will tackle 2 things, occlumency, and legilimency. This two are the most useful Arsenal I need if I ever decided to continue to study at Hogwarts. Two of the professors there and master in legilimence, Dumbledor and Severus, which they freely practice his art on unknowingly under-aged children. I need to strengthen my mind.

Our next destination..... Tibet.