Sirius took Harry on the night Voldemort attacked and and left England. What will happen now? How will the story change? ..... Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything.
Harry rolled his eyes but corrected his diction. "Fine. Yes, I'm lonely. It sucks that I'm not in school with my friends and that I can't go back until I get the whole magic thing under control."
"It occurs to me that I have been remiss kiddo. I made all the plans but didn't tell you anything.
So how about I rectify that oversight?" At Harry's nod he started talking. "Well I started off knowing that you had metamorph abilities some of your fist magic was changing your hair and eye color to match the colors of the person holding you. You get it from your Grandmother Dorea Black Potter. Blacks have many metamorphs on the family tree."
"Like Dora?"
"Yes, so I figured one of your first teachers would need to be a metamorph. So tomorrow your first teacher Miss Rose Tyler is going to come and start giving you lessons so the changing you're doing will come into conscious control and she'll test the extent of your talents. Metamorph magic is largely instinct so it should be easy to learn.
Which is just one of the reasons I chose it first. You'll still have centering exercises, and occlumency with me everyday. Rachel thought she could start teaching some of the basic theorems and algorithms of arithmancy given how much you like math. Rachel will also be working with you on your martial arts. And then in three weeks you pick one of your school subjects to work on. And you do it until the end of this segment. "
"Then what?"
"Well that kind of depends on you. If your control is good I may say next stop is magical theory with Inarra Serra she a spell crafter and wand maker in Salem. If it's still a little shaky I say we see Malcom Reynolds he owns one of the most up and coming potion ingredient supply companies and runs a magical creatures preserve in Montana.
Unfortunately the company is in a little bit of difficulty; while we're there I'll be spending about half my time finding ways to reduce his overhead as I've decided to invest in his company. Hopefully with a little help and know how we can get Reynolds' Ingredient Supply on top of the market.
Anyway he'll give you a crash course in plants and animals of the magical world or at least get you up to the level of any other wizard born to the magical world. After both of those stops are done we'll be going to New York City to see Jack Harknesss. He's a top ranked Charms Master the only one better is Filius Flitwick in England.
He'll teach you the basics. Last is Charlie Cruz he's a trainer with WIS in Chicago, between him and me we'll start your Defense Against the Dark Arts training. Assuming you show any unusual talents we may arrange for some specialized training but we may hold off until the next school break, we'll see how things go. How does that sound?"
"Good. I suppose that means it's potion time." Harry gestured towards the potion vial in Sirius' hand.
"Yes we don't want you going back to school looking a year older than when you left."
Harry held out his hand. Taking the vial he pinched his nose and poured it as far back on his tongue as he could. "Yuck! That stuff is nasty!"He grabbed the cup of water Sirius held out and chugged it hoping to wash the taste of the potion out of his mouth.
"Harry I know this is hard. But I want you to know I'm proud of you you've taken the lemons life's given you and made lemonade and that takes a special kind of courage."
"Hey I didn't do it by myself, you've been there right beside me those babies of yours are going to be lucky kids. Do you think any of them might be metamorphs?"
"I don't know…" that began a discussion that lasted until Rachel called them for the Chinese carryout dinner that evening.
After dinner Sirius guided Harry through a beginning occlumency exercise and while he tucked him in afterwards he asked, "Harry is there anything you'd like in the way of books or stuff to do the next few weeks since you're not going to be allowed out much until you've got changing under control."
"Could I get a book or two on Golden Eagles? I've got my school books and my favorites in my trunk but after I saw that eagle and I touched it I want to know all I can about them." Harry's voice was starting to slur.
"Sure I'll get it and maybe some books on plants and creatures of the magical world to okay . Night kiddo."
"Night, Siri…" Harry trailed off.
The next day at eleven his first lesson with Rose Tyler started. "Hello Harry I know I'm your teacher but since I'm not old you should call me Rose. I have been told that you've been under a suppression spell rather than an approved magical block and since it has been lifted that your natural talent is flaring out of control. I'm here to teach you that control. Do you have a room with a mirror?"
"Yeah," Harry began but at a glance from Sirius he corrected himself. "I mean yes we've got a room set up through here." Harry led the way to the second bedroom attached to his bathroom. That morning Sirius had transfigured the bed and the other furnishings so it became an office/ study for all of them to use. It included a large mirror with two chairs in front of it.
However the hours that followed were anything but perfect at least from Harry's point of view. Rose first taught him to pull up and push down his magic and after three days he could do it . Next she taught him to be more aware of when his magic was actively doing something, that only took a day. The next day she said, "Now we start the fun. Pull your magic up and tell it to make your hair blue. You can do this because the day we met your hair was blue."
"Yes but that was because it just wanted to be."
"Harry whose is the boss of your magic?"
"What? Harry paused. "You're reminding me that as a wizard it's my responsibility to be in charge of my magic."
"Un-huh. You know why that is right?"
"Sort of."
Harry then found out about Rose's second love. Her first was the theater and her second was history . During the next three weeks Harry didn't just get training in his metamorph magic he got an overview of magical history as well. By the end of the three weeks Rose felt that Harry's control was sure enough that they should be able to go out and about instead of staying holed up in the penthouse.
Sirius was working on the problems adapting a computer for wizarding use and had gone to talk to a professor at Stanford University. Rachel was sleeping and the current on duty bodyguard was a complete jackass. Harry decided that he wanted to go to the beach. He had heard a surf report on the radio and that was what he wanted to do.
He slipped the bodyguard of the day a dreamless sleep potion. Rose also wanted to go surfing so when Harry met her outside the apartment door she side along apparated them to the apparition point at the Santa Cruz Beach.
They surfed. Three hours later cold wet and hungry they deserted the waves for the boardwalk. They played in the arcade, rode the ferris wheel, carousel and the cave train and visited the Haunted castle. The ate nachos, cotton candy, and popcorn. Harry held his disguise of blond hair tanned skin and brown eyes all day.
They apparated back to the apartment and were greeted by a welcoming committee.
Rachel started on him. "Where were you and what were you thinking leaving Clive here?"
"As I said in my note Rose and I went to the beach. Clive was being an ass so I slipped him a sleeping potion and then we left."
"I made sure to change my looks."
"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?"
"What was dangerous about it? No one knows who I am especially when I do this," Harry changed from black hair with green eyes to blond hair with brown eyes, "and besides it's not like I'm helpless. I'm one test away from a black belt here. Rose and I are tired of being cooped up and besides the surf today was fantastic."
Rachel looked ready to explode but Sirius was fighting snickers. Harry continued, "Besides what kind of security guard gets caught by a eight year old slipping him a mickey." That did it Sirius started to laugh while Rachel stood there with her mouth opening and closing like a fish.
The remaining days in San Francisco were fun Harry changed disguises and he explored the city. He rode street cars, ate chocolate at Ghairadelli Square, walked across the Golden Gate Bridge, walked down Lombardi Street, visited Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Zoo, and had tea in the Japanese tea garden in Golden Gate Park. The day before they left Rose took him to the Exploratorium and once there she transformed into a child and they played and experimented for hours.
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