
Chapter 5: First day at the school of Pig Warts

*Tchtchtchtchthchthchthch* *Tsssssch!*

Oberon sat alone in is cabin and listened to the noises the train made. The train drumming upon the tracks as it raced towards their destination. Hogwarts. The loud release of pressure as the train blew out steam. He stared out the window and learned something about himself today.

He quite enjoyed rainy days. Watching the rain come down. If he focused he could hear the rain patter against the train, over the drumming of the tracks.


Suddenly, the train came to a screeching halt. Oberon felt the temperature drop a few degrees. He saw frost grow on the windows at an alarming rate, his breath now visible in the cold cabin.

The cabin door opened (even though he had it locked) and a black ghostly zombie looking creature with flowy clothes floated in. Oberon felt on an instinctual level that this creature should not be here. He felt something of a kinship with it but knew it was not where it was supposed to be. Oberon narrowed his eyes and his arms turned into Obscurus particles. Even though he felt some sort of a connection to the creature he felt it did not have good intentions.

Oberon was about to attack but suddenly the temperature dropped even lower, and he felt like he would feel joy never again. Oberon immediately attacked. Obscurus mist flooded the cabin and pushed the creature out. He shifted into a full obscurus form and found more of the dark creature in the train. The mist expanded and washed over the entire train like a wave. Wrapping and trapping the dementors. They of course, resisted. The dementors desperately tried to suck out the soul of the creature attacking them but could not.

He found the point of entrance where the dementors entered the train and he shoved each one out one by one. After the dementors were all outside of the train Oberon separated his mist into sections and covered every entrance into the train. He did not want his effort to go to waste.

After a few minutes he felt the train move again but still did not release his hold on the doors. More moments pass and he heard a chipper voice behind him.

"You may stop now. Thank you for protecting the students." Oberon immediately shifted back into his human form and noticed a shaggy (somewhat) disheveled man standing behind him.

"Hello. My name is Remus Lupin. I am your Defense against the dark arts professor. I was told about you yesterday. Truly marvelous at how you are able to control yourself my boy. Will you tell me your name?"

[My name is Oberon Gallagher, professor.] Oberon wrote in the air.

"Well, thank you again Oberon. But i must go. I need to see if there were any students affected by the dementors." Oberon just nodded and went back inside his cabin."

A few minutes later and he heard a knock on his cabin door. Harry and Ron were looking at him, along with a girl he had never seen before. He allowed them in when Ron said

"That was bloody brilliant! You stopped that de- derm-"

"Dementor" The girl corrected him.

"You stopped that dementor from doing anything!"

"Yeah, that was really amazing Oberon. Anyways, I realize you haven't met her." He pointed to the girl.

"This is Hermione Granger. One of my best friends."

Oberon nodded. [Thankyou Ron. Hello Hermione, nice to meet you. But a quick question, how did you know it was me that stopped the dementors?]

"There was an article about you in the Daily Prophet. The article talked about your story," Hermione flinched when remembering about the story she read in the newspaper

"And it talked about how you are an Obscurus, and It also talked about what Obscurials were." Hermione finished explaining.

'Well shit. The cat is out of the bag. I figured my case of being an Obscurus would be revealed to the public but i didn't know my whole story would be put out there. Fuck. Now people are going to either hate me for my status as an Obscurus or give me nothing but pity for my story.'


The train came to a halt and the trio said their goodbyes before leaving off with the third years. Oberon would go with them as he was a third year, but he needed to be sorted into a house first so he would walk with the first years.

"Firs years'! Firs years! Follow me!" He heard Hagrid's scruffy voice.

"No more'n four to a boat!" He yelled.

Oberon sat with three first years but didn' talk with them as they were to busy talking to each other. Not to mention, he couldn't talk.

"Firs years! Up the stairs!" Hagrid yelled.

"I've brought the firs years' professor." He said to Professor McGonagall.

"Thank-you Hagrid."

"Welcome to Hogwarts,'' said Professor McGonagall.

"The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important

ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts."

"You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history, and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the

most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." McGonagall's glance lingered on Oberon for a few minutes before she walked away.

Oberon glanced around the room. He knew Madam Pomfrey would most likely be angry about him walking about right now but he did not want to be carried.

"We're ready for you." McGonagall said.

Oberon tuned out the rest of the student's chatter, and everything that was going on while he looked around the great hall. Inwardly, he was wondrous, outwardly, he was simply looking around the room.

After a few moments his name was called.

"Oberon Gallagher." Mutters were launched throughout the room. Especially Slytherin. They were talking about the article they read on him. The one that rocketed the entirety of magical Britain into debate. Many did not their kids at school with such a "Monster" but the populace decided to trust the Ministry's decision.

"Hmm. Curious. You aren't ambitious at all, so Slytherin isn't a fit for you. You could be placed in Gryffindor for you are indeed brave, but you aren't reckless. You plan for most everything. I don't believe Gryffindor is a fit for you. You are curious and intelligent, yet you're not extremely Knowledge hungry either. I know...


The Hufflepuff table was full of cheers. They were the ones in the great hall with the least number of murmurs. They seemed genuinely happy to have him.

Dumbledore smiled at him as he walked over to the Hufflepuff table. A boy waved at him and patted the seat next to him.

"Hi! My name is Cedric Diggory. It's great to have you in Hufflepuff!

[Oberon Gallagher. It's nice to meet you to Cedric.]

Dumbledore said a few words before food appeared on the table. He chatted (kinda) with his fellow Hufflepuff housemates before dinner ended and they went off to the dorms. People in Hufflepuff really were kind. Even though he is an Obscurial, he was accepted immediately.

Many people noticed the scars on his hands along with his black nails and cringed before deciding not to ask. They were the most sensitive house in Hogwarts Afterall. They didn't want to make him uncomfortable on his first night.

The Hufflepuff dorm entrance was inside of a barrel, locked behind a rhythmic tapping you needed to know. Oberon slid down the barrel after a few people went and then he was led to the third-year dorms. Hufflepuffs had their own rooms. Which Oberon immensely liked. He would not enjoy having to change his clothes Infront of roommates and show off his scars. He was not too keen on that idea and was thankful for his own room.

After changing Oberon laid down on his bed which was suprisingly comfy and was out like a light. He was glad tomorrow was a saturday and had no classes. He could tour the castle tomorrow and get a feel for it.