
Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis

After a truck hits his house, Leo slowly bleeds out and dies. Waking up, he finds himself being born again, .. "Congratulations Mrs Ignis, it's a boy!" "I'll name you.. Leo. Leo Ignis." Harry Potter Fanfic. Average words / ch : 1.51K

Loyal_Hunter · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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29 Chs

29 - New Home, Researching and Inventing.

Deciding that it was time to move on and do what I came here to do, I turned to Tiffy who had been turned invisible with me and told him my plan.

"Tiffy, I need you to make an illusion that makes you look like this" I said while sending an image of my mothers face with black hair through our mental link.

Tiffy eagerly nodded his head and closed his eyes. A few seconds later, he cast some elf illusion magic on himself and now looked like a beautiful woman with black hair and green eyes, and was the same height as me at 5 ft 5, having grown an inch or two after my magical maturity.

"Okay, now once we get to Miss Laura's Office, I need you to pretend to be my 'Aunt Julie' who recently discovered that I was born and that you want to adopt me, ok?"

The elf nodded his head so hard I thought it might snap off.. and on the face of a beautiful woman who also happens to look like my mother.. well, let's just say a look of adoration is a lot more pronounced on a human face and it honestly creeped me out.

"I need you to look normal, Tiffy, keep you your face blank or serious, please" I said with some forcefulness in my voice.

Tiffy got a look of determination on his.. her?. face before I decided that I had done enough pep-talk and started walking towards the orphanage.

Walking through the gates and into the building, then towards the office, I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

Hearing a muffled shout of "Come in" I opened the door and slowly walked inside, with 'Aunt Julie' behind me.

Once Miss Laura saw me she smiled and greeted me, "Leo, it's nice to see you!"

"Thank you, Miss Laura, you too." I replied with a small smile.

"So what brings you here today?"

"I have found someone who wants to adopt me."

At this, Miss Laura looked surprised and turned to the other person in the room, "I take it you're the one who wants to adopt Leo?"

Shaking her head up and down multiple times, Aunt Julie quickly responded saying "Yes, yes, I didn't know that he had been born until I is bumped into him earlier and now I is want to adopt him!" 'she' responded with a lot of enthusiasm.

There were a few moments of silence before I just sighed, facepalmed, and stunned Miss Laura.

"Sigh, Tiffy.. you're not a very convincing spy.." at the crestfallen look on Tiffy's face I quickly added, "You're still a good elf! I really need you, but your spy-work needs some work."

Tiffy looked a little better after that but still sad for not being able help his master.

I just shook my head and sighed for the 3rd time in the last 10 seconds. 'I guess I will have to do this the annoying way..'

Entering Miss Laura's mind, I quickly removed the memories of our previous conversation and added a replacement of me getting adopted by an aunt who only recently found out I existed, she remembers signing the documents and i'm now officially adopted in the muggle world.

Waking her up, I said "Goodbye, Miss Laura."

She looked around confused and dazed, "Hm? I.. G-goodbye, Leo.."

After the door closed, I started to leave the orphanage and after making it back to the previous alley, I made sure nobody was around before using the black coin portkey to get to Ignis Manor.

Appearing in a swirl that was only slightly easier to experience than last time, I used my power over the manor to open the huge metal gate in front of me. Making my way towards the main entrance, I was met by a surprising sight.

Guarding the entrance.. or more like sleeping in front of it, was a Thunderbird.

Deciding that I had experienced enough crazy/tiring encounters today, I just walked up to the Thunderbird, pet it on the head, causing it to lift its head suddenly, before walking through the front entrance.

I spent an hour walking through the manor, just memorising the layout and where everything was. There were over 20 bedrooms and let's just keep the description at that for now, needless to say, it was a huge 'house' and I was the only human living in it.

Finding myself in the room where I activated the floo, I sat down on one of the couches, and willed for the Ignis Family Magic book to come out from my inventory.

Calling out Tiffy, I waited for him to appear before saying, "Bring me my finest wine!".. 20 seconds later and everything in front of me was soaked in wine.

"I don't really like wine, even if it's super expensive apparently, could you get me a pint of apple juice instead, please?"

'That's more like it' finally content and able to relax, I thought about how I would deal with Harry Potter while idly reading the Family Magic book in front of me.

'Harry needs to be healed and his magic needs to unbound without Dumbledore noticing. I can't do it all at once otherwise Dumbledore would not only become suspicious but would also just add the blocks again.'

'The most important thing would be Harry learning occlumency without Dumbledore knowing. I don't doubt Dumbledore would use legillimency on Harry all the time so he can't be taught occlumency normally or Dumbledore would notice him developing shields.'

'Task 1 is to find a way for Harry to keep his thoughts shielded from Dumbledore, without Dumbledore knowing they're shielded.'

'I guess I need to find or make an item for it, there's no way he can do it on his own, I'll send it to him anonymously and make sure he knows i'm on his side.. though what could I possibly make?'

Deciding that runes and enchantments on an item were my best bet, I started flipping through the Family Book, and once that was done 10 minutes later, used occlumency to understand it.

I was there for hours, inside of my mindscape and comprehending each page of the book before I finally opened my eyes. There was so much information to understand, more than any other book I had read so far by a lot.

Thinking about all of the cool new spells and creations that I just learnt, I started to smile. There was information in the book on how a pensieve works and all of the runes involved. It turns out that one of my ancestors was one of the 3 creators of the pensieve, my ancestors were seriously amazing.

I had a few ideas on how I could get it to work but it would take a lot of research, time and effort. 'It'll be pretty fun though.'

With a few idea in mind, I took out my trunk and walked inside. There were plenty of rooms and materials that could be used in the manor, but I already had everything organised and setup to my liking in my trunk, so walking into the first door on the left, I found myself in my workshop.

It had materials, books and items everywhere, some were bought, some were taken from the family vaults while I was there, and others were from the Room of Requirements Room of Hidden Things.

* 2 Weeks Later *

'It's done.. I have spent days scouring the vaults in search of an item that I could use for my purpose, all with no luck. Though I did get multiple ideas, and finally, after weeks of constant experimenting, I invented something that just might work.

Despite the materials of it being expensive, that wasn't why the item I had in front of me would be worth a fortune.

The item in front of me, is called 'Shadow Thoughts'. Why? Because I invented it and thought it sounded cool..

What is it? Well you see, it's an item in the form of glasses that are weightless, able to stick to the user, and can become completely invisible and unnoticeable.

When somebody puts them on and activates them, a duplicate of their memories, thoughts and feelings are made, and while admittedly it is a very painful process, i'm still very proud of my invention.

Once the memories, thoughts and feelings are copied, they're able to be accessed far easier than your actual memories and thoughts, you just have to concentrate on the glasses with your magic just like a spell, and then they will lead you to the copies. From there, you can change or remove them with a lot less concentration than actual occlumency takes and i'm pretty sure that even Harry Potter with all those blocks in place could do it, especially considering the occlumency block on him doesn't affect the copies, just his actual mind.

When somebody uses legillimency on the glasses, the glasses seamlessly direct the legillimency user to the duplicated memories without them actually realising, and while it shouldn't be noticeable, i'm still a bit worried that someone like Dumbledore might realise something is up. Let's just hope.

Now all I have to do is find the optimal time and place to give it to him and make sure that he uses it correctly. After that, i'm free to live my student life just like normal. I plan on becoming an Animagus this year and also trying to to learn the Patronus Charm, it should be a relatively peaceful and enjoyable year.

Tomorrow, it's September 1st and Hogwarts starts once again.

Like usual, if you think something doesn't make sense or you don't like something that I've done in the chapter, please do tell, I have no idea if i'm doing things right or wrong, if they're boring or not. For all I know, I could've done something in this chapter that makes everyone hate it and leave, who knows.

Loyal_Huntercreators' thoughts