
Chapter 76 - Selfish and Wrong

Felix took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

Sitting on his bed in a lotus position. He started thinking.

"Despite all the efforts in the last fifteen minutes, Dumbledore and Snape, especially, do not stop looking at me at all."

"This is just not a good thing for me."

Felix is aware that being watched is not a good thing. He is sure that both of them are waiting for a motive and behavior that they can link with something evil to start moving on themselves.

"It seems like I am going to have problems in Hogwarts."

Felix closed his eyes and then calmed himself down.

"I need more knowledge."

Felix knew that in the end, Hogwarts Library would have both the normal books that he had not read and the books in the hidden section worth too much for him. He needs to read those books to increase his pure magical power so that he will not have problems in the end.

Right now, he knows that he is strong, but against two or three wizards that have mastery when it comes to dueling, he knows he is still going to lack the mastery to fight against them.

Not to mention when fighting against a man of the caliber of Snape, not to mention Dumbledore and Voldemort.

These are beings and individuals that he has no chance to take.

At that time, Felix heard somebody knocking on his door, and he called.

"Come on in."

The door opened, and it was Dumbledore himself.

Felix looked at Dumbledore clearly, not expecting him to visit his room in the morning.

"Felix, we may need to talk about something."

Felix nodded and then added.

"I am okay with talking, but may I know what the subject is?"

Dumbledore smiled.

"It is nothing bad, just to make some things clear."

Felix nodded. He was ready to vanish from the place any second for any kind of result.

"It is okay; can we talk here?"

Dumbledore nodded, sat on the chair close to Felix, and then started talking.

"What is your purpose of being here?"

Felix waited for a moment and then added. He tried to be honest when it came to these kinds of questions.

"I am here for knowledge, and Hogwarts is the best place when it comes to finding knowledge, especially magic knowledge."

Dumbledore nodded.

"I can understand that."

Dumbledore then asked again.

"It is just that, as you know, from the time you came here, I or other professors never asked about your past or background."

"But you are able to use all the resources of Hogwarts and are able to increase your power level."

"Without understanding you and your motives, we are just not sure that giving you more time and resources will help you improve yourself more."

Felix then waited for two seconds before answering.

"This sounds selfish."

"I mean, without knowing me, just thinking that there is a chance that I turn evil because of past events like what you guys have been through is just selfish to me."

Dumbledore let out a cold breath and then nodded.

"Yes, it is selfish and not a good way to approach someone."

"But I and the wizarding world cannot take the risk of cultivating a dark wizard again."

Felix then asked.

"What made you think that I am inclined to become a dark wizard?"

"Or do you consider everybody that gets strong quick and does not abide by your rule to have some sort of evil agenda in his mind?"

Dumbledore took a deep breath and thought. "This conversation goes to the wrong places."

It would be too good for me to see any kind of help to keep on writing people.

Thank you.


Adenliacreators' thoughts