
Chapter 72 - The Unwanted Decrease In Monsters

Felix continued to keep on training in Forbidden Forest and one day, he encountered Dumbledore in the forest. The school still had about fifteen days to start.

Dumbledore, being a wise and experienced wizard, was well aware of the natural balance of magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest. So when he noticed that the number of Acromantulas in the forest was lesser than usual, he grew concerned.

He decided to take a walk through the forest to investigate the matter himself. As he walked through the thick trees and bushes, he couldn't help but notice the eerie silence that hung in the air. The usual sounds of creatures scurrying and rustling about were absent, making the forest seem almost lifeless.

As he walked further, he stumbled upon a clearing where he saw Felix practicing his spells. Dumbledore watched in awe as Felix's magic flowed effortlessly from his wand, causing the trees around him to shake with the force of the spells.

Dumbledore waited patiently for Felix to finish his practice and approached him once he was done. "Felix, my boy," he said warmly, "may I have a word with you?"

Felix turned to face Dumbledore with a small smile. "Of course, Professor," he replied.

Dumbledore began, "I couldn't help but notice that the number of Acromantulas in the forest seems to have decreased recently. Do you know anything about this?"

Felix hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes, Professor. I have been practicing my spells on the Acromantulas. I did not realize that it would have an impact on their population."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You have been practicing on the Acromantulas? My boy, you must understand that while it is important to practice your magic, it is equally important to respect the natural balance of the forest and its inhabitants."

Felix hung his head in shame. "I am sorry, Professor. I did not mean to upset the balance. I will be more mindful of my actions from now on."

Felix just smiled as he said his words. In the end, in reality he did not cared about the fact that Acromantulas are alive or not or something is not right when it comes to these creatures and these matters. It is just that he did not expected that there will be any kind of problem for it.

He knows that Dumbledore just says these kind of things for blabberish words.

After the small talk was over Felix smiled and started talking.

"I take my leave then Professor Dumbledore."

After Dumbledore said his words, Felix vanished and then teleported to his room.

Dumbledore noticed the fact that the teleportation speed of Felix is not something ordinary at all.

"His Apperation is not something even experienced aurors can do. It seems like I am still need to change my views when it comes to Felix."

Dumbledore let out a deep breath as he thought about the things Felix is able to perform without not too much of a problem as well as with mastery.

In a sense, the apperation spell is forbidden for kids most of the time.

But, because of the ability of Felix, nobody could say anything to him.

One day later, Dumbledore did not hesitated to tell what he saw to Snape.

Dumbledore and Snape were sitting in Dumbledore's office, discussing Felix and his progress. Dumbledore had just finished his evaluation of Felix's spell casting abilities.

"Severus, I must say that Felix is at the level of an auror when it comes to spell casting," Dumbledore said.

Snape raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? That's quite impressive"

From the words of Snape, it seems like he is complimenting to Felix but on his face it was clear that he was not at all.