
Chapter 54 - Malfoy Problem.

Felix's increasing abilities and achievements had not gone unnoticed by his fellow students, including Draco Malfoy and his gang of Slytherin friends. They began to feel irritated and jealous of Felix's popularity among their peers.

One day, while walking through the hallway, Draco and his friends spotted Felix surrounded by a group of Ravenclaw students, discussing some new spell he had learned. Draco rolled his eyes and sneered, "There goes Felix again, hogging all the attention. I can't stand that guy."

His friends nodded in agreement, and one of them added, "It's not fair that he gets all the credit for everything." "We're just as capable as he is."

Draco replied, "Exactly. We need to find a way to bring him down a notch or two. I'm tired of hearing about how amazing he is all the time."

As they continued to walk, they saw Felix walking towards them. Draco stepped in front of him and said, "Hey, Felix, why do you always have to be the center of attention? It's getting old."

Felix raised an eyebrow and replied calmly, "I don't try to be the center of attention, Draco. I just focus on doing my best in my studies and in my magic. If that happens to get noticed, then so be it."

Draco scowled and said, "Well, it's not fair that you get all the attention." "We're just as good as you are."

Felix looked around at Draco's friends and said, "I don't see why we can't all just support and encourage each other to be the best we can be." There's no need to be jealous or try to bring anyone down."

Draco and his friends looked at each other, not sure what to say. They knew Felix was right, but they couldn't shake off their feelings of resentment and jealousy. As Felix walked away, they couldn't help but feel a little envious of his confidence and abilities.

As he got up to leave, he noticed Hermione sitting with Harry and Ron at another table. He decided to approach them and ask what they were talking about.

"Hey, Hermione, what's going on?" Felix asked, taking a seat beside her.

"Nothing much, just discussing some things," Hermione replied, eyeing him curiously.

"Did you happen to hear anything from Malfoy and his friends?" Felix asked, with a slight hint of worry in his voice.

Hermione nodded. "Yes, they were whispering about you. It didn't sound good."

Felix felt a twinge of anxiety in his chest. "What were they saying?"

"They were complaining about how you're always getting attention and how it's not fair." "They even said something about getting rid of you," Hermione said, looking at him seriously.

Harry and Ron looked equally concerned as they listened to the conversation.

Felix took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "Thanks for letting me know, Hermione. I'll be careful," he said, standing up from the table.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, then at Felix. "You don't have to face this alone, Felix. We're here for you," Harry said, offering him a reassuring smile.

Felix felt a sense of warmth in his chest at their words: "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it," he said, feeling grateful for his friends' support.

As he walked away from the table, Felix couldn't help but wonder what Malfoy and his friends were planning. He knew he had to be careful and stay alert for any potential danger.