
Chapter 44 - Unravel The Secrets Of Felix

McGonagall left the kids and went to Dumbledore's office, where she explained the events of the evening. "I have to say, I was quite impressed with Mr. Hermian's actions tonight," she said. "He took on a troll by himself and managed to kill it before any harm was done."

"He's quite a talented wizard," McGonagall continued. As Dumbledore listened silently, sitting on his chair, his eyes looked deep.

Dumbledore nodded in agreement. "I think that's an excellent idea, Minerva," he said. "I am still having a hard time believing that a first-year student is able to take on a creature like a troll all by himself."

As Mcgonagall left Dumbledore's office and headed back to her office, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. She knew that Felix had done the right thing, but she also knew that his actions had consequences.

"I am not sure what kind of prodigy I am witnessing."

"I can only share the hope of Dumbledore that he would not step to the dark side."

That time in his room,

Snape sat in his dimly lit room, brooding over the events of the night. He couldn't believe what he had witnessed—a mere first-year taking down a fully grown troll all by himself.

"How could this be?" he muttered to himself. "How could a child be so skilled in magic?"

As he pondered over the situation, his thoughts drifted to Felix Hermian, the boy who had defeated the troll. Snape couldn't help but feel a sense of unease whenever he thought of Felix. There was something about him that made him uncomfortable.

"It is no wonder Dumbledore keeps a close eye on him."

Snape thought

But at the same time, he couldn't deny the fact that Felix was immensely talented at magic. He had never seen such proficiency in a first year before. Maybe he is really a prodigy that rivals Tom Riddle.

Snape stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the dark night sky. He knew that Dumbledore would be pleased with Felix's actions and would probably give him some sort of recognition for his bravery.

"I am sure that Mcgonagall and Dumbledore spoke about this evening and events about the troll and Felix."

But Snape couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more to Felix than meets the eye. He wondered what kind of secrets the boy was hiding and whether his actions that night were simply a show of his true power.

"I remember watching him in the forest. He did not show me too much of anything."

"It seems like he is a smart boy and can think that it is more than likely that he is being watched."

Snape knew that he had to keep an eye on Felix to make sure that he wasn't a threat to the school or to his own interests. He made a mental note to watch Felix closely and report any suspicious activities to Dumbledore.

As he turned away from the window, Snape couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. He had a feeling that Felix was not just an ordinary first year and that his actions that night in the Forbidden Forest and today were just the beginning of something much bigger.