
Chapter 4 - The Burrow

Hagrid and Felix walked through the forest and soon arrived at the Burrow, the home of the Weasley family. As they approached the house, Hagrid knocked on the door and called out, "Arthur, it's me, Hagrid!"

After a moment, the door opened, and a tall, thin man with bright red hair and a kind face appeared. It was Arthur Weasley, the patriarch of the Weasley family.

"Hagrid, my old friend!" Arthur exclaimed, embracing the half-giant. "What brings you here?"

Hagrid explained that he had come to check in on the family and see how everyone was doing. Arthur invited Hagrid and Felix inside, and as they entered the house, Felix couldn't help but notice that there was nobody else there.

He found it odd that a large family like the Weasleys would all be absent at the same time. "Where is everyone?" he asked, looking around the empty room.

Arthur noticed Felix's confusion and smiled kindly. "Ah, well, you see, my dear boy, my wife and children have gone to visit some relatives. They'll be back soon, though."

Felix nodded, feeling a bit relieved. He was eager to meet the Weasley family and see what kind of adventures awaited him in this magical world.

As Hagrid and Arthur caught up, Felix wandered around the house, taking in the quirky and colorful decorations. He couldn't wait to see what other secrets this world had in store for him.

Arthur asked Felix a question at that time.

"Who are you, by the way? It is something not expected of Hagrid to have friends with him."

Hagrid said nothing, and Felix answered.

"I am Felix Hermian; I seem to have lost my memory; I do not remember about my past or anything."

Arthur's eyes turned serious, and he looked at Hagrid for a second. Hagrid shrugged off his words, saying nothing again and trying to look the other way.

Arthur then went to another room to talk with Hagrid as Felix left alone.

"He is a kind man, but it makes sense for him not to trust a young boy with no past."

"Considering he is from the Ministry of Magic,"

"And who's this young man, Hagrid?" he asked, gesturing towards Felix.

Hagrid explained that he had found Felix in the forest and that he seemed to have lost his memory. "I'm just trying to help him," Hagrid said. "I'm going to take him to Dumbledore and see what he thinks we should do with him."

Arthur nodded thoughtfully. "Well, you know I'll support you in whatever you think is best, Hagrid," he said. "But it's important that we proceed with caution. We don't know anything about this boy or where he came from."

Hagrid agreed, but he seemed determined to help Felix. "I just have a feeling about him, Arthur," he said. "There's something special about him; I can feel it in my bones."

Arthur smiled at his old friend's enthusiasm. "Well, I trust your instincts, Hagrid," he said. "Just be careful, all right? We don't want to put ourselves or anyone else in danger."

Hagrid nodded and thanked Arthur for his support. Felix, meanwhile, was still exploring the house, marveling at the magical artifacts and decorations that adorned the walls and shelves. He wondered what kinds of adventures awaited him in this strange and wondrous world.

For early chapters and support, thank you.


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