
Chapter 16 - Basics Of Transfiguration.

Felix looked around the vast library, its shelves reaching up to the ceiling and books upon books lined up in rows. As he walked further in, he heard a voice, soft and melodic, that seemed to echo through the halls. He turned his head in the direction of the voice, and there he saw a woman, a few shelves over, with her back turned to him. She had long, curly hair that fell down her back, and she wore a flowing dress that rustled as she moved.

Felix looked at Irma Prince, surprised by her sudden change in attitude. He nodded and introduced himself, feeling a bit uneasy around her. Irma Prince smiled at him, showing her yellowish teeth, and said, "I'm Irma Prince, the librarian of this school. And you, my dear, have a special privilege, but it does not mean that you can go to the restricted section."

Felix wanted to ask about the details of the restricted section, but he knew that it was more than likely that this woman, who looked alluring from the outside but was grumpy and not that clean from the outside, would not answer him anyway.

"Thank you; I will just stay silent and read."

Irma nodded.

"That is good then."

After saying her words, she did not look at Felix anymore and just went to do her thing.

Felix then took a deep breath and started looking for the books. After about thirty minutes, he picked up three books.

Basics of Charms

Basics of Hex

Basics of Transfiguration

"These three books should be enough for me to learn something at the very least."

Felix smiled and then sat down in one of the chairs and opened the first book.

Basics of Transfiguration

As Felix opened the book, he saw the first page titled "Transfiguration". The book explained that transfiguration was a branch of magic that involved changing one object into another. It was one of the most complex and difficult forms of magic, requiring precision, concentration, and a deep understanding of the nature of objects.

The book went on to describe the three main types of transfiguration: transformation, in which an object was changed completely into another object; vanishment, in which an object was made to disappear; and conjuration, in which an object was created out of thin air.

Felix read through the book, studying the diagrams and incantations carefully. He learned about the importance of wand movement, pronunciation, and concentration in performing transfiguration spells. He read about famous transfiguration masters, like Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall, who were known for their incredible skill in this branch of magic.

As he continued to read, Felix became more and more fascinated by the intricacies of transfiguration. He couldn't wait to try out some of the spells he had learned and see if he had what it took to master this challenging form of magic.

As Felix looked at diagrams and knowledge, he felt that his mind and soul were getting fed. It is similar to eating food when one is hungry, but different as he is not eating anything.

"It must be my hermetic power."

"As I learn and think about it, I learn it, and then it counts as wisdom, which increases my magical power."

"I can try something simple, I believe."