
Chapter 13 - Diagon Alley

Felix awoke from his dream, feeling a sense of power and purpose pulsing through his veins.

"At least, here in this place I am not alone without any power."

With a sense of urgency, he got out of bed and began to prepare himself for the day ahead. He donned his clothes quickly.

"I have a nice potential here with every kind of knowledge and Hermetic Laws, I should use it for my own purpose."

As he was putting on his shoes, there was a knock on his door. Felix paused for a moment, his heart racing with anticipation.

He opened the door to find a messenger standing there, holding out a letter. "This just arrived for you," the messenger said, his voice serious.

Felix took the letter, and then the messenger man looked at him for a second before pointing out the big bag behind himself.

"These are your clothes; change into them, and Mrs. McGonagall will arrive in five minutes."

Felix nodded and took the bag, where he found black wizard robes—basically the same robes Harry Potter and his friends wear.

"For the time being I should just pretend that I am just a young kid."

Felix thought.

He changed his clothes into robes and smiled.

Five minutes later, McGonagall arrived.

Five minutes after Felix received the letter, there was a knock on his door. He turned around to see Professor McGonagall walking in, her expression stern but her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"You already look like a wizard," she commented wryly, taking in Felix's hastily thrown-together outfit.

Felix just smiled.

"Thank you Miss Mcgonogall."


At that time, McGonagall spoke in a calm tone.

"Follow me, Felix; we do not have much time."

Felix looked up at Professor McGonagall with surprise as she told him to follow her. "Where are we going?" he asked.

"We're going to get you a wand suitable for you," McGonagall replied with a small smile. "Every wizard needs a wand, Felix, and it's time for you to find yours."

Felix felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building inside of him as he followed McGonagall down the corridors of the school.

"It is true that I did not love Harry Potter and it is world back then too much but it still feels amazing and interesting to go on a journey with these characters."

Felix thought.

As Felix and McGonagall made their way through Diagon Alley, Felix couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer amount of activity around him. The street was bustling with people, all of them hurrying back and forth from various shops and stalls, buying and selling all manner of magical goods.

Felix saw vendors hawking everything from enchanted brooms and cauldrons to rare and exotic magical creatures. There were shops selling potions and spellbooks, and even a few storefronts advertised the services of skilled wizards and witches for hire.

"Yeah, it is completely like Diagon Alley from the book itself. Seeing it with my own eyes is different than seeing it in movies or reading the book."

Everywhere he looked, Felix saw strange and wondrous things that he had never even imagined before. There were displays of colorful fireworks and magical candies, and even a store selling strange and unusual pets like owls and toads.

For early chapters and support, thank you.


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