
Harry Potter - Deaths Champion Rises

What is fate had a different plan for the boy-who-lived? What if Death herself had decided to make him her champion just to twist the world for her enjoyment. Follow along as Harry takes a whole new adventure in a world he would have known existed without a seemingly random encounter. There will be many many hardships that will want are young and brave Potter to give up but in the end he will persevere. Watch as he slowly grows from his physically and mental abuse, along with being tortured and experimented on. He will slowly learn the history of who his family truly is and where he comes from. He will gather friends and make many enemies. Eventually even falling in love. All while bring great changes to the world he has begun to venture into. Unaware of the waves he is making in the world. This is my take on the Harry Potter series. There will be moments that i take from the original story because i feel that they where necessary for the plot but for the most part i want this be an all original story. Characters may have varying personalities and behave different then their original counter parts because i felt it necessary to change. I dont own the harry potter series or any of the characters mention except for a few characters that i will create myself. Wish me luck sith the story and try to leave creative tips for me if you can. Also NO SYSTEMS!! hate that crap so much.

RogueAmbush · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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5 Chs

Fate is such a fickle thing

In a dark and nasty alley riddle with rotten food, trash, and rodents all around lies a rather small little card board box. The box is pushed up against the back wall of the alley with a small entrance to get inside. The card board box is covered in various pieces of discard cloths and small pieces of metal line the top of the box to protect it against some of the dreary weather that is known in the country.

Inside the box you will find a small boy no less then seven years old. If one where to look harder at the boy you would see many cars of varying degrees and you would also notice hose skinny the boy is. All of his bones are very obvious to see with the naked eye. The boy has long black hair that could be mistaken for a rats nest. His green eyes that have clearly lost the innocence they once held. On his forehead can be seen a lightning bolt shaped scar.

Currently the boy was asleep on a couple of old and nasty looking shorts that have seen better days. The time was early morning. The sun had barely risen up into the sky.

As the sun crept higher and higher into the sky the boy finally begun to stir awake. This was a routine the boy did every day. He would wake up and search for any scraps in the trash in the alley. If he didn't find any he would search the next couple of alleys. All while making sure to avoid any contact as much as possible. If he ever found any money then the boy would always save it because he never knew when he would need it to save his life. Following his routine he would always be very careful to avoid any police he could see in fear of going back to those monsters he was supposed to call family. The only thing he has learned from them is that he is a freak and his parents killed themselves because of him. Or so he was told.

Those people would always beat him black and blue and would break his bones just because they could. They would stave him on a regular basis and then feed him just enough to continue living. The inly name he ever knew was what the called him wich was Freak. When he was five years old they had decided to have a birthday party for their own child in a amusement park and left him home alone locked in a closet in the basement. He had managed to somehow unlock the door to the closet and escape. He took everything he could fit in a bag and ran away. Since then he has been living in dark alleys and abandoned houses surviving the only way he new how.

Every week or two he would pack up all his stuff in the middle of the night and relocate himself to a new alley or house or even sometimes some empty sewer lines under a bridge. And just like that years passed by once again.


In a rather dark street that seems to have no people walking along the sidewalk we can see a boy dragging a bag with random pieces of scraps in it. He was currently standing outside of a pub looking building that had suddenly appeared in front of him. As he was walking down the street he had felt a pull coming from the direction of the pub but he couldn't see it. Not until he was just fifty feet away from it then did it suddenly become visibly to the eye. The boy was rather hesitant about entering it but something in his mind was telling him to enter. After several seconds the boy decided to enter. And when he did he was rather disappointed with what he saw. It looked just like any other rundown crappy bar that had no customers. There where a couple people sitting around a table whispering about something snd there was also a man behind the bar cleaning some glasses. The man stopped what he was doing when he saw the boy enter. With one glance he could tell the boy was homeless and had no idea where he was and what exactly he had stumbled upon.

The man decided to help the boy out so he walked towards him in a slow and steady motion to show that the man could be trusted. After all this wasn't his first time dealing with homeless or orphaned children. When he approached the boy he could tell that the kid was hanging onto his life by a thread if his tattered and extremely malnourished body was anything to go by. When he looked into the boys eyes he could so no semblance of somewhen who was fighting to live. No, what he saw was a boy just waiting for the moment when be would finally die and be released from this hell he was living.

"Lets get some food in your stomach before we get everything else out of the way. Come along." The man said to the boy who was eyeing him up and down fully ready to defend himself if the man attacked.

The boy took a moment to decide before finally nodding his head. He then proceeded to follow him to the table the man sat at and just stared at him. It took only a few short minutes before food suddenly appeared in-front of him. He could see the steam rising from the food proving of its freshness. The boy truly wanted to eat it all but didn't because he was scared of how much it would cost him.

The man noticed his hesitation and decided to speak up. "Eat as much as you like. Theres no charge its on me. My names Tom and i run this bar." He gently smiled to the boy in hopes of easing his weariness.

The boy immediately began to devour everything in sight as if it was his last meal before his death. After what seemed like ages all the food was gun and the boy was at the point of passing out. The man took notice of this and decided to give him a room to stay the night in. After placed the boy in a room on the second floor he cast several spells to ensure that no one disturbed the boy and also a couple alarms so he could know when he wakes up.


First : I am writing this story on my phone so bare with me on release times. After all i work a full time job. And along with that i will be doing research to ensure as i write the story seems as best put together as i can make it with good sounding theories and spells and other points

Second : I'm new to writing so ho easy in me