
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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242 Chs

Chapter 54

Riser continued to scream in pain for a while until he engulfed his body in flames and was able to melt the needles stuck within him.

However, the ice needles were so cold and strong that it took quite a while to melt them, Harry just watched him engulf himself in flames for a bit until Riser finally was able to shakily get up on his feet, enraged at the pain and humiliation he has just gone through Riser growled and looked up towards Harry and glared at him.

Harry however just looked down at him with a bored expression in his eyes, suddenly he pointed his open palm towards Riser "'O frozen world, awash in the purest white, rain down the final chill curtain to lay these wandering souls to rest... Blizzard!'".

A sudden storm of ice and snow dropped right on top of Riser who tried to fly away the moment he saw Harry chant however the spell had such a wide area of effect that he was hit instantly, his wings froze over and he fell back down to the ground.

As soon as he crashed onto the ground, he tried to get up and engulf himself in flames once again to protect himself from Harry's spell but this time his fire was immediately snuffed out by the super cold blizzard.

As he stopped trying to engulf himself in fire he stared in shock and panic as his hands and feet began to freeze and crack causing him a lot of pain, especially since frozen pieces of himself were beginning to drop and shatter onto the ground.

Harry held his spell for a while longer as he watched Riser panic and begin to scream in pain until he dropped to the ground on his knees and Harry let the spell dissipate.

Ravel was sobbing and crying for her brother as she watch him be tortured like this, she watched as her brother's clan ability began to heal and regenerate the pieces that had frozen and fallen off him.

Harry then raised his hand and stared into the still recovering Riser "'Maiden of ice who sleepest in silent forest, grace my enemies with your pure smile and offer them thy bosom! Final Embrace!'".

Giant spears of ice dropped from the sky right on top of Riser and buried him with the absolute zero cold and sharp ice spears, then they shattered and exploded right on top of Riser causing even more damage and pain to the Phenex heir who could do nothing but to take the full brunt of Harry's spell.

Harry then slowly begins to float down to the ground as Ravel still trapped within the barrier followed him down.

As Harry slowly reached the floor he then snaps his fingers and the landscape changes once again this time into a never-ending ocean, as Harry drops down he gently lands on top of the undisturbed water and nonchalantly stands there waiting.

Riser who was in so much pain and agony was now floating on his side while his body slowly healed and regenerated from the horrid wounds inflicted by Harry's legendary level Ice spell.


Meanwhile, in the Uzumaki household, everyone was once again in awe at the show of Harry's skill and power, this was on a whole different level from what he had shown during the Fourth Shinobi war.

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke looked at each other for a second, and then Naruto commented "This reminds me a lot of what Kaguya pulled on us when we faced her, she kept teleporting us into different dimensions, Harry, however, is creating them from scratch and moving them within that pocket dimension in a matter of seconds...".

Sakura and Sasuke nodded and then Sasuke spoke up "Yeah the only difference is the level of power and the use of all kinds of advanced jutsu".

Hanabi then poked her chin and looked up "Were those last two techniques ice magic spells? Those were on a completely different scale than the ones he used while he was here, what were they called again? Kacrackle?".

Hinata nodded to her sister's questions "Yes that's correct, I think Le Fay explained to me that those kinds of spells are called either legendary level or Mystic arts".

Boruto and Sarada were in awe, Sarada, however, was curious about the Jutsu Harry used "Those jutsu?.. What kind of element were they? I've never seen anything like that, the closest to that would be what Boro used against us but those weren't of that scale".

Boruto nodded in agreement, Naruto chuckled drawing their attention to him "Those were Lava Style and Ice Style jutsu, they're an advanced form of elemental nature change, usually one needs to have the corresponding bloodline but it's possible to use them if you have the correct elemental affinities and the control necessary to use them".

Both young Genin were surprised and impressed at this information, Himawari however was still a bit curious "What elements do you need to use those jutsu?".

Sakura smiled and thought about it for a second "Hmm if I remember correctly you need an affinity with water and wind chakra to use Ice Style and you need fire and earth chakra affinity to use Lava Style".

Himawari was awed at this information while Boruto and Sarada looked at each other, Boruto then asked a question "I have water, wind, and lightning affinities, could I use Ice Style?".

Naruto looked up in thought "Well yes it should be possible, the problem is that no one in Konoha can use Ice Style so no one could teach you".

Himawari then gasped "You can ask uncle Harry to teach you! I'm sure he'll be willing to help you, big brother!".

Boruto grinned and nodded while Sarada was also planning to ask Harry to train her too meanwhile the adults smiled at their children knowing that Harry will be more than willing to teach them while they also had the idea of asking l Harry to train them too, especially Naruto and Sasuke since they can use those sort of elemental styles thanks to their gifts.


Meanwhile back with Yasaka and the others, everyone was in complete shock at the level of power and elemental skill Harry possesses while Serafall was furiously taking notes on those cool Ice spells and techniques so she could ask Harry to teach them to her later.

Sirzechs, Rias, and her peerage were sweating and were utterly terrified, they finally understood just how much Harry was holding back against them and that he had no intention of killing them from the get-go, the level of power he was showing off right now was both incredible and humbling.

Both Lord and Lady Phenex were in complete turmoil, watching their son suffer so much was breaking their heart but they were also very confused at something they noticed over the match.

It was Lord Phenex who wondered at loud what he was concerned about "How is my son still regenerating? He should have run out of mana and stamina by now... the amount of pain and injuries inflicted on him are just to severe for him...".

Almost every devil present narrowed their eyes at this fact and began to wonder what was going on, however, it was Ereshkigal who answered their question "Harry is feeding mana to Riser to keep his regeneration going and preventing Riser from passing out".

The devils besides the Sitri, Serafall, Sona, and her peerage turned around in surprise, Rias was the one who couldn't help to ask "But why? Why would he help Riser?".

Ereshkigal raised an eyebrow and laughed "Help him? You're such a silly little girl Gremory... He isn't helping him, he's making sure he stays alive so he can make him suffer more, as a matter of fact, Riser has died at least three times but Harry has revived him instantly, so fast in fact that no one but me noticed and that was because I'm a goddess of death".

The devils not allied to the Yokai faction stared in shock towards Ereshkigal unable to even say a word in shock at what they just heard.

Yasaka watching everyone's expressions decided to clarify something to these devils "Harry is a kind and loving man that strives to help and care for his loved ones but don't be mistaken, he's not a hero nor a savior, Harry has always considered himself a monster, one that is brutal and merciless to his enemies, the factions are the ones who keep trying to ignore that fact, to hide it and pretend that he's not that powerful, well I want to see you all try, keep pretending after watching all of this".

The Gremory, Ajuka, and Sirzechs just turned around to stare at the screen showing the torture of Riser Phenex.


As Harry was staring down at Riser as he continued to heal and regenerate, Ravel began to bang her hands against the barrier keeping her trapped and screaming at Harry "Please! Just stop! You've won! You already proved my brother can't beat you! You have already proved your power so please stop!".

Harry however just ignored her pleas and raised a hand, black clouds began to gather and rumble with lightning and thunder, the wind picked up and the never-ending sea began to become chaotic.

Riser finally finished healing and spread his wings to fly above the water but tornadoes began to touch down making it difficult for him to fly.

Ravel looked on in shock at the sheer chaos that Harry created, it was like an end-of-the-world calamity had fallen upon them and within it all, Harry stood there silent and completely unaffected by the wrath of nature before them.

As Riser was able to reach high enough he looked around in shock and the entire area was being engulfed by natural disasters, he was afraid, for the first time ever he was utterly afraid, the amount of pain he just went through was too much for him, him who has never been hurt before and he no longer had the will to fight.

He wanted to quit, to hide from the monster he had provoked but he knew he couldn't, the Dragon God before him wouldn't allow him to get away, Riser Phenex was at this moment regretted ever opening his big mouth and accepting Harry Potter's challenge.

Harry then glare at Riser and maliciously grinned at him "'Bequest of the Lord, feel judgment now! Indignation Judgement!'".

Suddenly countless holy lightning bolts rained down on Riser causing him to roar in agonizing pain as he felt his body be burned and destroyed by the holy nature of the spell, until the clouds suddenly parted and a giant sword made of holy light dropped on top of Riser and exploded violently in the form of a holy lightning storm.


The amount of holy energy was so strong that even most of the devils watching the fight could feel their skin burn and steam a little, except the devils allied to Harry these devils were protected by his blessing, a blessing he granted them with them knowing, this blessing gave them complete and utter Immunity to holy light.

Akeno was in shock as she witnessed another man she hates use that blasted kind of lightning, she couldn't help but growl as she was reminded of her father.


Meanwhile, everyone in the Grigori turned and stared towards Baraqiel in shock as the man himself couldn't believe what he was watching "I can't even compare to that level of mastery and power... that's beyond even father Azazel..".

Azazel nodded in agreement, what he just watched was something, not even his old man could pull off, the intensity and wide area of effect were quite big, and this spell was on a completely different level.


Harry watched as Riser was sent flying from the explosion created by his mystic art, he waved his hand and the ocean stirred and rose up, creating a giant vortex of water that Harry sent flying towards Riser catching him in midair.

The technique then dragged the severally injured Riser through the air as Harry snapped his finger one more time returning the landscape to its original form.

Riser still trapped within the water vortex crashed against the rocky ground and the water imploded causing a fast rain to fall down on the entire area surprisingly none of the water touched Harry.

Riser who was very tired and in so much pain lay there on the ground breathing hard not believing he didn't drown as he healed and regenerated, he rolled onto his belly and got on his knees and hands as he began to cough and vomit water.

Harry just kept watching Riser get on his knees and hands and began to walk over to him while a very distraught Ravel continued to bang her hands against the barrier while pleading with Harry to stop.

Riser looked up and saw Harry approaching him and he grew very afraid that fear caused him to begin to crawl back "Get away from me you monster!".

But Harry didn't stop and suddenly waved his hand but nothing happened right away and both Riser and Ravel were relieved after panicking a bit.

Until Riser began to age at an extremely fast pace shocking every devil watching the match, Riser continued to age and age until he became a gray-haired, almost bald, and small old man barely capable of standing up.

Harry finally reached where Riser is standing and stood before the old man Riser "... Not talking so big now are you? Where was that pride and arrogance you had when you attacked me?".

Riser couldn't speak as his teeth began to fall, he just stared up at Harry, trembling as his old body didn't have any strength left, he couldn't even remember where he was or what he was doing.

Ravel was sobbing and crying at what had happened to her brother, while Harry just glared at Riser "I really wanted to kill you, you know, but no I'm not going to send garbage to Death I owe her too much to make her suffer from your presence, instead you're going to live as an old man for the rest of your existence and I'll be making sure that your existence is going to be a very long time, enjoy asshole! Honestly, all of this was a waste of my time, hopefully, the entire supernatural world can see how foolish it is to mess with me and the Yokai faction but I'm not expecting much from fools like you".

Harry then waved his hand a Ravel dropped to the ground as the barrier keeping her captive shattered as Harry whacked Riser on the head with one of his fingers, knocking him out.

Ravel rushed over to her brother and caught him before he could drop to the ground, she began to cry when she saw him so old and weak like he could die at any moment from just about anything.

Grayfia's voice echoed throughout the area [Lord Riser has been knocked unconscious, the winner of the match is Harry Potter!]

Harry's just sighed, honestly he was bored and tired of this stupid match, and even though it was his idea it still dragged on more than he wanted it to.

But he had to show the supernatural world watching what he was capable of, Elemental manipulation on a level never seen before, complete and total control over space and time, his ability to create anything even dimensions, and the fact that he can make anyone suffer pain and humiliation worse than death.

However all of this just got him in a bad mood, these devils were really weak, he wasn't expecting much but this? This was ridiculous, all of these devils were so one-dimensional that it left Harry severely disappointed.

So Harry shook his head disappointingly and turned around as he was teleported right out of the pocket dimension, where the girls were already waiting for him.

He smiled at the girls and then opened a dark corridor to take them all home as all of them were bored and tired of what he was now considering a massive waste of time.

With that in mind, they all stepped through the dark corridor and went home to rest and leave this disappointment behind.


Yasaka grinned as she and the Yokai faction delegates stood up ready to leave as the match was officially over "Well looks like you get to keep your son Lady Phenex just that now you're going to have to change his diaper all over again".

Lady Phenex began to cry at the fate that had befallen her son while Lord Phenex looked down and tighten his fist in anger, while the young devils couldn't believe that fact that Harry can make such long-lived creatures as devils, age so fast.

Ajuka and Sirzechs were in shock and fear, Harry can cripple supernatural beings... killing is one thing but to make them age like this? It was both terrifying and unbelievable.

Meanwhile, Ereshkigal open up a dark corridor, Elmenhilde, Gabriel, and Serafall stepped through while Ereshkigal waited on Yasaka who decided to say one last thing "I hope your people learn from this Lord Lucifer but I'm not really expecting much from most of your race though, the Sitri and Serafall plus the reincarnated devils are an exemption of course but honestly I know some pureblood noble is going to do something stupid at some point in the future".

Sirzechs and the rest of the pureblood devils except the Sitris looked down while Yasaka continued "Just so you know that like the fallen angels any devil stupid enough to provoke us will be sent back to you in pieces, I hope your people learn this fact... your no longer one of the strongest factions in the world, know your place or die".

With that said Yasaka stepped through the dark corridor with a smiling Ereshkigal following right behind her.

The supernatural world learned that the strength of Neo Kyoto was true and that Harry Potter was capable of many things, terrifying and terrible things, everyone was now beginning to understand how insignificant they were before a Dragon god.

Of course, there were still fools whose only thought after watching all of this was 'how exciting would it be to challenge and kill Harry Potter' but these beings will soon learn how stupid their train of thought really is.


A few weeks had passed by since Riser's defeat and humiliation, everyone in the supernatural world had seen Harry and the girls' abilities and many were terrified, the only relief they had was the fact that the Yokai faction was perfectly fine being left alone.

As long as you don't provoke them everything seemed to be okay, literally, it became a situation in which you don't poke that dragon and the dragon won't blast you with a shit ton of fire.

Today is the weekend and Harry was enjoying a nap in his backyard, everyone had decided to be a bit lazy today since they have been busy lately.

During the week Harry had visited Konoha with Tony and they were brought to their research facilities, Harry was in awe at all the technology that the hidden leaf village had come up with.

Tony, of course, loved the creativity and had a bit of a think tank with the scientists, he instantly gained fans and the admiration of many of the scientists working there.

They also met Sumire, a young Kunoichi who had joined the research corps and a friend of Boruto, Harry learned a lot about Boruto from her and he even got a Hinata kind of vibe from her so he out of reflex treat her like a little sister.

Which at first confused the poor Kunoichi but she soon got used to it and just accepted, deep down she was happy to be spoiled a bit since it was something she never got before.

After that they went to go see Naruto and talk about a few projects, Sumire decided to go with them, hoping to see Boruto too, which made Harry grin at her causing her to blush and panic.

When they got to the Hokage tower and Naruto's office they were surprised to see him on the floor tired and falling asleep from all the paperwork he has to deal with.

Harry frowned seeing his friend like this and decided to do something about it, so he gave Naruto a Miracle Gel and then told Tony that they were upgrading everything in the Hokage tower so Naruto doesn't need to overwork himself like this.

So everyone went back to Harry's home and picked up everything they needed to set up the Hokage with the best technology the Yokai faction had.

It took a couple of hours, but both Harry and Tony were able to get everything done and even set up the Hokage tower with its very own AI to help Naruto with all his work.

Both the Hokage and Sumire were in awe at all the technology brought to the Hokage tower but the more amazing thing was that thanks to finally succeeding in creating the mini-arc reactors, the entire Hokage tower is entirely energy efficient and independent.

All of this new technology, made Sumire commit to a big decision, she right there and then asked her Hokage if there was a way for her to become the assistant of Tony Stark and Harry Potter.

Tony and Harry jumped a bit in surprise but they saw the determination in the young Kunoichi's eyes and decided to help her if Naruto agreed to her request.

Naruto thought about it and decided that it was a great idea for someone in the village to work directly with Harry and Tony plus there were all kinds of things Sumire can learn from both of them that could help the village later and so Naruto agreed.

This made Sumire a new addition to the Potter household and she was immediately accepted by everyone living there, she was a hard-working earnest girl and everyone could see that.

Sumire herself was learning a lot under the tutelage of Harry and Tony and she was even getting shinobi training too.

Training that was making her not only a force to be reckoned with but also learning all kinds of skills useful to her.

Harry treated her like a little sister and taught her everything she was interested in, Enchanting, Metallurgy, Alchemy, and even Potion making.

Of course, the girls help her by teaching her all kinds of different things, Hermione taught her Runecraft, while Le Fay taught her all kinds of magic and she even went to the Healing Temple once in a while to learn about healing and magical medicine making.

Everything that she was learning was amazing to her and she would often report everything back to the village, this helped the village decide who to send, what to learn, and what to get from the Yokai faction once they began to send their own delegates.

Right now though, it was nap time in the Potter household and all over the house you could find someone napping, even Hela partook in the laziness of sleeping on the couch.

Harry had told everyone of the turtle school way to work hard, study well and eat and sleep plenty. everyone took those words seriously not only in the Potter's household but in Kyoto as well.

Harry right now was napping in his dragon form and curled up like a cat, on his back Hope, Morgan, Asia, and Sumire were also sleeping peacefully.

Asia and Sumire became fast friends the moment they met and could be seen always talking or hanging out, like right now, Asia was the one to drag Sumire to take a nap on top of a sleeping Harry.

She thought it would be rude but she was convinced by Asia and the fact that Hope and Morgan were already fast asleep on his back helped her accept and so that's how Harry ended up becoming a fancy dragonic bed to four young girls.


Meanwhile back in Konoha Hinata, Himawari, Hanabi, and her team decided to go visit Harry over at his house today.

However, they got an unexpected guest that was determined to go visit Harry but it did make Hinata nervous about taking her to see Harry since she has a habit of being very destructive.

In the end, they decided to go ahead and go visit Harry with their surprise visitor, Boruto and his team couldn't go today since they were on a mission at the moment along with Kawaki.


Once everyone arrived at the Potter household they were surprised to see a lot of people napping all over the place suddenly Himawari gasped making everyone turn around and see what had her so shocked.

Only to gape at the enormous gold and silver dragon sleeping in the backyard, Hinata rested her hand over her cheek "Oh my, his dragon form certainly changed a lot, it's enormous and so shiny".

Hanabi was gaping "Wow! I think it's way bigger than the Ten-Tails you fought in the Fourth Shinobi War bis sis".

Hinata nodded while Himawari ran outside to go see the dragon up close, of course, this made Hanabi's team panic since they didn't know that the dragon was actually family and they all ran out to try and stop Himawari from disrupting the giant mass of scales from its sleep.

This made Hanabi, Hinata, and their surprise companion giggle since they knew that Harry was more than likely already aware of their presence.

Hanabi's team was unable to catch up to Himawari and could only watch in panic as Himawari jumped and hugged the dragon's snout like a Koala and began to nuzzle it.

The girls were gaping in disbelief but then jump in fright when the dragon opened one eye and stared at Himawari.

Hanabi's team which was composed of Namida Suzumeno, Wasabi Izuno, and Tsubaki Kurogane began to panic even more thinking that the dragon was going to eat Himawari and so the ever-diligent Tsubaki stepped forward "I read that dragons like to eat Maidens! I'll sacrifice myself for the Hokage's daughter!".

Both Namida and Wasabi gaped at their teammate while Harry who heard this sweatdrop and deadpan at the strange unknown girls in front of him, this however made Himawari giggle since to her a dragon deadpanning was the funniest thing she has ever seen.

Meanwhile, Both Wasabi and Namida were trying to hold back an honor-bound Tsubaki from offering herself to the big and scary dragon but a giggle from their teacher stopped them.

Hinata and Hanabi had stepped outside and were laughing at the face Harry was making as he stared at the girls in front of him, Harry looked their way and raised an eyebrow.

Hanabi finally stopped giggling and stepped forward and hugged the dragon's snout too, shocking the poor girls even more "You don't have to worry about this overgrown gecko, he's family".

Harry chuckled and nuzzle his snout on Hanabi's face making her giggle he then turned towards the girls who jumped a bit "Is this your team Firecracker?".

The girls' eyes widened in shock and all three of them couldn't help but exclaim at the same time "It can speak!".

Harry grinned at the girls which actually made the girls gulp since all they saw was a row of sharp fangs while Hanabi nodded to Harry "Yup! This my team big bro, aren't they the cutest!".

The girls blushed at having their sensei speak about them like that but they noticed something peculiar about what Hanabi had just said, Wasabi was the one to speak "big brother?".

Wasabi looked up in thought while scratching her chin "Well Hanabi sensei does act like a dragon once in a while when she's training us... I just didn't think it was literal".

Tsubaki and Namida nodded in agreement while Hanabi gaped at her student "Hey! What do you mean! I'm not that strict!".

Hinata giggled at her sister's expense as she approached Harry and hugged his snout too which made him smile "Why don't you take on your human form Harry?".

Harry smiled and slightly shook his head "I have sleeping passengers on my back and I don't want to disturb them".

Hinata nodded while Hanabi tilted her head in curiosity, Himawari wanted to know who was up there so she jumped on top of Harry's head, who didn't mind and she took a look.

She giggled when she noticed it was Hope and Morgan along with an unknown blonde girl, though she was surprised to see Sumire there too, she then turned towards her aunt "Aunty, I think there's a girl here that you know, she used to be on your team I think".

Hanabi raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Harry who smiled and responded "Oh she must be talking about Sumire, she came here to help and learn with me and Tony as scientific ninja".

Hanabi nodded while her team was shocked to hear that Sumire was working here and with a dragon no less, Hanabi then spoke "I see, I heard she was transferred to somewhere outside the village but to think that she was working with you, do take care of her Harry, she has had a tough childhood".

Harry nodded "Yes, I'm aware of her past and besides she's like a little sister to me now".

Hinata giggled "Ah so you adopted another huh? Looks like Naruto, Hanabi and I have a younger sister now".

Hanabi squealed a bit because now she wasn't the youngest of their group "Yes! I'm no longer the youngest sibling! but you do have a habit of adopting troubled kids big bro".

Harry smiled "Well I had a tough childhood too so when I see a kid being lonely I just can't leave them alone, and besides, You, Hinata, Naruto, and I had a lot of fun getting into a lot of trouble right?".

Hanabi grinned while Harry winked at her, Hinata just huffed because she was always dragged into their adventures though deep down she had to admit that she had a lot of fun too.

Hanabi's team was very confused and Tsubaki couldn't help to ask questions "Um, sensei who exactly is this dragon? How can he be your family?".

Hanabi widen his eyes "Oh! I forgot to introduce you guys! Tehe!".

Her team sweatdropped at their sensei's response while Hanabi then pointed a hand at Harry "This is Harry Potter, one of the heroes of the Fourth Shinobi War and known throughout the elemental nations as the Dragonlord!".

Harry shook his head at Hanabi's introduction while the girls gaped, suddenly Tsubaki gasped and pointed at Harry "Wait! You're Mifune-sensei's last student before the war! You're my senpai! Ahh! I'm sorry senpai! I didn't recognize you in your dragon form, Mifune-sensei spoke often of you during my training".

Tsubaki bowed towards Harry, Harry, however, chuckled "Ah so the old man took on another student, you must be very talented with the sword, it's nice to meet you, my little kohai".

Tsubaki who was mostly a very serious girl smiled and nodded excitedly, suddenly a voice was heard from Harry back "Daddy who's making all that noise?".

Hope's head popped up for Harry's back, while Harry smiled at his daughter "Sorry Hope but we got visitors".

Hope rubbed one of her eyes and then floated up and then floated down towards Hinata who took the still sleepy girl in her arms "Hello aunty Hinata, aunty Hanabi...".

Hinata and Hanabi smiled at Hope while Himawari went to say hi, Hope smiled at who she considered her cousin "Hi cousin, I'm glad you came to visit...".

Himawari smiled while Morgan who had also woken up spread her very own dragonic wings that she had gotten from her blessing and being Ddraig's host and slowly drifted down where she was caught by Hanabi who hugged her "Hi everyone...".

She was still sleepy but she was happy to see who she considers family come to visit them, Hanabi's Team couldn't help but gush at the cuteness.

Suddenly Sumire and Asia jumped down from Harry's back and Sumire's former team went to say hi to her, Namida was the first one to speak "Miss president! It's so nice to see you!".

Sumire smiled while Wasabi then spoke, "Though it is a surprise to find you taking a nap on top of an enormous dragon, who would think that miss president was so adventurous!".

Sumire blushed and waved her hands in panic "Ah! No it's just, this is a rule when working with Lord Harry! We work hard, play hard and rest and eat plenty!".

Sumire ended up saying all of that so seriously that everyone just stared at her silently for a few minutes until everyone began to laugh in good fun.

Suddenly another voice joined the others "This certainly is a big and comfy house Harry, I'm happy that you finally have a big home and an even bigger family like you always wanted".

Harry turned towards where he heard the voice come from and grinned when he saw who it was that came to visit him too "Granny Tsunade!".

Tsunade Senju has arrived at the Potter household, what sort of trouble will she get into now that she's here?