
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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242 Chs

Chapter 45

Harry continued to glare towards Sirzechs "I've been looking for a reason to fight you, I have wanted to test just how powerful a demonlord from this world is for quite a while, who could have guessed you would hand me the opportunity so easily and besides I wasn't going to kill her, just horribly injured her".

Sirzechs frowned as he looked toward Harry, he can't attack him full force because his sister is very close to him and he might accidentally kill her.

However Harry noticed his hesitation and turned his gaze towards Rias who was still bleeding and holding her shoulder, suddenly Harry snapped his fingers and to his shock, Rias and her peerage suddenly appeared right beside Sona who gaped at the Instant teleportation.

Sirzechs saw this and relaxed a bit and decided to negotiate "Harry, can't we talk about this? I'm sure all of this is just a misunderstanding".

Harry tilted his head "What's to misunderstand? Your sister challenged me into a fight and she lost but then her siscon brother decided to intervene not only attacking a high-ranking member from another faction but also interfering with business between the Gremory and the Yokai faction by all rights I should kill you and the entire new Lucifer family".

Sirzechs tensed, he was so worried about Rias that he didn't think about the consequences of his actions until Harry just threw them at him "... you knew I would interfere, you knew I would come to protect Rias...".

It wasn't a question but a statement and the devils present widen their eyes in sudden realization while Harry's group just looked on in interest.

Harry closed his eyes and chuckled "Yasaka mentioned to me before how powerful you are and how this was the reason why no one ever dared to attack your sister, everyone is well aware of your siscon tendencies, after all, you are so feared that you literally can get what you want and no one would say anything to you because of that fear".

Sirzechs growled, he was being played like a fiddle by Harry and he just walked into his trap, Harry went on "So I figured that this was the reason why Rias herself believes to be all but untouchable, she challenged me Sirzechs... if that doesn't show you how foolish and naive she is then I don't know what will"

Sirzechs turned his gaze towards Rias, he has to admit that it was his fault that Rias grew too arrogant, he couldn't believe Rias actually challenged Harry Potter when he himself made sure to tell her how dangerous he is, what was she thinking? Was she that desperate to escape her marriage contract? {Maou dammit! Mother... Father... I blame you for this!}.

Harry went on "Besides after hearing about you from Yasaka I grew curious, would this so call demonlord risk war and the end of the devil race for just his sister, and here you are, attacking a dragon god like a fool...".

Harry shook his head, while Sirzechs looked down and spoke "Look I'm sorry for my sister's arrogance can't we just say you won and call it a day?".

Harry grinned "Oh I know I won, that means that Gasper Vladi is now under the Yokai faction's care but now that I have you before me and not hiding in the underworld behind your desk I'm going to hurt you... let's see who's stronger, you the super devil or me the dragon god".

Suddenly Le Fay called Clarent into her hand and raised the beautiful sword above her head creating a powerful giant barrier around both Harry and Sirzechs.

Harry suddenly released the hold he has over his power and his energy flared causing the ground to shake, even as everyone watched from outside the barrier Le fay created, the young devils felt the pressure and enormous power coming off Harry.

Rias widen her eyes "... he was playing with us this whole time... he never took us seriously " Rias closed her one uninjured hand into a fist and growled in frustration but a giggle caught her attention.

Milim giggled in amusement as she looked down at Rias who was still on her knees and holding her injured shoulder "Of course he didn't take you seriously, all he had to do was flare a bit of his power and all of you would have dropped dead on the spot, the only reason you're okay right now is because of Fay's barrier and Harry control over his power, honestly hehe did you really think you were on our level little girl?".

Rias glared at Milim but then Milim maliciously grinned showing off her fangs as her clear blue eyes began to glow ominously causing Rias to avert her eyes from Milim in fear.

Meanwhile inside the barrier Sirzechs frowned when he felt the connection to his teleportation circle being cut off, though he was sweating profusely from the pressure currently pressing against him "I don't want to fight you, Harry...".

Harry chuckled amusedly "How funny, you seem to think you have a choice" Harry's eyes suddenly began to glow as he disappeared in a blur.

Sirzechs tensed until he heard a voice behind him "You and your sister need to learn that your actions have consequences and it seems that this lesson falls on me to teach it to the both of you".

Sirzechs tried to roll forward to dodge whatever Harry was going to hit him with but Harry still caught him with a spinning kick to the ribs and sent him flying until he recovered in mid-air with his wings and tenderly held his ribs {Damn!.. he definitely cracked a few of my ribs with that kick!}.

Sirzechs didn't even have a chance to keep checking his ribs because he suddenly had to dodge a giant asian dragon made of water that roared as it launched itself toward him.

The dragon though twisted in mid-air and began to follow Sirzechs intending to bite down on him and drown him, Sona who was watching the battle intently watched on in interest at Harry's water technique.

Fuu saw the curious gleam in Sona's eyes and decided to answer her unspoken question "That's the Suiton: Suiryuudan (Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet) it's another shinobi technique and one of the most powerful water styles jutsu, though Harry is the only who can use it without using hand signs".

Sona listened to Fuu's explanation with her full attention, such technique looked both powerful and very useful, inwardly though she was worried about all this {Sister... get here soon or I don't know what will happen}.

While Sirzechs was busy avoiding the massive water construct Harry was reading the quest he received while he was looking toward Valerie and while Kiba was trying to hit him with his sword.

[Ding! Ding!]

[Quest received!]

[Rias Gremory has challenged you to a fight, however, her brother Sirzechs Lucifer is monitoring her, force the Red Satan to confront you by hurting Rias Gremory and her Peerage!]

[Objective 1: Cause enough damage to Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou, and Yuuto Kiba to force Sirzechs Lucifer to appear.]

[Objective 2: Find out about the darkness that is slowly consuming the hearts of Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou, and Yuuto Kiba.]

[Objective 3: Defeat Sirzechs Lucifer in a fight.]

[Reward 1: Skill: Cancel Natural Elements.]

[Reward 2: Skill: Resist Magic.]

[Reward 3: Skill: Power of Destruction.]

Harry was a bit cut off guard when he received this quest and was even more surprised when he read the rewards.

The skills Cancel Natural Elements and Resist Magic is practically useless to him because his dragon scales were the same thing to him at an even higher level but they are great skills to have and to grant to his family and friends.

Cancel Natural Elements is a tolerance-type skill that grants extreme resistance to any type of natural phenomenon, one example is lightning, regardless of whether or not they are caused by magic or physics.

Resist Magic is a bit more simple but still useful to his family and friends this skill is another, Tolerance-type skill that grants resistance to any type of magic attack.

But the skill Power of Destruction was interesting to Harry, he had already seen something like it when he faced Beerus and he knew how dangerous and powerful this type of skill is.

He barely survived when Beerus blasted him with his Hakai, he was only to be able to withstand it because of his dragonic nature and his healing factor but even then he was helpless afterward luckily Goku had become a Super Saiyan God and Beerus ignored him to fight with him.

But that power was still something Harry had become interested in and even with the power over reality he still couldn't fully recreate it but with this skill, he might have a way to finally get the power of Hakai.


Sirzechs blasted the water dragon with his Power of Destruction destroying it, he then immediately turned towards Harry only to notice that he seemed distracted and so he suddenly fired a beam of his Power of Destruction.

Harry just raised a hand, his green eyes glowed and stopped it while he began to absorb it, to the shock of the devils currently watching the fight.

After absorbing the entire beam, Harry then looked at his hand and saw that it was a bit red but instantly healed "Hmm a bit better... I actually felt a sting this time but Lord Beerus's Power over Destruction hurts way more".

Sirzechs narrowed his eyes but had to suddenly dodge to the side when he saw Harry raise a hand and then dropped it in a chopping motion, an energy slash of light flew from his swing heading towards him.

Sirzechs actually felt his skin smolder from the sheer power behind the light element in that attack but he didn't have time to even grunt in pain because he received a punch to the gut that sent him crashing against the ground, creating a crater from the impact.

Harry landed a bit away from where Sirzechs landed "I see... you're a wizard type, you focused too much on your magical abilities that you didn't even bother to master hand-to-hand combat... pretty arrogant of you Sirzechs, did you really believe that there was no one you could defeat with just your bloodline?".

Sirzechs stood up and ripped his destroyed cape off of him and threw it to the side "There was never someone like you...".

Harry grinned "Is that so, you see those girls outside the barrier?".

Sirzechs turned to look toward the girls Harry mentioned and stare at them "What about them?".

Harry closed his eyes and just smiled "Each and every one of them is many times more powerful than you, I thought them how to master their weapons, hand-to-hand combat, magic, and many other things, I even gave them all kinds of skills and they have all trained vigorously to master them".

Sirzechs widen his eyes {That many... the Yokai faction has that many powerful members! but how!? How can this be possible?}.

The devils outside the barrier turned to stare at Harry's groups, the girls just grinned at them and flare their power causing the eyes of every devil present to bulge in shock.

Harry opened his eyes and chuckled when he sensed the girls flare their power, Harry then continued "That's not all, pretty much everyone in Kyoto is already powerful enough to fight you Sirzechs, even the children".

Sirzechs took a step back in shock {There have been rumors of the Yokai faction having access to a place where their people can get stronger and get all kinds of resources but this?...}.

Harry began to walk forwards "Honestly I was just going to teach your sister a lesson in humility but now that you're here... defeating you will be a great way to show the Yokai faction's power, after all, your sister didn't believe in all the rumors surrounding me so I have to once again show the world what I can do".

Energy flared around Harry's body and began to dance around him as he continued to walk towards Sirzechs who began to sweat.

Suddenly Sirzechs flared his power of destruction and swung his arm toward Harry "Ruin the extinct!" multiple highly condensed crimson orbs made out of the Power of Destruction formed around Sirzechs, the orb's power was so intense that everything close to them began to disintegrate.

Harry just grinned and then took off at high speed towards Sirzechs who made the orbs spin around him to try and stop Harry in his tracks but to his surprise, Harry broke through and punch Sirzechs hard in the face.

Sirzechs gritted his teeth as his head whipped to his side from Harry's punched but recovered and tried to kick him away but Harry jump over his kick, span around mid-air, and kicked Sirzechs in his chest sending him flying.

Sirzechs swung his body and twirled around, he then grabbed the ground with his hands and stopped himself from flying and crashing against the trees behind him, as he landed he mentally sent his orbs of destruction toward Harry.

Harry then spread his arms "Chaos Eater!" Harry's skill shot out of his back and intercepted the orbs of destruction and ate them, while Harry went through hand signs at an impressive speed "'Mokuton: Jukai Kotan (Wood Style: Nativity of a World of Trees)'" after calling out the name of his technique Harry placed both hands on the ground.

Multiple giant trees sprung out of the ground in front of Harry and then shot forwards, Sirzechs widen his eyes in surprise and took off flying but the trees followed him and caught up with him and trap him within the thick branches of the new forest created by Harry's technique.

The devils couldn't believe what they were watching, Sona who was gaping couldn't help but ask out loud "Such a dense forest... is this some kind of druid magic? Just what is this?...".

Fuu who was watching the fight answered her question "Mokuton: Jukai Kotan is a technique that requires the user to combine the elements of water and earth to create a forest... Harry is the second person alive who can use these types of techniques but what really makes this style of jutsu so dangerous is the fact that once a target is caught by the trees their energy will be drained and purified, especially energy born from malice".

Sona just continues to stare in amazement while Rias is visibly worried about her big brother who seems to be losing this battle quite easily.

Harry then stood up and took a big breath, suddenly he exhale and fired a massive firestorm from his mouth which engulfed where the trees of his technique were squeezing Sirzechs.

Suddenly from within the flames, Sirzechs shouted and the flames dispersed allowing everyone to see how damaged the Red Satan was from Harry's attacks.

Sirzechs couldn't breathe easily, he knew his ribs were broken plus it hurt to even move with the amount of severe burns covering his body {... I almost got incinerated... if I hadn't covered my body with the Power of Destruction I would have died...shit, I can't play around with this guy!}.

Harry stared at Sirzechs, he could tell that he was severely hurt from his assault and even though he was fighting below his base he was still impressed that he was able to escape from his technique {He must have quite the control over his bloodline to be able to destroy my Mokuton and fire breath...}.

Sirzechs narrowed his eyes and decided to go all out, with a roar he let go of his control over his power and let it loose.

Harry widened his eyes when he saw Sirzechs body become engulfed by his Power of Destruction.

Rias's eyes bulged and she began to panic "My brother is using his true form! Everyone hold on!".

Le Fay analyzed what Sirzechs is doing while completely ignoring the devil's panic "... I see he's compressing the Power of Destruction into a human shape, so this is why it is said that Sirzechs Lucifer was ten times stronger than the original Lucifer... Jessica help me reinforce the barrier, we can't let his power leak to the outside".

Jessica nodded and raised an open palm towards the barrier which shined for a second and then settled showing everyone that it was reinforced, Jessica then frowned "Ah! I see his energy was already eating at the barrier, not bad".

The devils just stare incredulously at Le Fay and Jessica, they couldn't believe that they were so calm, Sona just stared at all of this happening {They were able to analyze Lord Lucifer's technique with a glance and produce countermeasures in a second... incredible}.

Meanwhile, Harry noticed that the barrier was reinforced and smiled, he then lifted a hand and watch as his skin was being slowly disintegrated and healing at the same time "Heh, how interesting... the power of your bloodline went up at least ten times, I see why you were so feared this technique alone is capable of killing almost anything in this world... but it lacks control, all you're doing is letting your power go wild, what a shame".

Sirzechs growled and suddenly disappeared in a blur but before he could reach Harry a glowing golden chain sprung from the ground and wrapped itself onto his leg.

Suddenly Sirzechs lost the connection he had with his power and reverted back to his basic form, the chain then lifted him off the ground and slammed him onto the ground, it then proceeded to whip the Red Satan all over the place causing his body to be slammed on the ground and trees repeatedly until it then swung him around and suddenly let him go.

Sirzechs was sent flying at such speed and force that he couldn't stop himself as he flew through the air and slammed against the barrier right in front of everyone.

His sister suddenly let out a shout "Brother!" all Rias could do is watch helplessly as Sirzechs bounced off the barrier and crashed harshly against the ground.

Sona watched as that strange glowing chain had come out of Harry's back and shot off into the ground only for it to later sprung out and catch Sirzechs by the leg, Sona then gaped when Sirzechs was suddenly forced to revert back to his basic form and then watched as he was whipped around like a toy.

Sona turned towards Fuu who felt her gaze and turned towards her, she giggled when she saw the curious gleam in her eyes once again "That was the Adamantine Sealing Chains, which is a technique created by the shinobi of the Uzumaki clan, this technique made the Uzumaki feared not only because they're hard to destroy but because they can seal the energy from its target sealing all abilities while being touched by the chains, Harry's technique is a little different since it can seal any kind of energy and is indestructible which is why the chain was able to touch Sirzechs even when he was using that true form of his".

Sona was once again in awe, just how many amazing abilities and techniques are available to the Yokai faction? {I want Harry Potter as a teacher of my future school...} it seems like the Sitri heir has set her eyes on the dragon god currently beating her leader.

Sirzechs got on his knees and hands, he saw blood dripping down his forehead and drop to the ground, he then looked up and watched as Harry was approaching him {What was that!? I couldn't feel my magic at all... and it forced me back into my base form}.

As Harry walked towards Sirzechs he raised an open palm and pointed it towards Sirzechs who was trying to get up "'O divine spear, run my enemy through! Holy Lance!'".

Four spears made of white holy light materialized around Sirzechs and suddenly shot forwards skewering him and causing him to roar in pain from being hit by his weakness, then a fifth light spear materialized above Sirzechs and suddenly dropped on him causing the Red Satan to be engulfed in an explosion of holy light.

Rias had forgotten her injuries and began to hit the barrier while screaming for her brother, Sona and Tsubaki pulled her back when they saw her skin begin to steam and boil from the light coming from Harry's spell, even from behind the barrier they can still feel the intensity of that white light.

Harry continued walking forwards while the explosion of light subsided, everyone could see Sirzechs on his knees, his eyes wide open and blank, his mouth wide open in a silent scream of pain.

Sona saw this and realized right away "He's unconscious... the spell must have caused him so much pain that he was overwhelmed and passed out".

The Rias covered her mouth in horror while witnessing her brother's condition, the rest of the devils were in shock, Sirzechs Lucifer the strongest devil was defeated easily by Harry Potter.

Koneko who was finally snapped out of her catatonic state could only watch in fear "Monster... he's a monster..".

Harry's group turned towards the white-haired girl but it was Kunou who spoke "Big words coming from a coward who runs away from what she really is and besides Harry might be a monster to all of you but he's our monster!".

All the girls nodded and glared at Koneko who looked down in both shame and fear at being told off by the princess of her race.

Back inside Harry finally reached Sirzechs "How disappointing... is this all that a demonlord of this world can do?...It seems that the title of demonlord has lost its meaning in this world".

Milim nodded "sigh... I wonder what Guy, Ramiris, and Leon would say about this... Rimuru would have laughed himself silly though".

Harry then raised his hand and created a Rasengan, he then began to add his light element to it causing the Rasengan to change color from blue to white and gold, the light seemed to dance around the technique creating a soft rainbow around it "Hmm what should I call this variation? Kōton: Hikari no Mai Rasengan? (Light Style: Dancing Lights Rasengan)".

Harry then chuckled "It seems like I'm as bad as Minato was naming techniques, Naruto would have laughed at me right now haha"

Harry pulled his hand back and was about to shove his new Rasengan into Sirzechs's chest but a voice stopped him a few centimeters away from his chest "Harry could you please not kill Sirzechs? I know he can be annoying but the devil faction needs him plus if he dies I'm the one who would have to do his paperwork until we find a new Lucifer and I don't want that".

Everyone turned toward where the voice came from, Harry and the girls smiled when they saw Serafall walking towards them while Sona relaxed.

Harry closed his eyes and let the Rasengan dissipate while Le Fay and Jessica took down the barrier.

Seeing the barrier down Rias rushed forward and tightly hugged her unconscious brother, her peerage just watched in silence as Rias sobbed and cried for her brother.

Serafall watched all of this going on and noticed the condition of Rias and her Peerage, she then turned her gaze towards Sona and was relieved to see that her sister and her Peerage were fine, after checking her sister she turned towards Harry who was walking up to her "Can someone explain what's going? First I get a text from Sona telling me to get my butt over here, then I get here and watch Harry beat Sirzechs, and now I noticed that Rias and her peerage are severely wounded too...".

Harry shrugged but began to explain "Well miss Gremory decided that it was a great idea to challenge me into a fight" Serafall raised an eyebrow which Harry noticed right away "I know! Stupid right? but she did, apparently everything about me is just rumors which she didn't believe so she challenged a high ranking member of another faction".

Serafall turned her gaze towards Rias and shook her head in disappointment causing Rias to flinch because she was listening to everything being said, Serafall then turned her gaze towards Sona who sadly nodded confirming Harry's words "Sigh... stupid girl... I'm guessing that she wanted the Boosted Gear right?".

Harry nodded "Yes and for me to leave Kuoh but she seems very desperate for that Sacred Gear... but anyway I accepted the challenge because she needs a wake-up call, the fact that she challenged a member of another faction, let alone a leader of that faction not only shows how arrogant she is but that she doesn't care about the political ramifications of her actions".

Serafall glared toward Rias who just looked down while holding her brother close to her "I see... as the maou in charge of international affairs this has made me very angry... I'll be having a conversation with uncle and aunt Gremory about this Rias, I'll make sure you never do this again..".

Rias gulped but kept looking down, she had nothing to say since all of this was her fault, to begin with, and the fact that her brother almost died and that her peerage got so heavily injured just made things worse.

Harry then spoke "Also triple the fine against the Gremory hopefully that'll teach her a lesson.

Serafall nodded "and Sirzechs? Why is he here and why did you beat him up so thoroughly?".

Harry once again shrugged "He attacked me first and interfered with the match by the way I won so I'll be taking Gasper Vladi into my custody".

Rias gasped having forgotten about Gasper, Serafall turned towards Sona who explained while Valerie approached Harry with Gasper in her arms still sleeping "Rias accepted those terms sister... she was so sure that she would win that she took a bet for Gasper".

Serafall shook her head "Foolish girl...".

Suddenly a bright light caught everyone's attention and what they saw caused shock among all the devils present.

Harry gently pushed his hand into Gasper's chest and touched his soul, carefully he grabbed hold of the evil piece and slowly took it out while restoring Gasper's soul to its original form.

Harry then pull the bishop chess piece completely out and crushed it with his hand making Rias flinch, Sona couldn't help but exclaim "You just took out his evil piece without killing him!".

Serafall then said, "That's not all Sona, he turned Gasper back to a Dhampir, he restored his soul to what it was before he was reincarnated".

The devils gaped, Rias just stared heartbroken at the loss of her servant and her mutated bishop piece, Sona then spoke "That should be impossible... if the devil elders find out about this...".

Harry then spoke, "They're not going to do shit! If they tried anything I'll kill them all, they have no say in this matter whatsoever".

Serafall nodded "and I would help you, I'm not just going to stand by while those old bastards ruin everything I worked so hard for by starting a losing war plus I'm an ally to the Yokai faction".

Rias and Sona stared in shock at Serafall, that declaration meant that if the devil elders decided to antagonize the Yokai faction not only will they risk the entire devil race but they would also lose one of their maous.

Serafall then just walked forwards and approached Rias and Sirzechs "Were you really going to kill them?".

Harry just grinned "I would have brought them back to life right away anyways like I said before when Sirzechs appeared, I was curious as to how powerful a demonlord of this world is".

Serafall nodded "Oh okay, must have been a disappointing match though, I faced Rhapthorn before in that dungeon of yours and he's at least ten times more dangerous and powerful than Sirzechs in his true form, heck with how strong I've gotten since I moved to Kyoto I can easily defeat him too, honestly he's no longer the strongest devil anymore".

The young devils just looked down after hearing that revelation, Sona though, she was very curious about how and when did Serafall become that powerful.

Serafall just shook her head and shrugged "Anyways you won, so you don't mind if I take Sirzechs, Rias, and her peerage to the underworld's hospital right?".

Harry nodded "Sure but you don't want me to heal them? I was planning on doing so after the fight".

Serafall shook her head "No... let them suffer and scar, let this pain become a reminder that they aren't as powerful as they think they are, that way they'll never forget this lesson".

Sona gaped at how harsh Serafall sounded right now, she has never heard her being so cold and cruel but then she realized that she must be very angry at Rias and Sirzechs, it's a well-known fact that Serafall is friends with the Yokai faction and that she cares about them a lot, so the fact that Rias not only insulted Harry but that Sirzechs actually dared attacked him must have pissed off Serafall a lot.

Harry nodded and Serafall walked towards Sirzechs and Rias, suddenly she grabbed Rias by the head and harshly threw her towards Sona "Sona you take Rias and her peerage to the hospital, I'll take the biggest idiot myself...".

Sona gulped but nodded {Yeah... she's definitely angry...}.

She grabbed Sirzechs by the hair and dragged him with her as she walked towards Harry causing all the devils watching this to sweatdrop, she then spoke up "I'm sorry about these two Harry...".

Harry smiled and patted Serafall on her head causing her to blush "Don't apologize for them Serafall, you know I would never blame you for the actions of others".

Serafall brightly smiled and nodded, she then walked towards Sona while still dragging an unconscious Sirzechs by the hair, Sona nodded and her peerage grabbed the rest of the injured devils, Serafall then turned around and happily waved at Harry "I'll see you at your house tomorrow Harry! Bye!".

With that said the devils disappeared via magic circle teleportation, the girls however all looked at each other and nodded, it seemed like they were going to have to talk to Serafall about her evident attraction to Harry.

Harry just chuckled at Serafall's cheerful goodbye and snapped his fingers, time rewound itself and the open field returned to its previous condition before the battles that had happened today.

Harry then turned towards the girls and spoke "Alright, let's all go home and rest".

Everyone nodded and Harry created a dark corridor which everyone immediately walked through, once everyone did so the dark corridor dissipated, leaving an empty open field.


That night after having dinner with everyone, Harry went to Kyoto to report back to Yasaka about everything going on.

Yasaka had listened intently as Harry talked about everything that had happened "I see... to think that the Gremory heir would be this foolish".

Harry shrugged "She was desperate for some reason, so she didn't think of the consequences of her words and actions plus for some reason she was so sure of herself, to be honest, it was weird... it's been a while since someone had challenged me so openly like that" Harry leaned back on his seat and looked up in thought "It seems like my exploits are seen as rumors rather than truth, I wonder if that's being done on purpose?".

Yasaka rub her chin while her tails silently waved behind her "Hmm... maybe the factions are controlling information related to you as a secret? That or they downplaying your abilities to not cause a panic".

Harry then looked back to Yasaka "That makes sense... everyone is already cautious about Great Red and Ophis, the sudden appearance of a third dragon god, one several times stronger than the other two would certainly cause panic, especially since I choose to join the Yokai faction unlike the other two who are just happy to remain neutral, well Ophis is a member of the Yokai faction now so only Great Red is neutral now".

Yasaka nodded "Yes but it's not only that, our wards make us completely untouchable, word of Ares's injuries caused by our wards spread around too quickly, and now every faction is wary of us, add to the fact that everyone here is constantly raising in power and well they're more than likely terrified of us".

Harry closed his eyes "Once word spreads around that Sirzechs was so easily defeated everyone is going to panic, though it really doesn't matter to us anyways".

Yasaka took a sip of her tea and then spoke "I'm surprised you didn't heal them, you're not a cruel person, vindictive yes but not cruel".

Harry opened his eyes and smiled at Yasaka "Shhh that's supposed to be a secret! but it was Serafall who decided that I shouldn't heal them".

Yasaka giggled at Harry's joke but then raised an eyebrow when she heard it was Serafall who asked Harry not to heal the Gremory siblings "Hmm? That's weirdly aggressive of her... just what's going on in that girl's head?".

Harry shook his head "Who knows? but she must have a reason but I think it's because she's tired of almost every devil making her job more difficult, Rias and Sirzechs did attack an official from another faction after all".

Suddenly Yasaka had a realization "Ah! The amount of paperwork that Serafall will have to deal with because of this accident is going to be massive!".

Both Yasaka and Harry winced, Harry sheepishly scratched his cheek "Poor Serafall... this is why she was so cold towards Sirzechs, Rias, and her peerage... I think I should probably teach both of you the Kagebushin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu).

Yasaka suddenly jumped forward and grab hold of Harry's face and stared into his eyes "YES! TEACH US!".

Harry sweatdropped but nodded nonetheless, Yasaka let go of his face and fist pump in victory.

Harry chuckled "Well it's time for me to go, tomorrow is going to be Morgan and Hope's first day of school and I promised to take them".

Yasaka giggled at how thoroughly those two had Harry wrapped around their little fingers "You spoil them too much, you know that?".

Harry just smiled "I just want them both to have a great childhood".

Yasaka smiled, she knows that the reason Harry spoils them is that he himself didn't have a good childhood so he wants them to live it in his place "You're a great father Harry...".

Harry blushed at Yasaka's compliment causing her to giggle, Harry huffed but grinned at her as he got up and opened a dark corridor "Well goodnight Yasaka do visit soon though, that house in Kuoh is your house too" with that said Harry stepped through leaving a very happy ninetailed fox behind.


Harry arrived in the living room where he found Morgan watching TV with Ddraig laying on her lap, she was rubbing his belly which seems like he was enjoying.

Harry chuckled at the sight which caught Morgan's attention, she smiled at him "Uncle Harry! Let's watch TV together!".

Harry smiled and nodded causing her to cheer, Harry then sat beside her and watched TV with her, though he sweatdropped when he noticed that she was watching Serafall's show.

The rest of the night was spent relaxing and having fun watching Magical Girl Levia-tan save the world.