
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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242 Chs

Chapter 15

~Instant dungeon, Boss rush~

After many hard-fought battles, the girls were finally face to face against the last boss Lord Rhapthorn the Demonlord and master of the dark world.

Kunou was staring at the strange but powerful creature, the darkness and evil she can sense coming from it was honestly a bit terrifying but she knew that it could be defeated, that they have the strength to pull off a victory "This is going to be a bit tough...".

Le Fay walked up to Kunou while still keeping an eye on Rhapthorn "I can sense an enormous amount of mana, all of it is being Channeled into that staff he's holding".

Kunou nods and turns to Luna "Luna it seems like he's dark aligned too, so it might be resistance to darkness try and use other elements ok?".

Luna nods while hugging her poor trembling slime against her "Ok, I think it's best I focus on support while you three attack".

Everyone nods and gets ready, Kunou charges Destiny's Embrace with light while Le Fay charges Clarent with Holy lightning, in the back Luna begins to cast buffs on everyone "'Shellaga!', 'Protectaga!', 'Hasteaga!', 'Regen!'..." she continued like this for a while.

Valerie begins to charge her guns while speaking to Luna "Luna, it probably has that skill that erases buffs, so make sure to recast them often" Luna nods in confirmation, knowing full well that many of the bosses they have face were able to use that strange skill.

Meanwhile, a Rhapthorn begins to cackle and waves its staff at the girls, a giant fireball forms above him, and with a wave of its staff launches the massive fireball at the girls, forcing them to jump out of the way before it hit the ground causing a pillar of flames to shoot up.

As soon as she landed on the ground from her jump Kunou kicks off the grounds towards the Demonlord and begins to strike him with Destiny's Embrace only be sent flying by a burst of magic coming from the Demonlord's staff he was about to chase after her when suddenly Le fay appears in front of him before he could even begin to move and began to slash at him unleashing waves of lightning pushing Rhapthorn back, Valerie then begins to shoot light elemental bullets at the Demonlord who in retaliation points his staff at Valerie and blasts her with a explosion spell, sending her flying however Luna jumps and catches her in the air and as soon as they land she begins to heal her.

Rhapthorn then tries to stop Luna from healing Valerie by beginning to repeatedly shoot giant fireballs at her and Valerie, only for Le Fay to jump in front of them and protect them with a magical barrier "mgrrr.. hurry Luna!" Luna nods and continues to quickly heal Valerie.

As the Demonlord continues his assult a recovered Kunou casts a spell while pointing her keyblade towards the busy Rhapthorn "'Holy Firaga!'" the holy fireball shoots out of her keyblade colliding against his back causing him to grunt in pain and turn around only to receive a keyblade to the face "Strike raid!" Kunou continues to summon and throw her keyblade repeatedly at high speed until Rhapthorn smacks the keyblade away from him with his staff and then flings the crystal balls on his staff at Kunou who summons her keyblade back to her hand and bats them away.

A voice suddenly chants "'O darkened storm cloud, loose thy blade and run mine enemies through... Thunder Blade!'".

Le Fay jabs Clarent towards the Demonlord's direction as she finishes her chant and the distracted Rhapthorn didn't have time to move before a giant sword made of lightning falls down from above the Demonlord and goes through, unleashing a fierce thunderstorm electrocuting him and causing him to squeal in pain.

Meanwhile, Kunou points her keyblade at the squealing demon lord and shouts "'Ragnarok!'" multiple orbs of light shoot off of Destiny's Embrace and collide against Rhapthorn causing small explosions of light, sending him flying and crashing against the ground but he quickly recovers and floats up to stand up and points its staff up unleashing a wave of darkness forcing Kunou and Le fay to cover themselves with their weapons.

Suddenly two orbs of light fly off from behind the girls and they go through the wave of darkness hitting Rhapthorn and engulfing him in an explosion of light.

Both Kunou and Le Fay turn their heads and see a smiling Valerie, they both smile and nod at her while Luna begins to recast their buff and speaks up "He's pretty good with that magic of his, he seems to have a mastery of fire and explosion spells but he seems to be too slow to react, just try to keep attacking and don't give him a chance to use his spells" the girls nod at Luna.

After the explosion clears off they see Rhapthorn glaring hatefully at them, he then points its staff at them and begins to cast and unleashed a series of explosion spells forcing the girls to scramble to escape the explosions, the poor slime was holding onto Luna for dear life as she flies around at high speed attempting to dodge the explosions.


~Meanwhile with Harry and company~

Serafall, Gabriel, and the exorcists can't help but gape at the sheer level of skill the girls were showing, their teamwork too was extraordinary and they seem to be so in synch with each other, that they couldn't help to be impressed.

Yasaka was staring at Kunou with a strange mixture of concern and pride, her beloved daughter was now a strong and powerful leader and she couldn't help the smile forming on her face.

Harry was intently staring at the battle, but he notices the concern in Yasaka's eyes and he reaches and pats her head making her jump a bit in surprise "They'll be fine, Rhapthorn was a very evil and dangerous demon lord but my friends and I defeated him by ourselves, the girls are way stronger than we were back then".

Yasaka smiles and nods at Harry while Serafall spoke up "This Rhapthorn guy seems way stronger than an ultimate level devil... I don't think I can beat him by myself".

Gabriel nodded "So much evil power... it's like a darkness that it's trying to devour everything".

Harry smiles at them "Yeah he was the worst, he once tried to drown his world in darkness but don't worry, I know the girls will win".

All of them turn to stare at Harry and smile at the confidence he's showing his students.


~Back to the girls~

Once Rhapthorn stopped its barrage of spells the girls stopped in mid air to glare at the demonlord who was cackling in glee, he then pointed at the girls with his staff and small meteorites began to fall towards the girls, however Luna used darkness to create multiple dark whips that began to strike and destroy the meteorites until the spell ran its course.

Luna for the first time grew annoyed and so she pointed Glimpse of Darkness at Rhapthorn "'Beckoned into everlasting darkness, Negative Gate!".

An enormous orb of darkness forms above the demonlord not only holding him in place with a burst of darkness and gravity but also causing continuous damage, the demonlord tried to move but it couldn't even twitch.

"Kunou!" Luna calls out to Kunou as she holds the spell over the Rhapthorn.

Kunou turns towards Luna and locks eyes with her, she nods knowing what Luna wanted to try and points her keyblade at Rhapthorn.

"'Illuminate the dark! Come forth, holy glimmer! Holy Lance!'".

Multiple spears made of holy light form around Rhapthorn and then shoot down, piercing him into the ground and causing him to scream in pain.

Both Luna and Kunou nod and hold the spells on him until the darkness and light begin to merge.

As both elements began to harmonize both Kunou and Luna shouted"'Twilight flare!'".

Both light and darkness merge and begin to twirl and compress around Rhapthorn until the energies collapse onto themselves causing an enormous explosion of both light and darkness.

The girls had to cover themselves while Luna hugs her slime tightly to her chest to protect him as the explosion shakes the entire Dark citadel.

After the explosion subsides and the shaking stops the girls hover down and stare at the aftermath of Luna's and Kunou's combo spell.

A giant crater is the outcome of their new twilight spell, a burnt and unmoving Rhapthorn is seen in the middle of the crater.

The girls sweatdrop at the devastation caused by the spell and Kunou speaks up "Errr Luna let's try and not do that again, at least until we trained with it a bit more...".

Luna just raises an eyebrow "Okay? but I think it was very cool right Mr. Goop?".

The slime sweatdrops at his new name while the girls turn to look at Luna, Valerie couldn't help to ask " Mr. Goop?".

Luna smiles brightly "Yup! Cute name right?".

Everyone didn't have the heart to argue with her so they just accepted it, suddenly a cackle alerted them and they turn to look at Rhapthorn who was vanishing in motes of darkness until he disappeared completely.

Kunou "...".

Le fay "...".

Valerie "...".

Luna just looks up "Hmmm that was ominous... all we're missing is the awesome boss music or at least that's what usually happens in all the games I played with uncle Sirius".

Kunou shakes her head "Ok maybe we shouldn't let you play too many video games anymore Luna" but the pout she received from Luna told her that she wouldn't succeed in curtailing her gaming.

The Dark Citadel began to shake and the girls took off flying by blasting a hole through the ceiling until they were outside, only to stop to witness the citadel crumble slowly.

But then they sensed an enormous amount of evil and dark energy causing them to turn and look at the massive entity floating above them, surrounded in a dome of darkness, its bellowing laughter causing the air itself to shake.

Kunou stares at the giant monstrosity, its enormous and fat body its giant horns, and evil-looking bearded face makes her frown "Of course, it has a second form sigh...".

Luna stares at the darkness intently "Guys that darkness is forming a protective barrier around him, I don't think we can go through it with our current level of power...".

Valerie look down with a frown "Now what? I don't want to quit yet, I rather finish what we started".

Le Fay was trying to think of a way to break through as she inspects the barrier, that darkness seemed unique and able to nullify energy, any attacks sent toward Rhapthorn won't cause him any harm "I don't know guys, I think this is above us...".

They all look down in sadness until a voice coming from behind them snaps them out of their depression.

"Then how about I give you girls a hand?" the girls turn around quickly and see their grinning teacher floating there with them.

The girls smiled and jump to hug Harry who hugs them back "Sensei!" "Harry!".


(A few minutes ago)

~With Harry and company~

Everyone watches the new form of Rhapthorn in shock and fear, they can all sense his dark and evil power, and it's beyond anything they have sensed before, to Gabriel and Serafall it was an eye opener to think that a being beyond the power of both Sirzechs Lucifer and Seraph Michael exists.

Meanwhile, Yasaka turns to Harry with a worried look on her face only to receive another pat on her head and a smile.

Harry gets up from his seat and stretches "Hmmm! Looks like it's my turn to help! Alphamon, Omnimon hold the fort while I'm gone.

Both Digimon nod and before anyone can ask what he meant, Harry had already disappeared into a dark corridor they turn towards the screen only to see him appear behind the girls with a grin on his face.


~Back to the girls~

Harry smiles at them "I am very proud of you girls, all of you did fantastic".

But Kunou looks down sadly "but we seem to be stuck now sensei...".

Harry gently pats her head "Kunou, you and the girls have learned a lot during these battles right?".

The girls nod as they remember all they have gone through and learned like always be prepared, look for a weakness in your enemies, always look out for any surprises, adapt, rely upon and trust your teammates.

"Then this is another lesson" he smiles at everyone as they give him their full attention "Don't be afraid to ask for help, there's only so much you can accomplish alone but with your allies anything is possible, so let me give you a hand this time ok?".

The girls tear up a bit at his words but couldn't help the smile that appeared on their faces as they nod at their teacher.

Harry nods and smiles "Hmmm ok here's what we'll do, I'll take on my dragon god form and blast the dark barrier off of Rhapthorn, you girls will be riding on me and blast him with all of your most powerful techniques and spells, hold nothing back! ok?".

The girls nod and a determined look can be seen appearing on their faces making Harry grin, he then floats away from them a bit "first let's take these off" Harry waves his hand and releases the gravity spells on the girls.

The girls widen their eyes in surprise, they have honestly forgotten they had those on them, Harry only chuckles at their reaction "There that should make it easier for all of you to move and give you guys a boost in power, now let's begin".

Harry closes his eyes and a green and black aura begins to flare up around him until the energy forms an orb surrounding him and began to grow until it was enormous, then the orb begins to crack like an egg until with a majestic roar a gold with silver underbelly dragon emerges from the orb, it has a Black mane and beautiful bright emerald eyes that stare fondly at the girls two massive horns growing toward the back of his head and two pairs of wings that spread out showing that the wings were covered in ethereal white feathers.

The girls gape at both the size and dragonic form of their teacher.


~Back with Yasaka and company~

The visitors couldn't help to shout in shock "He's a dragon?!".

Yasaka can only stare at Harry's dragon form, she knew about it of course but this was her first time seeing it and it was both a powerful and majestic dragon form, those gold and silver scales and enormous feathered wings that look so shiny and pretty made her eyes shine in interest.

"Hmm, I wonder if he'll let me keep a few of his scales fufufu".


~Back to Harry and the girls~

Harry grins at his students showing off his fangs "Come on! Don't just stand there and gape, get on!"

His now deep voice snaps them back into reality making them nod and smile in excitement, they fly around onto his head which is big enough to hold all of them.

"Hold on with the tree climbing technique! as soon as I break the barrier go all out and don't let up! leave the dodging and defense to me!".

The girls nod and exclaim "Yes!" even the small slime looked ready to fight to the death.

With one powerful flap of his wings, Harry takes off flying at high speed "Let's go!".

Rhapthorn noticed the giant dragon coming his way at an impressive speed and began to shoot giant fireballs towards Harry who began to easily dodge them and fly around them, soon enough he reached the dark barrier, but the demonlord took a big breath and then breath out super cold air, forcing Harry to both protect himself and the girls with his pair of his wings.

"Get ready!" Harry shouted at the girls and then took a big breath himself and as soon as Rhapthorn's frost breath let up he fired a light elemental breath attack that hit the dark barrier hard causing the demonlord to flinch back a bit however his eyes widen when he saw that the attack didn't go through, causing Rhapthorn to start to cackle mockingly.

Harry's eyes narrowed in annoyance and so he increased the power of his breath attack and it was then that Rhapthorn stopped cackling as his dark barrier began to crack.

The demonlord tried to increase the strength of his barrier but it was useless as it shatters forcing him to protect himself from Harry's light breath attack but was pushed back.

The attack stopped and Rhapthorn turned its hateful gaze at Harry who only grins at him in return.

Le Fay begins to chant while pointing her free hand at Rhapthorn, mana can be seen surging strongly from around her "'I, who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates of hell. Come forth, divine lightning! This ends now! Indignation!'"

A giant magic circle forms from underneath Rhapthorn and lets out a surge of lightning shocking him and preventing him from moving as an orb of pure mana forms above his head and shoots out an enormous lightning bolt that hits the demonlord causing him to roar as the pain became to much for him, in his pain deluded mind he began to breathe fire in retaliation which Harry easily dodged by flying around it.

As Harry flies at a high-speed Kunou begins to charge her keyblade with light "Sensei get close!".

"Alright!" Harry begins to fly around Rhapthorn while still dodging his fire breath until he got close enough and crashed against his side grabbing hold of the demonlord with his claws.

Rhapthorn's eyes begin to shine something Valerie recognized as a sleep spell "Harry! don't let him use his eyes!" Harry nods then headbutts the demonlord in the nose forcing him to close his eyes in pain.

Kunou then jumps onto Rhapthorn's shoulder and points Destiny's Embrace toward the sky "Take this! 'Magic hour!'".

Beams of light begin to rain down on Rhapthorn and since the demonlord's body is enormous all of the beams hit him causing him to scream and flail in Harry's grasp in pain.

As the spell finishes Kunou jumps back onto Harry's head and he lets go of Rhapthorn who is breathing heavily in pain.

Harry stares at the demonlord suspiciously as he begins to fly around slowly but then Rhapthorn's body begins to glow.

Harry's eyes widen "Shit! Hold on tight girls" Harry covers himself and the girls with both pairs of his wings and a barrier of light forms around them, his feather glowing fiercely as Rhapthorn lets out an enormous wave of magic and darkness.

The wave hits Harry's barrier causing him to let out a grunt as the girls cover their faces with their arms and as soon as the wave lets up Harry rushes towards Rhapthorn and slams the demonlord's head with his tail.

Valerie puts away her handguns, closes her eyes, and raises a single finger towards the sky suddenly she opens her eyes and glares at the still recovering Rhapthorn, a pinkish aura begins to flare up from Valerie's body and a big ball of pink energy begins to form above her finger.

"Death ball!" Valerie slowly swung her finger at the demonlord and the giant orb of energy suddenly shoots off towards the demonlord at high speed, colliding with Rhapthorn and causing a massive explosion to which Harry flies away from.

Valerie drops down on her knees breathing heavily "huff... that still takes a lot out of me...huff" Le Fay holds onto her while she recovers and gives her another medical gel.

After the explosion lets up, a visible damaged Rhapthorn appears breathing heavily and glaring at the group hatefully, he then begins to chant in a dark and ominous demonic language.

Le Fay narrows her eyes at the demonlord, her eyes see Rhapthorn's mana reserves begin to refill "He's recovering all of his mana, we have to stop him now! or we'll never finish this battle!".

Luna steps up and holds her free hand in front of her and begins to chant.

"'Ancient ruler of the elements, I summon thee, Come, Maxwell!'"

An old man in purple robes holding an intricate staff and sitting on what appears to be a throne made of gears appears in a burst of mana and points his staff at Rhapthorn.

"Hohoho! Think you can dodge this!? Meteor storm!".

Giant meteors made of pure mana begin to rain down from the sky towards Rhapthorn whose eyes widen in shock as he's unable to dodge because of his massive body.

The meteors hit him head-on, causing massive explosions that can be seen by the girls and Harry from afar as the demonlord is being struck repeatedly by the massive mana meteors until Maxwell finishes the spell and begins to disappear in motes of light.

Luna smiles and waves at Maxwell "Thanks gramps!" Maxwell chuckles as he finishes disappearing.

When the explosions clear up they can finally see Rhapthorn begin to fall down and crash against the ground letting off a massive explosion of dust and debris.

Mr. Goop begins to jump around in victory only to be stopped by Luna "Not yet Mr. Goop, always remember this rule".

The girls begin to let up surges of power and point their hands at the downed demonlord.

Luna smiles "Always make sure to double tap!".

The girls shout at the same time "hah!".

Multiple blasts of energy were being shot out continuously from the girls' hands towards the unmoving body of demonlord Rhapthorn until he was consumed by their attacks completely erasing him piece by piece and thus finally defeating the last boss, the girls let up their attacks and breath out in exhaustion.

Luna hugs her pet slime "Now we can celebrate!" everyone laughs as Harry lands, the surrounding area begins to shatter and the instant dungeon begins to collapse now that the last boss is defeated.


~Kyoto, palace gardens~

As they appear back onto the palace gardens the girls jump down from Harry's head and begin to jump up and down in happiness while Harry sits on his back legs and smiles down at them while giving a thumbs up to the girls who happily return it.

A proud Yasaka approaches the girls and hugs them tightly "I'm so proud of you girls, you did great!".

Meanwhile, Gabriel, Serafall, and the exorcist gape at Harry's enormous dragon form but Harry felt them staring at him and turned his gaze towards them, he grins at them showing off his fangs scaring the visitors a bit, he then gently lays down on the ground with his snout facing the girls and Yasaka.

"I'm proud of all you girls, you persevered, adapted, and learned a lot, you defeated powerful enemies and claimed victory against foes stronger than most of the beings in this world you should all feel very proud of yourselves".

The girls tear up a bit and hug Harry's snout while Yasaka giggles at the silly image of an enormous dragon being hugged by four young girls.

Suddenly Harry feels someone climbing onto his back and turns his head towards whoever was doing so, only to catch Serafall on his back, he stares at her while she stares back.



Harry begins to glare and Serafall begins to wave her hands in front of her in a panic "I'm sorry! I tried to stop but I couldn't help myself...tehehe?".

Harry continues to stare at Serafall making her begin to nervously sweat "whatever...sigh".

Everyone chuckles as Serafall swipes the sweat off her forehead and lays down on Harry's back to snuggle against him.

Meanwhile, Griselda, Xenovia, and Irina were trying to hold back Gabriel who was pouting and trying to climb up Harry's back too "Lady Gabriel! please stop!"

But Gabriel really wanted to ride on Harry too "B-but I want to cuddle dragon Harry too!".

The girls sweatdrop while Yasaka was hiding her giggles with her fan, she then gently pats Harry on his snout as he lays down his head in front of her and the girls and smiles at him causing him to brightly smile at her.

Suddenly a happy Sirius comes out of the palace "Hey everyo-Holy shit! that's a big ass dragon!".

Everyone turns towards the gaping Sirius but then Le Fay noticed Harry's grin and hurriedly covers everyone with magical barriers to protect their ears while Harry turns his head towards Sirius and open his jaws wide open making Sirius pale and then Harry lets out a big roar right into his dogfather's face "Grrrrrooooarrr!".

After he was finished roaring poor Sirius fell over to the ground with foam coming out of his mouth causing Harry to sweatdrop "Oops?".

Everyone sweatdropped while watching a panicking Le Fay resurrect Sirius with magic.


~Kyoto, Yasaka's office~

A few minutes later.

A cheerful Sirius was laughing himself silly "Hahaha! nice one Harry! You got me good".

A now human Harry was laughing nervously "Hehehe... still I am sorry Sirius. You did die for a few minutes".

His Godfather only gave him a happy grin "Meh! It was nice to see James for a little while and it was fun to run away from Lily! She almost caught me but Le Fay saved my soul at the last minute!" Sirius gave Le Fay a gentle pat on her head causing a happy smile to appear on her face.

Meanwhile, Serafall who was snuggling a content Kunou spoke up "So that was the resurrection spell you spoke about Harry, it sure is impressive! I'm sure Ajuka would like to see it".

Harry turned to Serafall "Ajuka? Isn't that Maou Beelzebub?".

Serafall nodded "Yup he's a bit of a nerdish kuudere but he is the smartest devil".

Harry nodded "Yeaaah... if I see him around Kyoto I'll rip his heart out and set him on holy fire for good measure".

Serafall paled and stared at Harry in shock until Ereshkigal -who had appeared after everyone went inside except the exorcists who went to rent a room at an inn leaving a happy Gabriel with the rest of the group- spoke up "Sorry Serafall but Harry is not the biggest fan of Ajuka since he's the creator of the evil pieces and even though he understands why he can't condone their use".

Serafall looks down while hugging Kunou to her a bit more tightly "... we didn't have a choice at the time, the Great War and the Civil War diminish our faction's number greatly, we came really close to extinction...".

Harry looked at the downtrodden Maou "I understand Serafall but most devils treat reincarnated devils like trash and slaves I can't accept that but I know the devils didn't have a choice so don't worry" Serafall smiled at Harry thankful that he wouldn't judge her.

Meanwhile, Gabriel who was sitting beside Luna and poking Mr. Goop who was also resting on Luna's lap, making the slime wobble around, causing her to giggle, Luna who was smiling at this spoke up "Harry can I keep Mr. Goop?".

Harry turned to look at the small smiling slime and use 'Observe'.

[Name: Mr. Goop]

[Race: Slime (Dragon Quest variant)]

[Class: Familiar (bonded to Luna Lovegood)]

[Level: 10]

[Str: 20]

[Vit: 25]

[Dex: 30]

[Int: 20]

[Wis: 20]

[Luk: 50]

[An iconic mascot for the Dragon Quest series and recurring monster, this simple and often weak slimes are usually the first enemy the hero faces, usually very weak and easy to defeat however this one has bonded and has become the familiar of Luna Lovegood, allowing it access to the system so now it can grow and evolve as Luna grows in strength, it may be small and weak now but has a lot of potential! Who knows what Mr. Goop will become later on.]

Harry smiled and looks up to Luna "Well Mr. Goop has just bonded to you Luna so he has become your familiar, so yeah you can keep him, and besides now he'll be able to grow and evolve as you grow stronger" Luna smiled happily at this news.

"Right now he seems to know the Frizz spell which is a small fireball, the Dazzleflash spell which causes his body to glow in bright light blinding his enemies, and just recently learned Heal which does as advertised, and the Zap spell which launches a small bolt of lightning at an enemy".

Everyone stared at the slime causing it to flush a bit, Valerie smiled "Well he is a brave little guy and he helped us quite a bit, he even saved our lives once" the girls nodded remembering their fight against the Trap Box and the monster putting them all to sleep only for Mr. Goop to wake them up before the monster could finish them off.

Suddenly Remus stepped into Yasaka's office "Oh there you are Harry! Can you do me and Andy a favor and take a few rare potion materials to her? She needs them for her seventh-year class later on this week since apparently, Dumbledore is being a cheapskate with the school finances".

Harry smiled and nodded "Sure, no problem" Harry got up and walked towards Remus who handed him a shrunken package, Harry nodded and wave at everyone as he walked through a dark corridor.

Remus looked around and noticed Serafall and Gabriel waving too "Errr... why is there a magical girl and an angel here? Are we shooting a movie or something?" everyone chuckled and giggle at Remus's statement while he look at them in confusion.


~Hogwarts, potion's classroom~

Andromeda has been enjoying her time teaching one of her favorites school subjects, sure it was a pain to deal with the mess the prior potion's professor had in his office and having to accommodate the potion's classroom for safety but she's done it and now she can safely teach her class.

The only thing she can complain about is the lack of materials and ingredients for not only her class but all of them, this was due because the school was on a tight budget because Dumbledore was not being trusted with any amounts of money whatsoever, something that she agrees with, this was the result of Dumbledore's attempts to steal the Potter's money and the consequences of which was the Headmaster's lost all of his saved money and so she was forced to procure ingredients and materials for her classes, thankfully her cousin Sirius gave her free access to the Black's family money from Japan and Remus was always happy to look for, buy and sent anything she might need.

However, this time she had need of ingredients in a hurry and she couldn't wait for the usual delivery method since it would take too long and so she asked Remus to ask if Harry could deliver her order, so she wasn't surprised to hear a knock on her classroom door during her class with the Gryffindors and Slytherins and so she got up smiling and opened the door to let her nephew in.

"Hello Harry, thank you for agreeing to help" Harry smiled and walked inside.

"Heh! You're welcome Andy and thank you for choosing Potter's delivery service!" Harry grins and ignores the gasps from the Gryffindors and Slytherins while Andy fondly rolls her eyes at him.

"Yes, yes, how nice of you now be a dear and keep an eye on my class, I need to put these ingredients away, since some of them are delicate and need to be put under certain preserving charms".

Harry continues to smile and nods "Sure! I'll keep an eye on everyone".

Andy nods with a smile on her face and walks out of the classroom while Harry sat down on her desk and took out his cellphone and began to text his vampire friend Elmenhilde to check how she was doing only to be interrupted by a bushy brown-haired girl "T-technology doesn't work in Hogwarts".

Harry looked up and stared at the bushy-haired girl sitting on the front row along with a blond-haired pretty girl "Hm? well, that's a lie since I am texting with a friend right now see? Miss?" He turns his cell phone towards the girl to show her that it was working just fine something that shocks her.

The blonde girl spoke up "Her name is Hermione Granger and I am Lavender Brown, nice to meet you mister Potter~".

Harry chuckled at Hermione's expression and Lavender's cheerful demeanor, however, Hermione couldn't help to ask "H-how? Magic should've burned out any electronic circuit...".

Harry smiled at her causing her to blush "Well this phone was created using magitech, which is a combination of technology and magic allowing electronics to work on heavily saturated magical areas".

Hermione couldn't help but gape and was about to ask something but was cut off by a pompous and arrogant voice "That's absurd! If such advancement was really found we the rich and purebloods would have access to it already".

Everyone glared at Draco Malfoy, he was hated from day one when he came strutting and acting like he owned everything but was soon taken down a peg by his own house since the Malfoy family lost a lot of money and prestige since Malfoy senior's death.

Harry smiled coldly at Draco causing the boy to begin to sweat nervously "Pureblood huh?... being a pureblood didn't help your father when he was kidnapped and killed" Draco paled and gulped, he look down in shame and anger but didn't speak again in fear.

Harry then turned towards the class and smiled "Sigh... well to answer the pompous git, the reason the purebloods don't know about this advancement in both magic and technology is that it was created by a few of the other supernatural factions on the world and the purebloods like to live in denial of the existence of other supernatural beings, they like to believe that they're the strongest, smartest and most talented but that's far from the truth, in reality, there's even more powerful and dangerous beings out there".

Everyone gaped at Harry at what he said, however, Hermione raised her hand, causing Harry to raise an eyebrow at her causing her to blush "Errr... sorry it was a reflex mister Potter".

Harry smiled at her "It's fine, and please everyone call me Harry, except you asshole! You can call me Lord Potter!" he pointed at Draco who only look down in anger.

Hermione couldn't help but shout "Language!".

Harry chuckled and said "Well English, Japanese, and a few others!".

Hermione just rolled her eyes and Lavender giggled "Well could you tell us how you know all of this? Here in Magical Britain we only found out thanks to the Quibbler and only know that muggle-borns are leaving as soon as they graduate towards other so call factions".

Harry nods and speaks up "Well as many already know me and my family left Magical Britain, but what not many might know is that I am a high-ranking member of the Yokai faction located in Japan, it is because of my rank that I know that other beings exist like devils, angels, gods, and yokai are some of the other races out there, in fact, this morning I met one of the current Demon Lords and a Seraph and I am a friend to Yasaka who is a nine-tailed fox and leader of the Yokai faction".

Everyone gapes once again at this information, while Hermione's eyes sparkled in interest, however, Lavender spoke up "And who were you texting Harry? I know what a text is thanks to my muggle-born friends so~ who was it? A girlfriend?".

Harry chuckled at her question "No I was texting a friend of mine, she happens to be a vampire and envoy to the vampire faction".

A red-headed boy gasped and shouted, "Vampires are dark creatures!".

Harry glared at the red-headed boy "Don't judge a race without knowing anything about them, vampires are only feared by the ignorant because they have a need to drink blood to survive and sure just like humans there are good and evil vampires, don't just lump them all together, it isn't fair and it makes you look like a fool".

The red-headed boy paled from Harry's cold glare and stayed silent hoping he would move on.

Suddenly Andromeda walks in "All done! Thank you Harry I hope no one gave you a hard time".

Harry smiled "Nah! I was just telling them about the other factions but now that you're here it's time for me to go I have a few things to do before my day ends".

But Hermione suddenly spoke up "How are you going to get back to Japan that fast? You can't apparate that far... How did you even get here, you can't apparate inside of Hogwarts, especially now that the ministry and madam bones reinstall the wards and took control away from Dumbledore".

Harry raises an eyebrow and looks to Andromeda "When Hououmon appeared it shattered the wards and The ministry had to fix them, they made a deal with the goblins and sent Madam Bones to make sure Dumbledore wouldn't get in the way, however, the goblins found out that the headmaster had been messing around with wards leaving them weakened, so now Madam Bones comes in once in a while to check the wards to make sure the headmaster doesn't mess with them again".

Harry shook his head "There's something seriously wrong with that old man... anyways, Hermione, not everything you read or been told is true" with a wave of his hand a dark corridor appears, and as he walks into it as he waves at everyone goodbye until he disappears.

Everyone stares in shock except Hermione whose eyes were sparkling in curiosity, meanwhile, Andromeda shook her head and clapped her hands "Alright everyone let's get back to work!".

As everyone gets back to their potions and Andromeda sits on her desk to keep an eye on everyone a bedraggled and heavily breathing Dumbledore bursts into the classroom looking around wildly "huff... where is Harry Potter!? huff..".

Andromeda just raised an eyebrow "You just missed him, he left a minute ago".

The headmaster literally growled in frustration and left in anger and cursing all the way back to his office "That man is too stubborn for his own good, anyway get back to work everyone".

Andromeda just shook her head and tried not to giggle out loud, Dumbledore looked like he ran from his office to the dungeons as fast as he could she was sure Harry knew he was coming and left just before the old fool got here, just to mess with him.