
Harlequin Kiss

When a young girl goes off on her own, following her new boyfriend blindly. She abandons her three best friends, leaving them behind. But when that same boyfriends cheats on her she returns to the New York streets. Looking for redemption and her lost best friends.

Plasma_Grunt_Zed · Thành thị
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4 Chs



"Are you sure this is right?" A young male asked.

"Of course, I've never loved anyone like this. I need to follow my gut," A young female smiled.

The young male had long brown hair as an emerald eye shown clear as day while the eye beneath was covered well but was azure. His skin was a slight tan but still caucasian. He wore a pair of ripped jeans and blue sneakers as a green lantern shirt on just underneath a black leather hoodie. His hands in his pocket, he had a bright face of worry.

"I just, sorry I'm having a hard time understanding this. You've been dating this guy for less than a year, but you're already moving to a different city with him. I don't know, I just worry," He said as the girl smiled.

The girl wore a tight pink shirt showing off her still developing body, as a black skirt rose above some gray leggings with a pair of cheap ballet shoes. Her skin was freckled all over as her glass shone in the airport's light, showing her brown eyes. Her blonde hair flowing behind her in a ponytail.

"I know you do, that's what makes you my best friend. I'll be back cause I made a promise to go to college with you. Do not worry, and I'll be back before you know it" She smirked as the male couldn't help but chuckle.

"Very well, just be careful. And don't forget to call and text," The male smiled as she nodded.

"I'm just glad my parents allowed this" She laughed as the male sighed, annoyed.

"They spoil you to no end," He said as she giggled.

"Honeybear!!" The two kids turned to see the girl's mother waving her over.

"Guess this is it," The male said as the girl nodded.

"I'll call the second I get off the flight, and I'll talk to you soon" The male nodded, hugging her as she returned it.

"Goodbye, Poppy" He smiled as she smiled.

"See ya later August," She said as she ran to her parents as August watched, a hand on his shoulder interrupted his thinking looking up to see his dad smiling down at him.

"Come on, kid, your mom will have dinner waiting," August nodded as he turned to see Poppy gone and in the terminal, a terrible feeling in his gut.

"What's wrong, son?" The older man asked.

"I just worry, there was fakeness in her eyes when she said yes to my request," August said as the man looked down at him and nodded.

"You know for a fifteen-year-old your way beyond your age in smarts" He ruffled his hair as the son and father walked out of the airport.