
HaremTech System: Vampire Overlord

After the cataclysm, Javar World was in ruin, and half of the population was destroyed. A space crack appeared in almost every corner of the world and existence beyond humans appeared. The 'Shataki' Then, the war to protect Javar began. Push to the brink of extinction, a group of scientists discovers how to awaken their dormant bloodline. They are called ‘Maxis.’ Javar saw hope and things began to change. Yet, it wasn’t easy. The threat was beyond their imagination. Even the Maxis were in despair. Not until..... At the far corner of Javar's wasteland, a useless young man at the brink of death awakens not a bloodline but a system. Unfortunately, luck was against him. He found himself in a dire situation again. But this time, nightmares worse than imagination descended by mistake. A vampire was created and conquest began..... Who killed his parents? What mystery surrounded his parent's death? Perhaps, were they even human, to begin with? There is more to Javar than meets the eye. What's so special about it, a race against time to discover the mystery began. Hell is about to be unleashed. What else will alleviate a vampire besides blood, maybe s*x? A useless young man, neither heroic nor villainy, so what is the mystery about. Tell it to all so they may hear. Your beautiful daughters and wives should not be seen by me. If you want a battle, bring it on. Because...the Vampire Overlord is awakened. ******** Join me on discord. https://discord.gg/ckmtX6Yac7

_EverSmile · Khoa huyễn
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203 Chs

Back to the Byport Village

'This is embarrassing!'

Tania couldn't turn her head inside the range rovers. She tried to maintain her icy stare but a shade of red appeared behind her ear.

Annette and Kelsi were trying very hard to hold on to their laughter. They glanced at each other and looked at the center mirror in the car.

They saw La Coasta behaving casually, looking at the endless dune. While Tania was on the far side of the seat bit her lips.

"Pfff" Annette couldn't hold it any longer and laughed.

Kelsi bangs the wheel twice and chuckles looking at Tania from the corner of her eyes.

"Don't you dare make fun of me?" Tania tried her best to show her best stoic face.

But it was for nuts. The two in front busted laughing. La Coasta looked at the two ladies in front of him but shrugged.

Now, the four of them are of the same race. Though La Coasta was different, the others didn't know.

"You don't have to put on that charade. We're all one now." Annette said smiling.

"Now, this is better. I can sense you now. Previously, there was a barrier between us. But now, nothing exists."

"You're right. As long as you keep getting stronger. The connection between us keeps on getting stronger."

"Then what are we?" Tania asked no one in particular.

Annette and Kelsi looked at each other and turned to La Coasta.

"You're three witches. I'm your man." La Coasta said casually.

Since Tania had been added to the list of his harem. And he knew this bond was unbreakable.

Besides, he likes beautiful ladies and the three witches are the most beautiful ladies he had ever seen.

Who doesn't want a beautiful woman?

The three ladies stared at La Coasta in dismay. Tania opened her mouth but the word stuck in her mouth.

The jovial Annette pursed her lips and turned her head. Kelsi turned her head and concentrated on driving.

The car descended into an awkward silence. La Coasta rolled his eyes.

'What's wrong with them!' he thought.

Since he didn't know, but the thought behind his mind. He focuses on his current goal. His parents disappeared.

After traveling for half an hour, a wooden wall appeared in the distance.

The guards on the wooden wall looked at the incoming rovers and sounded the alarm.

At once, the men in the village sprung out from their houses and rushed toward the gate.

They knew what this sound meant. They were under attack. Women and children ran into hiding and the atmosphere in the village became tense.

This wasn't the first time they were being attacked. And every attack means a couple of the men would lose their life.

Though it had become a norm in the wastelands, the loss of friends and loved ones were still a pain in the heart.

"Pick your weapon and hold your ground." An elderly man came out of the most luxurious building in the village.

Though he was an old man, his sharp command left no room for questioning. He was straight, firm, and bulging muscles. Every step left a deep footprint on the muddy floor.

He arrived at the village wall and asked the security guards.

"Who are they this time around?"

"T-The three witches." The guard stuttered.

At once, the village wall descended into an abrupt silence. Those words choke the air out of their lungs.

Their skull was scalped and their muscles tightened. The men's fighting spirit was quenched at once.

Who doesn't know the infamous Three witches?

Fight them? That was suicide?

What should they do?

Everyone turned to the village leader, waiting for his decision. He felt the piercing gaze of the men and shook his head slightly.

"We won't attack. Let's take a friendly approach first." He decided.

Inside the range rovers, Kelsi saw a group of men on the wooden wall and shook her head slightly.

If it was before, their coming here would mean death or restocking their supplies. But now, things are different.

"We've arrived at the Byport Village?" She announced.

La Coasta was jolted out of his thoughts. He squinted his eyes and saw a couple of men on the Byport wall.

The range rover stopped in front of the gate and all the people inside the vehicle got out.

Everywhere was silent like a graveyard. The four could hear the heavy breathing of the men behind the wall.

"Are you that fearsome?" La Coasta whispered.

"What do you think?" Annette chuckled.

"We mean no harm. I'm La Coasta, I want to see the village head." He shouted.

On top of the 5-meter wall, the village heard La Coasta's voice and squinted his brow.

He stared intently at La Coasta and his group. He recognized the useless young man but he couldn't fathom how he associated himself with the witches.

After thinking for a moment, he commanded the men to open the gate.

'Since they didn't attack us. The situation can still be savaged.'

The four people entered the Byport village while the three ladies looked at the surroundings with a fascinating gaze.

Everyone was curious where this useless prick came from.

"How many women did you bed?" Annette whispered.

La Coasta rolled his eyes and ignored her. She knew how troublesome she was.

"What brings you to our humble abode?" The village head walked confidently toward the arrival.

Though the village head put on a false charade. The four people could feel the tense atmosphere, besides, vampires could sense people's heartbeats.

And the village heart beast was extremely racing. The group looked at each other and sighed.

"Village head, I came to ask you some questions." La Coasta said slowly.

"Yeah! You should relax. We're only here because of him. And when he's done. We will leave." Kelsi added.

Hearing this, a sigh of relief escaped from the village head and every man. They wipe the bead of sweat from their forehead and relax.

"Whatever you want to know. Please follow me?"The village head led the group to his building.

Inside the village house, the four people sat calmly and listened to the village head story.

"I don't know much but your parent said I should give you this rings when you're 21 years." The village head gave La Coasta an ancient ring with a strange drawing.

"I don't know how you woke up and decided to ask your parents situation. But to find them, you need to find a man called Saz in the Thundering Prairie."

Thundering Prairie!

The three witches gasped!

They looked at each other and kept quiet. La Coasta and the village head witnessed their sudden change in reaction but everyone kept quiet.

"Thank you, sir. I really appreciate what you've done for me in these previous years." La Coasta said.

"You don't need to thank me. This was a deal between me and your parents. And I'm happy to complete my share of the deal."

The group left the village head house and arrived outside the Byport village.

"Do you know the Thundering Prairie?" La Coasta asked, looking at the three witches.

****Author's Note****

Vote and comment for more chapters.