

Yuuki finally returned home albeit a little late.

He greeted a few of his neighbors with some waves here and there before heading into his compound.

I should chat up Ryota later and apologize for bailing out on him... still, I'm sure one day without me wouldn't be that boring for him, right?

He twisted open the door and in the living room he saw Akihiko and Erosa playing his Game-Station 5. The two left everywhere messy - there were crumbs of chips and crackers on the rug below them, several empty cans of fizzy drinks and even Akihiko's sweaty yoga attire laying around.

"Bahahah! I got you!" Akihiko shouted as his oily fingers danced across Yuuki's gamepad.

Erosa took another handful of chips and stuffed it into her mouth as she continued to play. "Dang it!" she shouted. Just from the way she handled the pad and pressed each button with force, it was obvious she was new to this.

A literally tweaking Yuuki saw this and his eyes were wide-open like a mad man's. "M-m-my ga-game..." he was trying so hard not to lose his temper that he started smiling ear-to-ear like a monster from a horror film.

From nowhere, a little girl no older than 13 years old jumped to hug him tightly.


Yuuki hugged the little girl and held her up with his arms as he smiled. "Oh? Osana..."

It was his little sister - Sanda Tanaka.

"How was school, Big Brother?!" she asked excitedly.

"It was..." Yuuki's eyes went to the side as though he was searching for the answer there. The only thing that could pop into his head at the time was the image of Mai's soft lips, nothing else.

Sanda tilted her head as she stared at him with her big, brown eyes, "It was what, Big Brother?" she looked fairly curious.

Yuuki thought to himself, Osana can't know her big brother goes around kissing women, tsk, most definitely not...

"It was just a little out of the ordinary, I guess."

He let his sister down, grunting heavily like he'd just carried numerous bags of cement. "Osana..."


Yuuki crouched to her height and rubbed his chin as he closely observed her. "You've grown quite a lot. I usually didn't have this much trouble carrying you before."

"I have?" said Sanda as she placed a finger on her chin, looking a little lost like she was trying to understand what he was saying. She then snapped her fingers and said, "Oh, I know! Big Brother's watching my growth so he'll know when I'm big enough to get married to him!" her eyes were shining like stars already.

Yuuki stood up and stretched his arms out tiredly as he walked away. "Just... please, don't think about that."

This system is crazy. It might think I'm some sort of siscon and add my little sister as a candidate. *facepalm*

"Aye! Aye Captain!" Sanda saluted her big brother as she watched him approach the two lazy bums playing videogames on the couch.

The television went off the moment Yuuki unplugged the wires.



Both Erosa and Akihiko were furious; apparently, they were getting to the good part of the game.

Yuuki placed a hand over his face and sighed heavily, "Dad, this place is a mess. If you're not gonna find a job anytime soon, then at least focus on keeping this place tidy, it's the least you could do..." He was doing his best not to lose his temper in the worst way possible.

Pointing the oily gamepad at Yuuki, Erosa shot back, "Why don't you clean it, he's your Dad after all!"

Akihiko chuckled and pat Erosa on the back, "It's fine, he's actually right..." The man dramatically slapped on an apron that was resting on the couch's arm. "As the most capable househusband, I should do my best to keep here spotless!" Somehow, he already had a broom in his hand and was ready to clean up. Naturally, it looked like a single reckless exhale from him would rip his apron to shreds, so he held his breath and puffed out his chest rather than his beer belly.

"Alright, I'm gonna go change into something comfortable so we can all clean up this house..." Yuuki said.

"YAYYY! Cleaning!" shouted an excited Sanda who was already waving her arms around.

Yuuki pointed at her and then at the stairs. "No, no. You're going upstairs to go do your homework, the dust particles won't be healthy for you."


"No buts!"

Sanda reluctantly climbed up the stairs, "O-okay." She sadly mumbled some words with each step she took.

"Alright, I'll go change. Dad, get the me some kitchen towels and a duster," said Yuuki to Akihiko.

With a sharp salute, Akihiko said, "You're the man!" He immediately rushed to go get said items.

Erosa was still very confused, "Uhhh..." she then looked over the couch to get a better view of Yuuki. "Wait, are we all doing the cleaning... or is this a family thing and I shouldn't intrude, haha, right?" she asked this question hoping it was the latter.

"You eat our food and enjoy our shelter so you're definitely going to clean." Yuuki's voice was stern and left no room for a counter.

Nevertheless, Erosa didn't plan on debating anything with him. She elegantly sat back on the couch and crossed her shapely, beautiful legs before crossing her arms. "Oh please, as if a goddess like myself would do something as common as helping a eunuch clean his living room. Tch, child's play." Her eyes were closed as she wore a smug expression on her round face.

Yuuki sighed and walked over to the couch. "I didn't want to do this but..." he grabbed Erosa by the leg and dragged her off the couch.

"WAAAAHHH!" Erosa didn't waste a moment to start crying as she clawed the smooth floorboards.

Ignoring her cries, Yuuki continued to drag her across the floor as she sluggishly tried to crawl away like some sort of sloth. "Are you a child?" Yuuki told her.

The blue-haired young lady screamed,"Noooo, I'm your GIIIIIRLFRIEEEEEEEND!!!"



Meanwhile, at the Takahashi Household.

Mai was in her room, with her laptop resting on her laps while she chatted on the phone with Mihara. Obviously, there was nothing else she wanted to talk about at that moment that wasn't Yuuki.

Mihara] I still can't believe you guys were kissing XD

Mai] I know, right?! It felt like we were moving a little too fast >.

But I still loved every moment of it... omg ("-_-)

Mihara] Ofc, you're a girl, it's normal to feel that way, I'm sure it's all Tanaka can think about right now!

Mai] You think so? O.O

Mihara] Trust me ;) I know how guys are, he's probably even telling his friends he did more than just kiss you.

Mai] !!! Really?! :0

Mihara] Relax, I don't think Tanaka's the type to do that. But forget that, when are you planning to tell him that you guys are actually childhood friends?!

Mai] I think I'll just leave that for another time... If he doesn't remember, then that memory's probably not important to him anymore...

Mihara] Awwwnnn, don't get too upset about it, he's a dunderhead ^-^!!

Mai] So, do you think I should bring him some food tomorrow?

Mihara] Oooo, from simple lunch you guys'll probably start doing dirty stuff in the bathroom, hehehe

When Mai read the message her face immediately turned red.

Mihara-san's mind is always so dirty *shriek*

She was blushing furiously, but at the same time she couldn't stop herself from giggling a bit.


Someone barged into Mai's room and she immediately hid her phone behind her. She was a little too panicked about what she was writing in her chats she didn't want to get caught at all. She has a few things in her search history she wasn't proud to share.

The person who'd just barged into her room was a loud-mouthed, muscle-headed fellow who wore a tank top so he could proudly display his rippling muscles.

Kenjiro Takahashi - Mai's older brother and a college student.


Out of embarrassment, Mai covered her face and sighed.

There's no one around and still... *groan* I'm so embarrassed.

It was during this time Kenjiro noticed the redness of his kid sister's. He calmly walked to Mai and said, "Your face, it's red..."

Mai realized this herself and touched her face a bit, "O-oh, I guess it is."

"Hmm," Kenjiro didn't consider that his sister could've been thinking of something that left her in such a flustered state, instead, his mind immediately simulated a dumb answer. "THAT BASTARD TANAKA MADE YOU CRY DIDN'T HE! I'LL BREAK HIS KNEECAPS SO YOU CAN USE THEM FOR YOUR SCIENCE PROJECT!" He already started flexing his muscles and punching the air to show her a glimpse of what he was going to do to Yuuki Tanaka.

"JEEZ!" Mai shouted. "You're too bothersome, Big Brother!"