
Save My Planet

We all stood outside of the door, but Mikota was staying close to me, but I had calmed myself down for the most part. I could see the girls out of the corner of my eye, trying to keep straight faces, but Mikota was facing away from them in embarrassment.

"Who is coming?"

Jill turned to me and smiled. I wasn't sure who it could be. I didn't really know anything about this world.

"MAS trainer Irellia will be joining us to train you all."

Irellia? She came back in so quick? Suddenly the red light for air pressure turned green, and the doors hissed before fully opening. There was a much smoother and more expensive version of the beat-up one in this hangar in the hanger.

We all walked out into the hangar, and the ship opened a door the was previously smooth and undetectable. A very blonde and human Irellia walk out with a man dressed in what looked like a butler suit. I was drawn back to Irellia, my memories flickering around me.