
Harem pirates

The setting moves out to the high seas for the second entry in the Harem Series: Harem Pirates

Jonas89 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Harem Pirates 2: Chapter 4 - Trap

"Hee hee. What a naughty boy. You're supposed to be working on an important mission, but here you are visiting me just because you're horny?♪"

The King of Pirates was anchored near the Ocean City of Brakia and word had been sent in secret that its captain wanted to meet with Vanessa, so she had quickly arrived aboard a tugboat.

Once she was invited into Ricardo's cabin, she immediately embraced him with monocle gleaming, kissed him greedily, and then pulled him over into bed. She removed her own uniform.

She clearly knew that trysts like this were always short on time. She was a very understanding woman – or maybe just a horny one. The result was the same.

"Should I not have asked?"

"Maybe not, but I'm so glad you did. I was dying back there without your cock to comfort me."

Having sex with her all night long, making her piss herself, and doing her anally had apparently awoken her submissive side.

Once nude, she got on all fours and lifted her butt as asked. He was amazed by what he saw when he observed her butt from behind.

(She has a really nice ass. You can only find this perfect fusion of fat and muscle on an adult woman.)

He was so charmed by her butt he grabbed the full cheeks with both hands and began rubbing them almost like a massage.


The Governor-General sighed in embarrassment because she knew her asshole had to be visible right now.

When he looked to her crotch adorned with some dark brown hair, he found the labia were already soaked.

(Ha ha. She knew what this meeting was all about.)

Delighted, he sank his fingers into her pussy and stirred up the sexual flesh within.

"Ah, ahh…ahhhn♪"

She moaned with low, sexy tones and wiggled her hips to seduce him.

A lewd sticky sound echoed through the cabin and drops fell between her spread thighs to stain the bed sheets.

(Even her asshole is twitching. I should probably maker her cum once first.)

Ricardo felt like a chef deciding what to cook with the finest of ingredients at his disposal. He scooped up her love juices, rubbed them on her anus, massaged his way down to her vulva, and removed her clitoris from its hood.

"Ahn, th-there already…ahn♪ Nhh, nh…"

Her body writhed in pleasure as he massaged that red and swollen pearl.

(Wow, her love juices are just dripping out. Okay, I'll start by licking this stiff clit.)

He leaned his face in to orally make this horny woman cum as hard as he could manage.


But he sensed a silent pressure coming from the darkness, so he came back to his senses and chose not to perform cunnilingus.

Instead, he reached for the two fairly large lips sticking out of her slit, holding one between his index and middle finger and the other between his middle and ring finger. He also poked lightly at her anus with his thumb and asked a casual question.

"By the way, do you have any new information on the ghost ship?"


She buried her face in the sheets and spoke with longing in her voice, likely because she wanted more stimulation than this.

"I find that hard to believe. Any ship sailing in this region needs to pass by Brakia."

"Yet we have nothing. B-but enough about that. H-hurry up♪"

She twisted her head around to give him a sexy look that asked to either be licked or fucked.

That scary, intellectual soldier was fixated on sex and begging him for it. Most any guy would want to give her exactly what she wanted.

(T-time to put it in!)

He reflexively pushed away his rational mind, removed his belt with record speed, and pulled down his pants and underwear.

His dick sprung out fully erect.

He held the throbbing penis and prepared to make an attack on the woman's honeypot. But…


More pressure from the darkness convinced him to change his mind at the last second.

He cleared his throat as if making an excuse, reluctantly let go of his dick, and placed his right hand on her hot and twitching reproductive organ.

"If you insist," he said in a purposefully cold voice.


He pushed his nectar-soaked thumb into her anus and his middle finger into her vagina.

"Gh!? Both at once!? Th-that's…ahhh!"

The unexpected action made Vanessa tense up and a cold sweat flowed from her sunbaked skin.


He apologized and then closed his fingers like he was pressing them together inside her. He started massaging the flesh wall between the two holes.

"Hee, hee, hyahhhh!!!"

Even experienced woman would cry out from the powerful pleasure this caused.

Vanessa was no exception, so her thin lips opened wide, drool sprayed out, and tears flowed from her widened eyes.

Then a small figure emerged from the darkness in the corner of the cabin.

"That should be enough."

The voice contrasted the pleasure-filled woman with its extreme iciness and disinterest.

"Sure, go ahead."

Ricardo was answered by Rose stepping into the magical light with a white headdress over her black hair and a dress designed much like a navy blue maid uniform.

Marion, Martha, and Jimmy hesitantly followed after her.

"Wh-wh-who are you!?"

Vanessa was surprised by the girls' sudden appearance, but she could not actually do anything about it with the fingers in her ass and vagina massaging the flesh between the two holes.

"I will now tie her up."

Rose stretched out the rope she had brought with her and rapidly tied up Vanessa who could not move with her most sensitive parts literally in Ricardo's grasp.

Ricardo, Marion, Martha, and Jimmy all watched Rose's handiwork in awe.

She had soon completed a tortoise shell bondage that beautifully showed off the woman's nude body. But unlike with a decorative kink accessory, the ends of the rope were tied to the legs of the bed, preventing the woman from moving in the slightest.

Rose worked in a calm, businesslike manner and a hint of a craftsman's pride could be seen on her face.

(Who taught Rose how to do bondage? Wait, why am I even asking? It was obviously Scarlet.)

What had that pirate woman been teaching her lover? Ricardo stared in surprise until his reliable guest advisor turned her expressionless face his way.

"You may remove your fingers now."

"Oh, right."

With her permission, he pulled his fingers out of the poor woman's holes.

"Gah!? Ahh, ahh, ahh…eh? W-wait, what? Are we doing bondage tonight?"

Vanessa moaned extra loud as the fingers pulled out of her, but then she looked confused.

"A-are we doing bondage? Well, um, kind of?"

Ricardo was not sure what to say, but Vanessa moved her topaz eyes around the room to assess the four girls surrounding her.

Only then did she finally understand her situation.

The horny look vanished from her face and was replaced by the haughty look of a skilled governor-general.

"Ohh, I get it♪ You're the prince's sex friends." Vanessa was tied up too tight to move, but she remained calm and even snorted in laughter. "Well, he is good in bed, so it makes sense he would keep a partner nearby. But four? Impressive♪ Nice to meet you all. I am Vanessa, the prince's woman in Brakia♪"

Drawn in by her cheerful greeting, Marion and the others introduced themselves.

A sexy but icy smile appeared on Vanessa's lips as she viewed them all.

"He needed four of you because one little girl wasn't enough to satisfy him. But kids are nothing more than kids, no matter how many of them you have. I can see why he was dying for an actual woman like me."

She nodded with the confidence of an adult woman, making bandanaed Marion's brow twitch.

"Hey, Prince Ricardo? This old lady here seems to have a knack for getting under my skin."

Vanessa did not take the bait.

"I was only telling the truth. No one is interested in seeing a kid like you tied up. I can see why it took a mature body like mine to inspire the prince to get into bondage."

He could not deny her body looked amazing bound by that rope.

In particular, the way the rope around her large breasts made them look even bigger and more gropeable.


Marion and the others could see the truth of it as well, so they fell silent.

Ricardo decided to interrupt that fruitless conversation.

"Vanessa, I'm sorry to say I did not invite you here tonight for sex."

"Then why? I can't imagine any other reason to tie me up like this."

She was indeed the woman who had earned the rank of governor-general at such a young age. She did not seem remotely cowed by her situation and she spoke to him like they were on equal footing.

In love with her all over again, Ricardo answered her question.

"You see, Vanessa, we did not visit this region of sea just for fun. Brakia is key to this region, so it seemed awfully unusual that you, its governor-general, had no information at all."

"I can't help it. This ghost ship must really know what it's doing. I am ashamed I can't do more, but it is what it is."

Ricardo shook his head at her bold claim.

"I don't think you're incompetent. So it isn't that you can't find any information – you're hiding it."

"I see. So you set this up and waited for me to walk into your trap." The sharp eye behind her monocle gave a mischievous smile, but it vanished a moment later. "Do not underestimate me!"

Her shout made Ricardo, Marion, Martha, and Jimmy jump. Only Rose managed to preserve her cool lack of expression.

The intensity in her voice made it clear she could have dealt with everyone in this room if she was not tied up.

"I was appointed governor-general by the Carlotta Kingdom, so I would hold my tongue even if I did have some information. I cannot say any more than that. Not even the most gruesome of torture will change that."

"Y-yeah, I imagine not…"

Ricardo was overwhelmed and Vanessa switched to a sweet tone of voice.

"And I know you would never be able to do something so awful to a woman you have slept with♪"

When she winked at him with her left eye, the one without the monocle, he was shaken because she was completely right.

"And if you hope to break me by doing humiliating things to me…well, I'm sorry to say I would be very into that."

She sounded legitimately excited by the prospect and wiggled her bound body as best she could. It felt like the woman tied up on the bed had somehow taken command of the scene.

Until, that is, a calm voice interrupted.

"Not to worry. There is a very simple way to get a horny bitch to talk."

Rose's interrogation method was simple indeed.

"It works just like the story of the north wind and the sun. I doubt even the worst torture could break her, but pleasure is a different matter."

"Wh-what are you planning?"

Hearing the emotionless girl saying such awful things had to be creepy. Vanessa's voice finally cracked a little.

"All of us here will pleasure your body, but we will never let you cum. The prince's penis is off limits, of course."

"You can't mean it…"

"Oh, but I do. If you want his penis, you must confess everything."

Rose's statement made Vanessa look up to Ricardo with fear on her face. He only nodded meekly back.

"We need you to tell us everything you know."

"I keep telling you I don't know anything!" she shouted.

After watching the prince and advisor in amusement, Marion gave a mischievous nod.

"Okay♪ So you're saying we just have to treat this horny old woman to some orgasm denial? Leave it to me. I hate this kind of beautiful, smart, busty woman who practically sweats sex appeal."

Martha, the future mage, could not hold her tongue after that.

"What you're describing is jealousy. Because they're the exact opposite of you."

"This sounds fun♪" exclaimed Jimmy, who was doing more tea preparation than cooking in the kitchen lately. "Hey, Martha. How about we try that thing we saw before? You said you could do it."

Martha did not seem to know what Jimmy meant, but Marion caught on.

"Oh, that? Martha, sic your prized octo on this horny old woman."

"Octo?" parroted Ricardo.

Martha finally realized what her friends were talking about, so she proudly put her hands on her hips and held her head high.

"I seem to have a talent for animal control magic. And I have an affinity for octopuses in particular."

"R-really? Neat, I guess?"

Ricardo had heard animal control magic was rare, but he didn't see how that was relevant here.

"But controlling octopuses isn't very useful for anything other than putting on a show." Mischievous Marion laughed as she explained. "And there's this show we saw where they send a big octopus after a woman. That's about all her octo magic is good for."

"Octo magic?"

Ricardo was only more confused when Martha begged him as well.

"I've always wanted to try this, so please let me test it out here."

Marion teased her, but she must have really not known what to do with her rare magic.

Ricardo still did not understand, but he trusted them enough to give them permission.

"Thank you so much."

Martha could act in an affected way, so a genuine smile like this was unusual from her.

Then she raised her staff and concentrated. She drew a magic circle on the floor, pulled a powdered catalyst from one of the pouches hidden in her robe, tossed it into the circle, and muttered some kind of incantation.


With a final yell, bright light flashed inside the cabin. Once it faded, something dark red had appeared on the floor.

"Th-that's an octopus. And you're going to send that after Vanessa?"


Martha must have been delighted the magic worked because she gave a showy bow, as if to ask what he thought.

The summoned mollusk looked confused by its sudden appearance.

It looked small at first, but its eight legs were surprisingly long. It was probably larger than Ricardo's arm span.

"W-wait, you're kidding, right!?"

Even Vanessa paled now.

"It'll be fine. The woman in the show really seemed to enjoy it."

Jimmy tried to reassure her and Marion and Martha nodded in agreement.

He had known those three tended to go around together while on land, but now he was extremely curious where they went.

"Okay, Mr. Octopus. Go visit with that pig of a woman tied up over there."

Martha gave her command, but the octopus moved very slowly across the cabin floor.

"Ugh, your magic is useless."

Marion grabbed one of its legs and chucked it toward Vanessa's back.

"Kyah! I-it's so cold… a-and gross. It's so slimy and gross. Noooo, it's got suckers!"

The magically-controlled octopus's legs crawled across the bound woman's naked body.

The sailors of Brakia had to have any number of fearful or respectful nicknames for this woman, but right now she was releasing feminine screams and writhing on the bed.

Ricardo felt sorry for her, but he had authorized this plan. He was reluctant to order it stopped now.

(But seeing an octopus attack a woman is a very decadent kind of sexy.)

He had never seen or imagined anything like it, so he ended up staring and failed to notice the horny grin on his face.

The trio of girls exchanged a nod when they noticed the look on his face.

"Keh heh heh. Prince Ricardo, you're into this, aren't you? Here, we'll make it even hotter for you♪"

With the smirk of a kid plotting an especially good prank, Marion moved the octopus's legs toward bound Vanessa's ass, spread the cheeks, and stuck two fingers in the woman's anus. Then she spread it apart.


Vanessa cried out in embarrassment when the young girl spread that hole without warning, but her troubles were only just beginning.

"Look, octo, this is your octo pot. Stick a leg on in there."

Martha caught on and gave the creature some kind of command, so one of its eight legs slithered into that small hole. Then Marion let go.

The anus snapped shut, trapping the octopus leg.

"Nooooo!! Pull it out, out, out! Pleeeease♪"

The woman started to cry while her butt danced back and forth with the octopus leg sticking out of it.

Since that hole was made to push things out, she could have expelled the leg if she tried, but not many women could bring themselves to push something out of their anus while people were watching. Vanessa was no exception, so she actually tensed up, holding the leg in place.

The living octopus leg wriggled around inside her, a sensation she had never even imagined before.

"Ah, ah, ah, ahh…"

She made pathetic noises while wiggling the large ass that was such a contrast to her skinny waist.

(Vanessa is the kind of woman who likes it in the ass too, so she might actually be enjoying this.)

But as a woman, she would refuse to admit the octopus leg was in any way enjoyable.

"Ha ha♪ Look at her go♪ The great governor-general is doing an octo dance♪"

Delighted, Marion grabbed one of Vanessa's soft breasts and fondled it.

"Me too♪"

Jimmy also ran her small hand and tongue along the amber skin visible between the octopus legs.

"Eh heh heh. I think she's developing a taste for octopus."

Martha spoke in an oddly affected way before going after the anal-loving woman too.

The three girls massaged her breasts, sucked her nipples, licked her spine, and licked all over the rest of her as well.

It was said no one knew a woman's body better than another woman, so Vanessa was soon pushed to her limit.

"Ah, s-stop that. What's so fun about doing this with another woman, anyway?♪"

Vanessa was answered by Jimmy, who had just finished kissing her.

"There's plenty fun about it. And it pays to know how to have fun with other women on a ship full of women. Prince Ricardo doesn't have time for all of us all the time, after all♪"

These girls' lives on the sea had left them very experienced in lesbian sex, so octopus or no, they could have won over the most chaste of ladies. And a horny woman like this was like taking candy from a baby.

"Ahn♪ Ahh♪ Ah♪ Ahn♪"

Vanessa's behavior changed little by little. She had initially been disgusted by the octopus's slimy touch, but she was gradually getting used to it.

Her moans were growing more sexual, her skin was flushed and sweaty, and her breathing was heavy.

The octopus had been summoned straight from the cold ocean, but it had soaked up her body heat to match her temperature.

"Ahh, ahh, ahhhhhhn♪ Nhh♪"

It was really the girls' lesbian prowess that had done it, but it still looked like she was turned on by the octopus, making for a luridly obscene show.

"Check this out, prince. Look how wet this old lady is from the octopus doing her♪"

Marion spread Vanessa's labia wide with a big mischievous grin on her face.

(Oh…wow. Her pussy is twitching so much. You'd almost think she had an octopus in there. And it does suck at you like an octopus pot when you stick your dick in there.)

Ricardo gulped as he recalled how the young and skilled governor-general's honeypot felt.

He grabbed his raging erection and approached like he was in a daze. But someone grabbed the back of his uniform: Rose.

"Putting it in her now would ruin our strategy. She has yet to confess anything."

"Eh? But, um…wouldn't you feel bad leaving her like this?"

He tried to find an excuse while the precum dripping from his dick gave away his true motivations, so Rose breathed an icy sigh.

"Ugh, fine."

The small girl kneeled in front of him.

A weapon forged in the sexual juices of countless women stood tall directly in front of her face.

She gave it an expressionless look before opening her small mouth and sucking it.

"U-um, Rose!?"

Rose had often watched while he and Scarlet had sex, but he did not remember ever doing it with her. Well, he might have had sex with her during one of their big orgies and he simply didn't remember it, so maybe he had?

At the very least, they had never done anything memorable enough for him to recall it.

Rose was not shy about calling herself Scarlet's lover and he had always assumed she hated him for holding the same position, so this sudden action came as a surprise.

"Hey, no fair!"

Jimmy, who had been enjoying kissing Vanessa, pulled away and protested. Martha heard that and stopped teasing Vanessa's butt to glare over at Rose. But Marion stopped both of them.

"Hold on."

Marion walked up behind Rose.

"Wait, Marion. Let's not get violent."

The bandanna girl was quick to get into fights, so Ricardo feared she was about to violently remove Rose from his dick, but Marion told him not to worry and reached her arms around to grab Rose's chest.


"I knew it."

Marion appeared to have confirmed a suspicion of hers.

(What did she know?)

Ricardo was confused, but Marion slapped Rose's chest a few times just to be sure and then stared at the girl performing fellatio.

Rose actually looked confused for once as Marion held the other girl's hands, which were themselves holding the penis.

"Let's be best friends!"


Rose was caught completely off guard by this one, so she blinked her eyes with the penis head still in her mouth.

Ricardo was also surprised as Marion clenched her fists and began some kind of speech.

"Breasts are nothing but pointless decorations! Right, bestie?"


Ricardo was still confused, but Martha shrugged her shoulders in exasperation. As Marion's childhood friend, she must have figured out what the girl was getting at.

"Those big mounds of fat only serve to overheat you out on the hot Jade Sea. But our chest size? Now, that's the perfect size for the Jade Sea!"

"Marion," cut in Martha. "You realize how sad this makes you sound, right?"

"Shut up!" snapped Marion before taking Rose's hands again. "To celebrate our newfound friendship, I'll let you have Ricardo's cock for today. Enjoy it to your heart's content. I will be over here defeating the busty enemy."

The "busty enemy" in question was Vanessa, still tangled up with the octopus.

"Fine, I guess."

Those three girls had sex with Ricardo on a daily basis, so they were not that starved for it. Martha scratched her cheek with exasperation on her face.

"Our job tonight is to torment the busty enemy and ensure my new best friend's plan is a success. Let's do this!"

"Torment the enemy!" cheerfully shouted Jimmy, who was apparently oblivious to the fact that her own chest size made her one of the "enemy" here.

Rose gave an unemotional glance over at those girls before returning to the blowjob.

She held the sack in her hands and gently massaged the balls within while running her tongue up the seam along the bottom of the shaft and licking at the bottom of the head.

Ricardo was impressed with the knowledge of a man's weak points demonstrated by her exquisite tongue technique.

"Y-you're really good at this."

Rose removed the penis from her mouth and did not look amused by his compliment.

"My mistress taught me."

"Scarlet did?"

Ricardo was confused and Rose nodded.

"Sh-she, nh…had me lick and suck her fingers, mh…and pretend they were a penis."

It was well known Scarlet and Rose were in a homosexual relationship, but part of that apparently involved Rose fellating Scarlet's fingers.

Imagining that decadent scene made Ricardo gulp.

"Your inability to control yourself is going to ruin the plan and that would make my mistress sad, so I will do it for you instead."


He felt bad thinking she was sucking a dick to make sure her plan succeeded when she didn't even like guys.

"Make no mistake. I love my mistress so much I feel no need to be with anyone else, but that does not mean I am not also attracted to men."

"Eh? Really?"

"And I cannot fault my mistress for her taste in men. I…do not dislike you."

With that, she resumed her blowjob using technique taught to her by Scarlet.

Scarlet was a master of sex and she was apparently just as good a teacher.

Rose demonstrated many different techniques, including gently massaging his balls while holding the shaft sideways in her mouth and stroking along its length. Then she brought the head deeper into her mouth than before.


She gagged a bit, but it was drowned out by Vanessa's shouted moans.

"Nooo, I don't want to cum from this! I want Prince Ricardo to make me cum! I want his cock to make me cuuuuum!"

Vanessa was approaching her limit as the three girls plus one octopus tormented her, but her pride refused to let the girls or the animal make her cum.


(Wow, things are getting wild over there.)

The proud woman writhing on the bed as she tried to endure the pleasure stimulated his desire like crazy.

More and more blood rushed to his dick and Vanessa gave Rose a look of pure envy while the girl continued her silent, expressionless blowjob.

The perverted energy of the scene made his penis throb as it fast approached climax.

"R-Rose, I'm about to cum…"

He had meant for her to move out of the way, but she instead took the head inside her mouth again.

She looked up at him while massaging his balls with her right hand and moving her head back and forth to catch the inside of her lips on the ridge of the head.


Those black eyes stared up at him without a hint of emotion while her tongue poked at his urethra.

It was the perfect technique to make him ejaculate.

A jolt ran from his tailbone to his balls and his cock swelled out, pushing out her small lips.

"I'm cumming! I hope that's okay!"

He did not have time to get an answer before he exploded in her mouth.


Rose kept her lips shut to prevent any of the erupting male fluid from escaping, so all of the hot cum pumped out into her mouth.


Ricardo breathed a sigh of relief once he was done. His penis had gone soft in her mouth and she looked up at him with the question "are you done now?" in her black eyes.

"Th-thanks. That, um, felt really good."

He felt bad cumming in her mouth when she was so dedicated to Scarlet, but he also honestly thanked her.

She let the flaccid cock flop out of her mouth.

Her mouth had to be full off his hot goop, but she kept her mouth closed, turned away from him, and walked over to the captured woman.

"Wh-what are you doing!?"

Sweaty and moaning Vanessa looked confused when Rose moved her face in close.

Rose pinched Vanessa's nose shut.


With her nose shut, she had to open her mouth for air, which was when Rose kissed her.

Then Rose freed her nose.

It was immediately obvious what Rose had done: she was releasing all the cum in her mouth into the trapped woman's mouth.

"Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp…"

Once Vanessa caught on, she greedily slurped it up and swallowed it.

(Wow, you'd think she was dying of thirst.)

Seeing his semen being passed from one mouth to another was strange but oddly arousing.

Once the cum swapping was complete, Vanessa narrowed her eyes in satisfaction and Rose stared at her with her empty eyes.

"Swallowing semen with that mouth makes you want it in your lower mouth even more, doesn't it?"

"Ah!? Ahh…"

Vanessa realized Rose was right and resumed writhing in longing.

(She plays dirty.)

Rose had fed Vanessa that semen like a finishing blow.

Ricardo was a little disturbed by her ruthlessness, but he realized this had not just affected Vanessa.

The small body in her old-fashioned navy blue dress was also twisting in longing.

Seeing that, the horny boy could not control himself, so he embraced his guest advisor from behind and made a request.

"Um, Rose. If you want – again, only if you want – um…how about we have sex?"

He would not force her, but if she was horny and willing, he wanted to do it with her.

She glanced down at his crotch to find it was fully erect once more.

"I know you went to a lot of work sucking me off, but, um, then I saw you two kissing and, well…you can see the result."


She shook her head and gave the most exasperated sigh he had ever heard.

"I am not made of stone, so sucking your dick, um…turned me on."

"Is that a yes?" he asked with great expectation.

Rose's pale cheeks had grown just a bit flushed and she nodded her head.

"This is for the success of the mission. And…my mistress did tell me to try sleeping with you."

Scarlet would always be #1 in Rose's heart.

But that was fine. Ricardo pulled up his reliable guest advisor's long skirt with delight.

Her slender legs in white knee socks came into view. She ate as much as anyone, but none of it seemed to stick with her.

She wore a kind of underwear known as drawers, which likely meant Scarlet was into that.

They were a poor choice for this tropical region, but they were perfect for making Rose look as doll-like as possible.

(Ha ha. Her underwear is wet. She always looks so cool and collected, but that blowjob must have really turned her on.)

Delighted, Ricardo pulled down her drawers.

Her small butt came into view.

He spread the cheeks to get a look at her anus and labia.

He had looked at Vanessa in the same way earlier, but it was all much smaller on Rose.

But Rose gave Vanessa a run for her money when it came to wetness.

"You're pretty wet. Do you get wet like this when you watch Scarlet and me have sex?"

"Again…I am not…made of stone…"

Even she reacted with embarrassment when he stared at her privates.

When he realized that, he took an even closer look.

(It's all very small, but her clit is pretty big. Did it grow from the workout I'm sure Scarlet's given it?)

He let his imagination run wild while continuing the conversation.

"Can I lick your pussy?"

"P-please do…"

Rose's entire body was trembling, maybe from embarrassment, maybe from arousal, and maybe from anticipation.

(She's so damn cute.)

Delighted to see actual emotion on her face, he got to licking at her small and very wet labia.


A sigh of pleasure left her, proving even that seemingly emotionless girl enjoyed having her pussy licked.

Encouraged, Ricardo thoroughly licked her down there to enjoy the feel of it on his tongue.


She started moaning like a panting puppy.

(She's small, but she has a fully-grown adult pussy. It's delicious.)

He enjoyed the sour, salty, and also nicely bitter flavor of her labia, but eventually raised his head.

"Rose, I can't wait any longer. Can I put it in you?"


She looked almost intoxicated and answered as briefly as possible, but she stopped him when he prepared to penetrate her from behind in their current positions.

"We are here to interrogate that woman, so this is meaningless if we do not show it off to her."

"R-right…I guess."

Rose jerked her chin over toward the horny woman watching them while drooling.

When his eyes met Vanessa's she made a request through her moans.

"Prince, p-please give it to me. Please give me your cock first."

She was captured by the octopus and being tormented by the three girls, so she looked thoroughly aroused and had sexual sweat pouring from her body. The way she kept moving her hips back and forth was equal parts hot and sad.

"I-I can't do that. You don't get my penis until you tell us everything you know."

Ricardo was incredibly aroused by how horny she was, so he sat cross-legged on the spot, bringing his raging erection right in front of her face.

Ejaculating once was nowhere near enough to keep that young cock down and the recent ejaculation gave it a powerful male scent.

"Ah, ahh…"

While the woman groaned like a traveler lost in the desert seeking water, Rose stood in front of her with her back to Ricardo. He grabbed her hips and slowly lowered them.


The erect penis arrived at her small labia and then slowly sank inside right in front of the drooling woman.

"I-it's so big!?"

Rose's eyes widened.

"Compared to Scarlet's fingers, I imagine so, but I think mine is fairly average."

He gently corrected her, but his voice was strained.

(She's so tight. Almost like a virgin. I know this is far from her first time having sex, but could it be her first time with a guy?)

His dick sank inside her until it came to a stop.

"Khh, th-that's as deep as it will go…"

Her short frame apparently gave her a short vagina too. The head was pressed firmly against her cervix.

He took a look at her face to see how she was doing and found tears welling up in her eyes.

"Eh!? Does it hurt? Are you okay?"

"N-no…it feels…good."

He panicked, but she shook her head, which put him at ease.

(Her pussy really is as tight as a virgin's. I need to wait a bit and let her get used to this. Then I can teach her what it's like to have sex with a man.)

When having sex with a woman with exclusively lesbian experience, it was only natural for a guy to want to show her just how good it could be to do it with a man.

"See, it feels good. Don't you think a penis might be nice from to time?"

"Y-yes…it's spreading my pussy so wide and filling it to the very back."

Ricardo resisted the urge to start thrusting when she was still so surprised by his dick's size, so he instead reached around and opened the chest of her old-fashioned dress.

The bra within was simple and almost seemed meant for children. He pulled it up and out of the way.

"Wow, they really are small," commented Martha, earning her a smack upside the head by Marion.

"Yours aren't that big either."

"Stop fighting, you two. Breast size doesn't matter to me. I like big ones and I like small ones."

He believed the breasts of all attractive women were beautiful.

He pinched and teased Rose's small nipples.

"Ahh, ahh, ahh."

The nipple teasing while already penetrated introduced a sweet heat to Rose's breaths.

Encouraged, Ricardo lowered his right hand and started rubbing at their point of union. Then he grabbed the unusually large clitoris for an otherwise small body.


She arched her back and her vagina twitched.

He used all of this to get her vagina used to having a penis inside it.

"Rose, can I start moving now?"

"Ahh, ahh…yes."

She nodded while moaning, so he placed his hands below her thighs and started lifting her up and down.

This was a trick only possible with someone as small as her.

"Ahh…ahh…hh…y-you're hitting me deep inside, ahh, and it's so big…it's pulling my pussy out with it."

Just as there were sensations she could only experience with another woman, there were some she could only experience with a man.

Pleased that she was enjoying it, Ricardo gradually increased the movement.

"Ahh, ahh, ahh…"

Her moaning grew more rhythmical and the three girls and one woman gulped as they watched.

Those four observers were all very familiar with how a man's penis felt – and Ricardo's penis in particular.

They must have been reminded of how it felt thrusting in and out of them, so their butts started to squirm.

Marion, Martha, and Jimmy looked almost as envious as Vanessa as they watched those two go at it.

"Ah, ahh, ahhhhhhh…ahhhh!"

Rose was always so calm so it was a surprise to hear her moaning so loudly.

She appeared to be reacting to the others watching her as much as to the physical pleasure.

It was said all women had a narcissistic side, so it enhanced their pleasure to be seen doing it.

It appeared to be true of Rose at least.

Her vagina squeezed pleasantly at him.

His balls rose up in preparation to ejaculate.

"Rose, I'm already about to cum!"

"Eh? Wh-what!?"

His dick grew another size larger and he felt something racing up within it. The hot liquid that erupted forth shot out and filled her vagina.

"Ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?"


The pleasure of being cummed inside was a confusing one for a girl with only lesbian experience.

(Oh, she's cumming too.)

Watching those two orgasm from so close appeared to have affected Vanessa.

"Th-the suckers feel so good!"

The octopus's suckers had disgusted her at first, but now they were bringing her pleasure. The female body was full of mysteries.

"Ahh, no! I don't want this mollusk to make me cuuuuuuuuuuum!!!"

Her approaching orgasm threatened to shatter her dignity as a woman, but she was not allowed even that.

"Again, we aren't letting you cum."

Marion grinned mischievously as she grabbed the octopus leg rubbing at the mature woman's crotch.

"…!? No, w-wait…I was so close, so very close!"

Vanessa was furious as the doorway to ecstasy was slammed shut in her face.

"Again! You don't get to cum until you tell us everything you know."

The energetic girl stuck her tongue out at the bound busty woman, but then she addressed Ricardo.

"Prince Ricardo, can I go next?"

"Sure. But wait a sec…"

Rose's eyes had gone as blank as dolls after orgasming, so Ricardo held her tight.

"That was incredible, Rose. Do you think we could do this again from time to time? I don't think I could stand knowing such a great body is out there and I only got to enjoy it just once."

Rose nodded while her pussy again squeezed the penis still inside it.

'Yay, she's joined the club♪"

Jimmy threw her hands in the air to celebrate.

But then they heard a gloomy voice that sounded like it had echoed up from the pit of hell.

"Okay, fine, you devil! You demon! You inhuman monster!"

It belonged to Vanessa. The young governor-general was weeping and shouting with fury in her voice, but it all sounded comical because of how obviously aroused her body was.

"I'll tell you everything – everything I know."

That made everyone pay attention.

"I-it's Dartanis!" she desperately shouted.

"Dartanis? Isn't that one of Carlotta's admirals?"

Ricardo hurriedly flipped through his mental encyclopedia of names.

"Yes, I'm saying Dartanis is commanding the ghost ship. I was opposed to this deception, but they didn't listen. There, I told you. Details later – penis now!"