
Harem Overlord System(Re-written)

As a perverted otaku, Mc had a knack for ogling at mature beauties, especially the milf ones, and secretly taking advantage of them whenever he could. However, one day, he got more than he bargained for when he got beaten black and blue by one of the beauties he tried to help. To add insult to injury, on his way back home, Mc got into a car accident at a crossroad. But little did he know, fate had something else in store for him. He met a stunning goddess, who, despite being an object of his ogling, decided to forgive him for his past transgressions. In a surprising turn of events, the goddess gave him a system with its own personality and transmigrated him into the anime world he was watching before he died. Now, with a new lease on life, Mc sets out on a journey of self-improvement. He aims to shed his perverted ways and become a great man with a plethora of women by his side. But, as he quickly finds out, it's easier said than done. Through his trials and tribulations, Mc learns to be more open-minded, respectful, and compassionate towards others. He discovers that true greatness isn't measured by the number of women one has but by the quality of relationships one forms. Join Mc on his journey to self-discovery as he navigates the perils of the anime world and strives to become a better man. With humourous anecdotes and witty banter, this fanfic is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish. ........... A/N: While there may be a slow burn when it comes to romance, fear not, dear readers, for this story still boasts a harem tag and promises some steamy moments, just not right off the bat. For those who enjoy a little action to spice things up, don't worry, there will be plenty of heart-pumping scenes scattered throughout the story. After all, the protagonist, Mc, is a man of culture, and he knows what his audience wants. As for the anime world he finds himself in, Mc will be exploring the lesser-known corners of the otaku universe. He'll be delving into worlds that are rarely adapted in fanfiction or not at all, so buckle up and get ready for a wild ride. With a mix of humourous and witty dialogue, this story promises to be a refreshing take on the harem and isekai genres. So sit back, relax, and get ready to join Mc on his journey of self-discovery and, of course, his pursuit of love and happiness with a bevy of beauties by his side. First World: Trinity Seven (Volume I) Second World: Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut (Volume II) Third World: ?? ( Maybe a mix world) if you want support me then visit the link: https://ko-fi.com/abysalyounglord0640 ........ Disclamer: "I don't own anything except the Mc and some 'inserts' characters." ......... Comment on the below links to show your support: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077283168912 Instagram: https://instagram.com/abysalyounglord?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= Join Discord: Abysalyounglord#0640

Abysalyounglord · Tranh châm biếm
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122 Chs





" " Conversation or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking




Name:Kosei Hesperia Race:Human

Age:16 Class:Mage(D)

Soul:Tier 0


Strength: 6 Dexterity: 4

Agility:5 Vitality:8

Constitution:6 Magic:10



SP(System points):-

(Class stages are from weak to strong as --E, D, C, B, A and S or Paladin, for special people with demon element are called demon lord candidate .){stats:E:1-9

D:10-49, C:50-99, B:100-149, A150-199,


(Strength-refer to overall offensive power, Dexterity- refers to overall control over the body, Agility-Speed, Vitality-Life force means body regeneration and health, Constitution-Body potential, Magic-Overall magic in the body)

[Sys note:Host, you are pathetically extremely weak.]

'Sys, what's an average stats of a human' I asked feeling extremely irritated.

[Host, it's Average 10 for a normal human mage.]

'That means I'm way too weak,' feeling depressed after seeing my stats.

'Wait, I seem to see there's a Magic stat in it right,' remembering something.

[Host, you are correct so don't worry, you have your moments to act a chuuni as much as you want and nobody will say that you are a weirdo.]

'Hey, Sys let me have my moment please, can you not pour cold water on my head' Seriously just thinking about my dark past I become annoyed.

[Host, you should open your gift pack, it might have a solution to make you a little bit less weak but still weak]

'Sys, can you not emphasize weakly, I know I'm weak that's why I'm willing to work hard for it.

Sys, open the gift pack'.

[Opening the gift pack...

congratulations host for obtaining...

10 body strengthening pills,

10 magic enhancing potions,

10 Cleansing pills,

50,000 System points

1 Constitution restructuring pill.]

'Wow! I got legendary pills from wuxia novels. I can guess all of them from the name but what about Cleansing pills' I ask Sys confirming. What I guessed is right or not.

[Host! Cleansing pills are similar to meridian cleansing pills except the Cleansing pill cleans every defect body possesses and makes it evolve.]

'I guess this pill is much better than those wuxia pills,' I thought and took it out in my hand to see a translucent white pill tempting me to eat it.

[Host, I advise you to take one Cleansing pill and a Constitution restructuring pill simultaneously. Also, make sure to go to some isolated place.]

'Ok, Sys' I said and went behind some big tree for cover.

[Host, I'm placing the sound isolation magic shield dome after that you can intake the pills.]

"Wait, did you say sound isolation don't tell me after taking the pills I would have to endure pain." Now that I thought about it you can guess from the name restructuring pill means related to the body and structuring the body means improving in the body so it gonna hurt.

[Tsk, but host it's beneficial to you]

"Damn! You want to see me in pain, don't you," I scream at Sys. Then calming down my tense nerves I mustered enough courage and ate the pills with my clenched teeth to endure the pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!..hhh!!!!...Damn you!!!...ahhh!!!..Sys!!!....ahhh.hh!!!"

[Host, don't lose consciousness as it's necessary to awake the whole time for pills to have complete efficiency in your body.]

"Ahhh!!!! ..ahh.I'll.!!!!!..try!!!..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Pain is too excruciating, it's like millions of ants are crawling and eating away little by little. I passed out without knowing.


I don't know how much time went by, I woke up from the slumber as look like just after the process got completed I fell asleep because of pain and exhaustion.

"Sys anything out of ordinary happen that I should know about beforehand," I ask Sys since I didn't feel much change except a relaxed feeling.

[You should check yourself in the mirror and inspect yourself thoroughly after that check your status then you will know.]

"Ok, Sys give me the mirror," I said then looked thoroughly at my body from up to down.

[Hand mirror-1Sp

deducting cost.....

remaining sp-49,999]

"Wow, what happens to my face, I look a lot more handsome," actually not just face even hair colour from light black to dark black hair and soft skin. Now that I think about I didn't have muscle before but now lean and compact muscle with eight pack abs looks fantastic. Also, my little brother has gotten much bigger, Hohoho!!!

[Host, don't be a narcissist and check your status already.]

"Alright ..alright!!!" After calming down from the excitement and taking a deep breath I thought status in my mind.


[Name:Kosei Hesperia

Race:Human Age:16

Soul:Tier 1 Class:Mage(C)


Strength:26 Dexterity:24

Agility:25 Vitality:28

Constitution:26 Magic:30




{Sys note:Now you are less pathetic }]

"Stats increased by 20 and soul tier also has improved by 1 that's why I felt so much calm, collect and have clear thoughts." I felt like a heavy stone has lifted from my heart.

"Sys, I'm still weak and there's shop function in the system right," I ask and think about my strength is still weak so to compensate I need to buy some techniques or abilities.

[Yes host! Do you want to open the shop function, just say or think about it in your mind, and I'll do the rest.]

"Okay, Sys, recommend me some suitable skills or ability under the 40,000Sp and also buy me the dress of this academy and equip it directly, don't forget to forge the identity."

[Okay, host. It's done]

There's a flash and I'm wearing the uniform, holding the Id in my hand. I look good in a black and white combination.

"Alright Sys! Open the Shop."





Hello dear readers, I tried my best to come up with a good setting,

In the end, I ended with simple status.

Please support me

It's motivated me to write more...


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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