
Harem king System

I died ......... but that was not the end, they offered me a chance to live again but not in my world, in a different one with a system of my choice. obviously I accepted, but not everything went well ..... because there are ghost beings, warriors, Yokais angels and many other beings in this place ?? !!! I want to go to a world with beautiful women and without dangers and make a harem in that world !!! but now I not only have to live in a world with many dangers ..... now I also have to travel to other worlds and save them from destruction ........ but I will not give up on my dream of doing a Harem !!!! I will achieve it with the help of The System King of the Harem

INVADER_WEST · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

My Air Friend Tomo-chan

you voted for another chapter in this story.

that's why here I bring them to you.

we continue right where we left off in the previous chapter.

I hope you like it.


While Utaha was reading the note left by our protagonist He was on his way to school prepared for his first day as a high school student in this world.


"Going back to high school will be a drag, but at least I know that with the help of the system my days of struggling with school are over!

Why is this? ..... This is because of my degree

[CHEAT: gives the holder of this degree an accelerated learning and rapid advancement in all skills]

[Simply put, ..... I'm learning and improving super fast!]

Even when I cleaned Utaha's house I managed to develop a new skill.

[Cleaning: you are an excellent teacher of cleaning]

I'm going to get a lot of new skills today, that's for sure!

While I was lost in thought a voice woke me up.

"Hey Shuu! ...."

Look at the person who called me and as I imagined was the original protagonist of Nisekoi, Ichijou Raku,

how he always wears that lock-shaped necklace

If I am going to live in this world I will have to get along with him.

"Hello Raku! .... What's up? ...."

"That's what I should ask!" ..... ..... Why did you miss school yesterday? ..... Hiratsuka-sensei was very upset"

"Well.... I woke up with a severe toothache and went to the dentist, so I couldn't come... who did you say got angry?"

"Hiratsuka-sensei!!! I'm sure if she sees you he'll give you one of his famous right hooks..."


Hiratsuka-sensei.... I can already imagine who is... and is someone I will also aim to conquer!!!!.

"...don't worry, I'm sure I'll do well with her..."

"if you say so..."

And so we continued talking until we got to the classroom.


(Inside the classroom)



I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed .... Why reason?.... Because right now I am in the classroom where I will study for 1 year with my classmates before we change classrooms and classmates again next year....

The problem with this is .... Because there are so many protagonists in my classroom!??.....

I already knew Raku would be with me.... But... what are they doing here!???

That's right... the problem is my classmates... to be more specific my classmates....

Hikigaya Hachiman, yozora mikazuki, Amatsuyu Kisaragi, Gabriel White Tenma, Imadori Kyosuke, kyousuke kosaka, Fuyumi Yanagi, Fudou Nomura and Chisaki Miyazaki.....

What are they all doing here!???..... normally I would be happy to have the opportunity to live with all of them.... but, not like this!!!!

Some of them are from very dangerous animes or supernatural worlds! ..... I thought the greatest danger in this world was dragons like Tohru...

If they are in this room that means that I am surrounded by possible situations in which I can get involved! ..... they are also the protagonists! .... And I'm just a supporting character in the Nisekoi anime! How will I survive this? !!!! ....






After complaining mentally for a long time I managed to calm down and think more clearly .....

Well... let's think about this carefully.... I am a secondary character...yes... but now I have the Harem king system,..... that makes me technically a protagonist.... also now I have the power of the ope-ope fruit, that means that if something dangerous happens then I will be able to defend myself..... yes, this is not bad.

And looking at it from the most favorable point of view, it means that I will be able to be in the plot of my favorite stories!!!!... That doesn't sound bad... could be like a mysterious character who appears to defeat the villain and make some girls fall in love.... Yes..... that sounds great....







[Host, don't forget that you have to save other worlds too when necessary]


I forgot about that .....

Tell me, System, am I forgetting something else?.....

[ The host has not used the lottery ticket he received today.]

...…. I was so worried about the characters of this world that I forgot about that ....

Please system, use the ticket....

[ Using Lottery Ticket ]

Congratulations! .... It's the first time you use the system's lottery function!!..... That's why the probability of obtaining an object good increases by 20%]

Great!!!!...wait.... I have the [lucky] ability?does that mean my chances of getting a good object increase?

[Correct..... the host's chance of getting a useful object is 60%]

[Do you want to use the lottery ticket?]

Go ahead and use it and see what comes out!

[.... Loading...Loading.... Loading...]

[Congratulations you got the object [ Genji Sword Compact version](Overwatch)]

(If you want to see what the sword is like I'll leave an image in the comments)

... What?... What can that sword do? ... Is it some legendary weapon or something?

[ Genji Sword Compact Version ]

[ It is the sword of the youngest son of the shimada clan, Genji Shimada, used by him during his return to the Overwatch team ( compact version because it is retractable for easy use and handling)]

[.for the host to better understand, it is a technological sword similar to the Star Wars lightsabers]


... well..... is not a legendary sword like Excalibur or Ascalon..... but it will be useful to defend myself...

[ It is a high rank object in the lottery, the system advises the host not to underestimate the power of the Genji Sword]

..... if the system says so then it must be very good...

OK! ..... Let's put the sword aside and concentrate on studying and gaining new skills today! ..... With My CHEAT I will become the perfect guy!!!!

Get ready girls because Maiko Shuu is getting ready for you!


(Time skip from class)

Well... this day was very fruitful for my skills.

[Skills] new


[ stealth]

[ You're good at hiding and being quiet ]

[Good student]

[You easily learn everything you set out to learn, you are literally a good student]

[Apprentice musician]

[You can play music not too complicated, you still need training]

[ good memory ]

[ You can easily remember what your 5 senses register]


[ People recognize you as a person who is easy to talk to and open up emotionally]

[ good hearing ]

[ You can listen much better than ordinary people and if you concentrate you are able to listen with prediction at great distances]


These are not skills that will be useful in a fight but they will be very useful in my life as a student..... Long live the system!

With the system, my life will be as easy as a walk in the park!

Well.... Now classes are over, and I am on the roof of the school watching the sky while I try to think about what I will do next...

"I still don't know how many stories are happening in this world or when they will happen... I only managed to research the stories of my classmates.... But now I have to choose what I will do .....

I was thinking for a long time but I couldn't think of anything.

"..... doesn't make sense for me to think about it so much ... Anyway, I told the system that it will let me know when the stories I know will start ... I'll wait until then.

I got off the roof and walked through the classroom on my way out, but on my way I noticed that inside the room a person was talking to someone....

Or so it seemed, ... I couldn't really see who the girl inside the room was talking to so animatedly, .....

With this situation I could already imagine who was the girl who was talking animatedly in the room.

There are 2 possible options... she is talking to a ghost, or she is talking to herself... the answer is obvious...

I opened the living room door and she noticed me,

His gaze fixed on me and he saw me as if I had done something horrible to him...

I know, what I have to do in this situation ..... I just have to do the same as with Utaha, I will act as a protagonist would.

Well, here we go!


" .....hello.... Who were you talking to just now? ....."

".....( angry look.)..."

She looks at me and uses the typical Tsundere movement to turn around quickly to avoid looking at me.

"..... You know.... It's rude not to answer when you're asked something ...."

"..... I was educated since I was little not to talk to strangers.."

"...I'm Maiko Shuu, I sit in the third chair on the right and I'm your classmate... you know me, so you can tell me who you were talking to...."

She doesn't seem to want to answer me.

"I'm not obliged to do so...."

" ... I'm just guessing but..... You were talking to ... an air friend?"


She reacts, when I said Air Friend, she shudders for a moment and starts to turn around slowly.

"....c.....how did you know.?....."

I can see a little blush on her cheeks must be embarrassing for her to catch her talking to an imaginary friend.

".... well.... A long time ago when I was a kid I used to do it too... "

"....mmm.....and..... do you find that strange? ...."

She asks me with a defiant look to hide her nervousness about my answer.

".no... isn't weird....Sometimes it's useful for think about topics of conversation and serves to release some stress."

"..... I see..."

"If it's not too much obtrusive on my part. I want to ask you ..... you talk like your air friend because you don't have any friends?...."

She shudders again but puts on a serious face.

"..haaa??,... I don't need something like that, look at me, I'm smart, I have soft skin ,I'm thin and have a good body, I can make friends easily.... I was just releasing some stress by talking to my friend. Tomo-chan, it's not something I used to do."

".....To be something you don't usually do, you even named your air friend"

She knew she was wrong to call her air friend TAMA-CHAN.....

but she was already committed to her perfect girl attitude and had no choice but to run away.

"There's no point in talking to you .... I doubt very much that someone like you understands the difficult life of someone as popular as me"

She took her bag (backpack) and headed for the door.

"Okay, see you tomorrow Mikazuki-chan"

"Don't call me that!

She opens the living room door and quickly leaves.

"Okay, ... See you tomorrow Yozora-san!

In the distance I can hear Yozora's voice screaming.

"Don't call me by my name either !!!!

And then the room is left alone with me inside.

"She is not yet as distant from her classmates as she was in the anime.... "

"I guess it's because we just entered this school and she's not yet excluded from the class for being the way she is.

I will not let her feel alone until the protagonist arrives, ....I will be your only friend at school and when the protagonist arrives it will be too late! …..

Yozora's heart will be mine!!!!.....Ha,ha,ha,ha!

[ Host, he is acting like a villain who loves to pretend he is a hero ]

"..... because you specifically described me that way??....."

[ ...The system does not know..]

Well.... Let's put that aside and go fulfill the next part of my plan to get a Dragon Maid!


one more chapter.

you left a lot of comments saying you wanted another chapter

that's why I respond to your wishes and bring you another chapter.

If there is any spelling mistake please let me know to fix it, the chapters of this story are so long that it is hard not to be wrong.

I hope you like it.