
Harem In An RPG World

Kai Rose was reincarnated into the powerful Rose Dukedom within an RPG world. In this world people would gain a class at the age of ten and could increase their level. By increasing their level they would be able to invest stat points increasing their strength and with that strength would come wealth, authority and respect. Unfortunately for Kai he had no status screen, not only that when he turned ten nothing happened. For eight years he trained his mind and body waiting until the day he was meant to leave for the royal academy and praying he'd gain a status screen and a class. The day before he was supposed to leave for the academy, he and his childhood friend went a step further. Nothing happened until he was about to fall asleep and a loud noise in his head plus text in front of his eyes jolted him awake. [All Requirements Met] [System Activated] [Putting Host Into Sleep Mode] [Until Awakening Process Is Complete] "What the?.." Kai almost cursed out loud before he faded to black. _________________ I am re-releasing this novel for WSA 2023. Chapters: 1 a day Word count: 1500-2000 words per chapter. 250 Power Stones = Bonus Chapter The cover art is not mine, if you want me to take it down then please let me know.

DontLookPls · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Poor Manners

'I think I bit off more than I could chew...' Kai was racking his brain trying to figure a way out of his predicament.

The man named Jarlan, if that even is his name is dangerous. Extremely so...

No matter how hard Kai tried to think of something, nothing came to mind.

The best course of action would be to try and run away. But Jarlan had already shown that he can catch someone who is running away.

Kai has his [Void Step] but even with the increased range that he got through levelling up might not be enough.

Kai managed to get out of his fear-induced daze only to see Jarlan, just standing there smiling. As if he was waiting for something.

"So boy, now that you've had a moment to think, what do you say? If you apologize I can still let you be my follower."

Kai spat on the ground and was about to say something but before he could get a word out he felt something blunt strike him in the stomach.


[Segment Destroyed: Lower Torso]

[Damage Taken: -300HP]

Kai was sent flying backwards, tumbling and rolling on the ground before coming to a stop.

He coughed up a small amount of blood as he tried to support himself on his knees.

Kai was breathing heavily, this is the first time he has taken damage. 'It hurts...' Kai has never been physically injured in this life. The fact that he is feeling pain right now was a big wake-up call.

If he somehow survives, he will have to be smarter. One wrong move and he will die. If he just avoided Jarlan's group or came with the tigers then the situation might have been different right now.




"What poor manners, didn't your mommy teach you that it's rude to spit?"

The soft crunching of the snow underneath could be heard as Jarlan's voice echoed in Kai's head.

Jarlan's boots stopped inches away from Kai's head. Kai looked up at Jarlan with anger in his eyes.

"My, my. If looks could kill" Chuckled Jarlan

"Well, I don't think I can talk to you on the ground like that."

Roots came out of nowhere as they wrapped around Kai's arms, pulling them aside and forcing Kai to sit up.


Kai grunted as the roots roughly forced him up. A root slithered around the top of Kai's head forcing him to look directly at Jarlan.

"Now, are you ready to have a grown-up conversation boy?" Jarlan patted Kai's check.

Kai wanted nothing more than to bite the man's hand a fact which didn't escape Jarlan's watchful gaze.

"At least you know when to stop"

"So tell me, who are you? I'm curious. I pride myself on knowing the impressive people out there, but I have never seen or heard of you."

Kai raised his eyebrow. 'Why hasn't he heard of me? I'm the only heir to the Rose dukedom. Shouldn't information about me be common knowledge?'

"Oh? Judging by your reaction I should know who you are... So are you going to tell me?"

Jarlan grabbed Kai's chin firmly in his hand, moving it left and right as he talks to him.

"Be a good boy and tell me or I will stop being so polite. I will find out who you are one way or another." He continued to smile but somehow the smile turned from cheerful to chilling.

A bit of moonlight hit Kai's sword in the distance, the glint of which caught his attention.

Kai's eye flickered between the blade and Jarlan, which once again didn't escape Jarlan.

He turned in the direction that Kai's eye's flickered to and chuckled.

"Hihihi, are you still thinking of fighting me? Or do you just want to die with a sword in your hand? Why don't I grab that sword of yours for you? I remember it looking expensive, maybe it will tell me who you are"

'Fuck, why did I have to look that way? I don't know anything about him. If he finds out my identity either he will let me go or more likely he will kill me to avoid trouble in the future...'

Kai might be impulsive but once he has a moment to calm down he is quick to consider the possible outcomes. To top it off his entire being was screaming not to let Jarlan know his identity

Roots wrapped around the sword and delivered it into Jarlan's hands who proceeded to examine it.

He first looked at the blade itself, it was double-edged and made from blackened steel. The handle guard was silver, accenting the black blade and making it pop. Encrusted in it were gems that at first glance could be mistaken for icy blue Sapphires but were Ice mana gems.

Unlike Sapphires, they had a practical application of enhancing Ice-related skills. Something that Kai has yet to use.

The handle itself matched the blade and was wrapped in black Orc leather. The pommel was silver and had the Rose family crest engraved in gold.

As Jarlan examined the sword he nodded along signifying that the sword told him everything that Kai wouldn't.

When he got to the pommel he finally spoke.

"Ah, I see... Now, this is a bit troublesome..." His cheerful expression was now gone, replaced by a stern and serious countenance.

'Oh? No doubt he knows my identity now or at the very least knows I'm related to the Rose family. Maybe I can use it to my advantage?'

"Scared? Let me go and I will pretend like nothing will happen" Kai smirked at Jarlan.

Jarlan said nothing and just looked at Kai wide-eyed for a moment.

"Scared? You misunderstand boy. The situation is troublesome but nothing I can't handle..." He paused briefly.

"Tell me, how are you related to that woman?" Jarlan asked vaguely

This made Kai instantly think of his mother but instead of answering the question, he asked one of his own. "That woman? You are going to need to be more specific"



[Segment Destroyed: Head]

[Damage Taken: -100HP]

Kai's head smashed into the ground breaking his nose. He was then lifted back up. His face showed anger and weariness as his broken nose bled profusely.

Kai was breathing heavily as Jarlan started a monologue.

"Should we try that again? Your sword has Ice mana gems embedded in it. That alone told me you're related to the Rose family in some way. But seeing that crest on the sword means you are someone important.

Given your age and the fact that you use Ice magic, my first guess would have been the young duke. But from what I know that child doesn't have a class. If he does, then he has gotten it recently, within the past month.

But that is not enough time to reach your level of strength. This eliminates him as a possibility. Besides, I doubt that woman would let her brat travel alone like you.

So this begs the question, who are you and how are you related to that woman?"

"Haha, sounds like you have some history with her grace" Kai chuckled, at this point, he has resigned himself to his fate. If he dies then it's his fault for being so bold and overconfident.

He needs to remember, that it might be a world based on games but it's not a game. He was confident that the first sign of trouble would be easy like the first enemy in nearly any game he has played. Tutorial cannon fodder to put it simply.

How could he have known that he would meet someone like Jarlan?

"You could say that. So, are you going to tell me how you're related to her?" Jarlan smiled amiably.


If you enjoyed what you read then please add this novel to your collection and vote for it with power stones for more chapters! The mini adventure with Jarlan comes to an end soon!

How will Kai survive this ordeal?

Add this novel to your collection so you don't miss the conclusion :P