
Harem for The Dragon God

Being born into a world of fantasy Kenji Itsumora always wondered why everyone looked down on him until one day when he made a huge discovery. "My father was from a family of dragon gods?!?!" Kenji asks with confusion in his voice. "Yes and that means you are a dragon God yourself." The woman answers with certainty. "Don't I have to be a dragon to be a dragon god?" Kenji questions stupidly. "Not in this case. You possess the means to use that power, and you should use it to conquer everything." The woman Responds with a smile on her face. Yes I will gladly use it to conquer the world and will make my own harem!! I want everything and anything I can get! No one will ever look down on me again if I become the ruler of the world! This world was already plagued by such evil that it made Kenji look pure and more like a hero. Follow along to see where Kenji goes and what comes from his journey! -------- ------ ------- Warning!! R18 Content is included! Sex scenes, Potential incest, and Yes gore. Since it is considered to be in the category obviously. Also please be patient for updates, as I'm also working on two other stories atm! But if you really enjoy it, make sure to let me know! Powerstones, Reviews, and comments! Disclaimer: Cover does not belong to me and if it is yours and you want it taken down, let me know immediately. ---------- Also feel free to check out my other works! "My Own Succubus" "Why Can't I Be the Hero?!?!"

Kota_Sama · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Family History (2)

As my thoughts ran wild I continued to look through the library for books that could tell me more about my family. After about an hour I couldn't find anything crazy that would explain much to me.

Most just told about my family's help in other kingdoms over the years but if that is true, why does everyone look down on me? My family seemed pretty damn awesome so why can't people show some respect.

"You okay master?" Lilly asks as she stands beside me.

"Yeah, just a little annoyed." I respond with a bit of an annoyed attitude.

They'll regret talking down on me one day because I'm going to take over the lands and I won't ever let people disrespect me or my family again.

"I'll gladly tell you more at another time if you like." Lilly says with a happy tone in her voice.

"Of course, I'll be going for now." I reply while trying not to focus on her chest.

Sigh. Too many options around me to choose from.

But as I walked out the library I walked into Riyori, like literally walked into her.


Erm am I touching what I think I'm touching?

Quickly I look down to see my hand against her chest and I didn't mean for that but I wasn't paying attention.


Couldn't resist squeezing but then she suddenly spoke.

"U-Uh.. Kenji can you move your hand..?" She struggles to say as her face turns red.

"Y-Yes, sorry." I reply while moving my hand away.

She looked at me for a moment and then tried to act as if it didn't happen. I'm definitely not going to forget that because it was amazing!

"I don't know when they'll be coming to get me but I could walk." Riyori says with an embarrassed tone.

"It's okay, you could just wait here." I reply with a happy tone in my voice.

"Thank you Kenji." Riyori says while revealing a small smile.

After that small conversation we both went into the dining room area where Izza had already begun cooking. Always some amazing things for breakfast and I could never complain about her cooking.

It never let me down and I don't ever see that happening.

"Breakfast is about ready Sir." Izza says while trying to remain formal.

Guess she didn't want Riyori thinking that she lacked manners but I wouldn't care if she talked normally. Izza has been in my life for a long time and I could care less if she talked like usual.

"Thank you Izza." I reply while taking a seat.

Across the room I had two beautiful girls who I didn't expect to be in this room in the first place. Life is always full of mystery but one day I'll solve that damn mystery no matter what it takes to do it.

Easily by conquering the whole world but things could change down the line if I'm not careful. I can't say I'd mind entirely since my goal of taking over the world could change.

My mind is always struggling with how many thoughts I have on a daily basis.

"Is this how you always start the day?" Riyori asks while looking down at the plates of food.

"Yes it is." I reply while picking up my fork.

I waved for Izza to join us and of course she did, now everyone was eating breakfast before going about the day. It was a great start to the day other than what I learned about.

It makes me quite furious but I'm able to control myself for the time being. This path I'm on is definitely the right one and I won't regret this ever.

At least most people always say this but it never works out.

"Thank you for the meal." Riyori says while looking over at Izza.

"Of course my lady." Izza Responds politely.

"What now?" I ask with curiosity in my voice.

"Would you care to join me outside?" Riyori Responds back with her own question.

"Yeah." I say while standing up from the table.

Like that I went outside with Riyori and it was a beautiful day out but I think I've finally made up my mind. I'm going to start my journey and I swear I won't stop till that bastard pays.

Once he's dead it'll be time to take over everything.

"You have a beautiful home." Riyori says while taking me over to a bench.

"Thank you." I reply gratefully.

I'll always appreciate this place no matter what happens in my life. I don't see myself ever leaving this place behind, even when I have a place to rule over.

The world may be huge but I'm not ever going to leave this place, it's been in the family for a long time. I'll make sure to maintain it forever and always.

"What do you plan to do Kenji?" Riyori asks while looking up at the sky.

For a moment I was just taking in her beauty and maybe looking a bit at her nice figue, just a bit.

"I'm planning on leaving the manor for a bit." I answer while shifting my gaze towards the sky.

"Oh, going to get more clothes?" She questions with a sarcastic tone.

"No I'm going on an adventure to find someone." I say while ignoring her sarcasm.

"I didn't expect that." Riyori replies with a surprised look on her face.

"Some guy who did my family wrong a long time ago." I say with a serious tone in my voice.

I won't say what I'm planning to do because I can't entirely trust Riyori not to report it to anyone. Mostly because I've not known her long enough yet for something like that to be shared.

"That sounds terrible but the adventure part sounds fun." Riyori Responds while trying to lighten the mood.

It would be a good chance for me to get a different view on everything since I've not gone outside this manor very much. Only when I needed to buy more ingredients for Izza.

I look forward to that tomorrow.