
Hard Time

TheGorillaMonkey · Hiện thực
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

"I was quite frantic and nervous on the first day, I've heard tons of stories about prison inmates lashing out...and my pops told me those on death row are especially violent because they've got nothing to lose, so you can guess my utter horror when I was assigned to Death Row..."

Josh was frozen in his spot, "...Sir, are you certain a newbie like me could guard a death row inmate?!" He asked in a hushed voice, "I have barely any experience!! The closest thing I've ever done to guarding anyone is when I had to babysit my little cousin" he shrieked.

"You signed up for the job...unless you'd prefer finding a job elsewhere? I heard the donut shop across the street is hiring" the warden said as he poured himself a glass of gin.

"No sir!! I'm sure I can guard this inmate...can you tell me a bit about him first?" Josh asked, "Her" the Warden corrected, "And she is quite passive, barely speaks to anyone and she has never caused any trouble...don't let that trick you though, it could be an act, we once had an officer sent to an infirmary after he placed his trust in a prisoner...that officer now has a glass eye" The Warden warned, "Whatever you do...don't believe a word she says...there is a reason she's on death row" He stated, "I'll try not to get seduced by the inmate, sir" he joked, The Warden didn't laugh and simply glanced at Josh with a rather disappointed look. "You are dismissed"

Josh stepped out of the Warden's office and he had a sigh of relief, "...Don't trust a word..." he reminded himself before heading to the fourth floor, where the soon-to-be-executed are housed. He immediately felt the rattling of chains as he entered, prisoners around him taunting or barking at him as he entered. Josh glanced at one inmate in particular, he was topless and had a feral look in his eyes, "...Why hi there, Prince Charmin' " the feral man licked his lips.

Josh shuddered and looked away, eventually stopping at the cell he was meant to guard, cell 40...

Josh peered through the bars to find a girl with black hair sitting inside, she had hazel eyes and fair skin. She was sitting on the ground in a tucked position, keeping her head down. Josh soon realized how long he was staring at the girl and awkwardly turned around, standing there with his arms crossed.

Several long silent hours passed before the girl snuck a glance at the guard, he had light brown hair and light blue eyes, he looked to be around her age and was clearly nervous. The girl immediately looked back down when the guard noticed her staring at him.

Soon, an officer walked in with a duffel bag, tossing brown plastic bags containing food at the inmates, several inmates tossed their food back at the guard or threw insults. The officer tossed the brown plastic bag into the girl's cell and walked away without a glance. The girl crawled towards the bag and took out her food, a tuna sandwich with an apple and a small carton of milk. She was about to dig in when she suddenly heard a stomach rumble.

Josh hadn't eaten a single thing, he rushed to work and didn't stop for breakfast, he was going to eat after his shift is over but now the hunger was unbearable. He suddenly felt something tap him on the back, he looked behind him to find the girl offering her sandwich to him. He was quite confused by the kind act, he never expected to be offered food in a place like this.

'Do not trust a thing she says' Josh remembered, but taking a sandwich from her doesn't count as trusting her, right? "...Th-Thank you" Josh said, taking the sandwich and immediately biting into it, that was the trashiest tuna sandwich he has ever eaten but it's better than having an empty stomach, He finished the sandwich within seconds.

"...So what's your name?" Josh asked the girl, hoping to fill the awkward silence between them. "My name is Stephanie...what's yours?" The girl tilted her head, almost resembling a curious puppy. She had a soft voice, almost soothing to the ears, "My name is Joshua...but you can call me Josh" He stated, "...Cool..." Stephanie nodded.

There was another moment of awkward silence before Josh gave a short cough to break that silence, "What're you in for?" Josh asked, he immediately regretted asking that question, you're never supposed to ask someone why they're in prison, what is wrong with him?!

"I was accused of murder, matricide and patricide to be specific...my parents were found dead in their home, butchered by what appeared to be an axe" she explained. "You were accused? Are you implying you didn't do it?" Josh asked, starting to grow cautious of what she says. "I would never hurt my parents, on the day of their murder I was out of state" she explained.

Josh did not believe her, but he had nothing else to do so he decided to listen. "Why were you out of state?" He asked her curiously. "...I never had the best relationship with my parents, it's one of the reasons they suspected me of the crime, I was out of state just to have some time on my own" she told him.

Josh nodded, looking down at the ground. "My parents were divorced at a young age...I was passed around between them for my entire childhood, and as a result I never felt like I had a real home. My father and I never had much of a connection, he and I always felt awkward around each other, and deep down I knew he was just waiting for when I turned 18 so he didn't have to care for me no more...my mom on the other hand was an angry woman who resented me for resembling my father" Josh explained.

"I'm so sorry" Stephanie said with sympathy, she reached through the bars and gently placed her hand on Josh's shoulder, Josh looked up at her beautiful eyes and was immediately entranced by her. "It's okay...at least it never got to the point where I left the entire state just to avoid them" he joked. Stephanie giggled, causing Josh to feel an instant sense of achievement, nobody ever laughed at his joke, even if it was a fake laughter he still appreciated the fact that she gave a reaction.

Josh suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, "Josh!! I'll be taking over now, report to the Warden and your shift is over" another guard stated. "...I'll see you tomorrow then, Stephanie" Josh said with a smile, "See you tomorrow" Stephanie said with a kind and pretty smile, giving him a wave as he returned to the Warden to clock in.