
Friend or Foe?! - 8

Sakura observed in horror, disbelief written all over her face, 'This jab is worse than Sasuke's! It's moving with so much force that Gaara-kun might…he might get…'

Sato crashed headlong into the red haired shinobi, hitting him in the shoulder with white-tinted chakra that sang like thousands of birds.

The recoil knocked him back and the gravity jutsu abruptly wore off, dropping all of its imprisoned contents to the ground with a clatter, Gaara included. His scream was not audible over the Chidori's chirping.

Sato stumbled to his feet, panting and completely out of chakra.

Gaara clutched his bleeding shoulder. His expression dark and his breathing was labored. The blood was everywhere, soaking his side and was splattered on the wall behind him. His sand hovered inexplicably all around him as if just as stunned as he was.

"I'm sorry, Gaara-kun," Sato said quietly, totally exhausted, "I guess this fight is over."

Kurenai had nearly had a heart attack from her place in the stands. She was grateful to see both genin still alive.

Gaara stood shuddering. He was unable to recover or defend himself. The wound would force him to admit defeat.

You fool! You cannot deny my power! If you will not end this, then I shall…

The idly floating sand came to life and latched onto Gaara's arm, forming a sort of claw-like appendage. His face was twisted with fury that was not his own, and his eyes locked on to his target, who would be too weakened to escape.

'He isn't backing down even after all of that?' Reluctantly, Sato drew both of his kodachi again and took an offensive stance, 'How is he able to keep going?'

Gaara's sand lashed out at the Hatake viciously, knocking him back. Sato slashed at it vainly, trying to keep it at bay, yet it continued to swarm mercilessly around him with an unprecedented speed.

"We have to get down there!" Naruto had feared the idea of Gaara losing control, but hadn't truly expected him to be pushed so far.

Haku also agreed it was time to intervene. They both abandoned the balcony and made for the arena.

Sato had lost his grip on his weapons while trying to avoid the sand that had encased him in a coffin, knocking him down to the ground. He did not realize Gaara was not himself, "Hey! I give!" The sand smothered him, silencing his cries as it obscured him entirely.

Hayate wasted no time in calling the fight, "The winner of the match is Gaara."

Gaara ignored him and from his place above the Kazekage restrained his mirth.

The Hokage had not noticed the Kazekage's laughter, being he was too absorbed in his own shock of how Gaara could lose control of himself. He contemplated going down into the stadium to repair Gaara's seal, but doing so in front of an audience could jeopardize his identity as a jinchuriki.

"What's happening?" Sakura was alarmed that Gaara had not let Sato go.

Kiba could only think to address the obvious, "Looks like…he's gonna kill him."

"What? Why?" The pink haired girl was frantic, "He'd would never!"

Tama was already on her feet, wanting to act, but could think of nothing that would help.

"Gaara!" Naruto and Haku had caught their crazed teammate and began to grapple with him, fearing he would crush Sato, "Snap out of it!" Naruto had tackled his demonic arm while Haku settled for his left arm, nearest his wound.

The blonde boy's hollering had actually forced the Ichibi back somewhat, reviving Gaara's true consciousness. It was a battle to get back in control, but he was at least able to see what was happening. He saw how Haku and Naruto had not abandoned him, how he had won his match even after suffering such a terrible wound, and how Sato's life hung in the balance.

Shukaku was still infuriated once Gaara had banished it back to the corners of his mind, and he dispelled his sand instantly, releasing his captive. The sand receded and Sato was still, laid askew on the ground.

Hayate quickly moved to him, surprised to see he was able to draw breath. The medics that had earlier been upset by Lee's match were in even more of a frenzy at the sight of this fight's injuries. They went to the unconscious Hatake first.

Hinata and Shino looked on, dumbfounded as Sato was removed from the arena in a near death-like state. Kurenai shared their terror.

"I told you that you shouldn't have done this!" Naruto hissed in Gaara's ear as he came to, looking just as bewildered as he was in pain, "Come on! We'll get you out of here and we'll find Ero-sensei! You'll be okay!"

"I'm not… I can't just-"

Haku interrupted Gaara, putting pressure on the wound, "Stop it! You're hurt badly. You're seal is not stable enough for you to argue!" Haku added in a low voice, not wanting to clue in any eavesdroppers, "Gaara-kun, please, you'll be fine if you-!"

Gaara knocked them away, still too disoriented to focus on what needed to be done. He was in too much of a panic that he had exposed his biju captive.

Hayate neared cautiously, unsure of what had happened.

The audience was in a state of true confusion and did not take notice as they drifted off to sleep. A genjutsu spread from an unknown source and some shinobi were able to quickly dispel it. The rest dozed off in their seats, unaware of the impending danger.

Sato was already long gone with the medics, but Gaara was in no state to cope with his victory, 'I will not lose control again…' He fled immediately in a gust of sand, not giving his teammates the chance to prevent his escape.

"Gaara!" Naruto's cry was cut short by an explosion near where the Hokage was seated, and it was then he noted that none of what had happened was merely a coincidence.

'Someone took advantage of Gaara-kun's craziness!' He narrowed his fiery blue eyes, 'Hokage-sama will be okay, but Gaara-kun won't if we don't follow him!'

Naruto turned to Haku, looking determined, "Haku, let's go get him before anything else happens!"

A bit stupefied by what had transpired, Haku looked to his friend and slowly nodded in agreement. He followed after Naruto as they left the arena with speed powered by fear.