
The beginning

There once was a poor man who lived working as a woodcutter, with his wife and two children. The boy was Hansel, smart and quick-witted, while the younger one was a girl named Gretel, or should I say me.

Just the day before I was an ordinary 27-year-old office worker who had never even found love and now I've been reborn into my favorite fairytale since childhood! I'm not sure why though, but I think it has to do with the shady old lady who had given me a gingerbread man for the Holidays even though it was Summertime. All I can do is berate myself, after 27 years of living have I never heard of the phrase never accept candy from strangers?!

Enough think about how I ended up as Gretel, I have larger problems, like the fact that Hansel and I just heard our step-mother plotting our death! Well, technically she didn't exactly say she wanted us to die, but come on there really isn't any other possible outcome if you send a 6-year-old girl and 7-year-old boy out to the woods with a piece of bread smaller than a mouse! And the worst part is, our father who had tried to reject her idea, ended up agreeing!

Maybe it's because I'm a grown woman mentally, but it's a bit embarrassing hearing a 7-year-old boy act more mature than you in this situation, especially since he's trying to console me! I already know how the story ends so I wasn't worried about what would happen, nor did I act like I was. Hansel was probably even more concerned that I didn't seem phased by any of the things we just heard! It hurts my pride too much to even fake cry and be told words of consolation from a boy who I'm 20 years older than, but acting a bit out of character won't hurt right? I can even help Hansel and we can avoid meeting that witch!

"Don't worry brother, I'm ok!" I said. Honestly, how can I have such a cute voice?! I think hearing his little sister be mature made him even more concerned! And then so he said "It's ok Gretel! I know how scared you must be, but I have a plan." I had to hold in my laughter, this small boy was too cute, I can tell how much Gretel meant to him. "Don't worry Hansel, I already kn—" "Pack your things Gretel, let's go to the village once they send us off!" Huh? This definitely isn't how the story should unfold!

Hansel should've definitely planned to make a trail of bread crumbs! I should try and get the story back on track! "Hansel, can't we just make a trail while leaving so we know how to get back home?" Maybe he just hasn't thought of this? "I was gonna do that Gretel, but seeing how mature that lady has forced you to become at only 6, we should just run away!"