
Hannibal in a cultivation world

Hannibal wakes up in an unfarmilar environment. Will he survive the trials of the Cultivation world.

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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The whispering lotus

Chapter 2: The Whispering Lotus

In the hidden valleys of the Celestial Sect, where mist clung to ancient pines and the air hummed with suppressed power, Hannibal Lecter stood at the precipice of revelation. His past life, the sins, the darkness, were buried deep within, a secret he guarded like a venomous serpent.

The Whispering Lotus, they called it a sacred relic that bloomed only for those who dared to defy fate. Hannibal had stumbled upon it during his journey to the sect, a journey shrouded in mystery.


The Celestial Sect beckoned—a clandestine order that thrived on forbidden knowledge. Its practices, whispered in hushed tones, defied convention. Here, the boundaries between light and shadow blurred, and power flowed like blood through veins.

The Sect revealed itself, a sanctuary of jade pagodas and mist-kissed courtyards. Outer disciples bustled, their eyes filled with longing. Inner disciples moved like shadows, their power veiled. And at the heart of it all—the core disciples, the chosen few who communed with the heavens.

Hannibal's ambition burned. He sought the inner circle, where secrets lay like buried treasure. The Whispering Lotus, its petals black as obsidian, beckoned. It bloomed in the secluded garden, guarded by an ancient stone serpent. To touch it was forbidden; to understand its whispers, divine.

And so, Lecter—the venomous serpent, the seeker of whispers—stepped into the next chapter of his existence. The Whispering Lotus cradled his secrets, and the immortal path beckoned.

Hannibal  stood at the imposing gates of the Celestial Sect, the scent of incense and anticipation thick in the air. His robes were pristine, concealing the lean strength of a man who had once been a predator in another life. As he adjusted the jade token—the key to his entry—a fellow disciple approached.

Li Wei, her eyes like obsidian, regarded him with curiosity. "New arrival?" she asked, her voice as soft as falling petals.

Hannibal inclined his head. "Indeed," he replied. "Han li"

A name he had previousely decided on.

Li Wei's lips curved. "A name with weight," she said. "What path do you seek?"

"The blade," Hannibal answered. "And perhaps a taste of the forbidden ."

Li Wei's laughter danced on the breeze. "Then welcome," she said. "May your hunger find satisfaction."

And with that, they stepped through the gates, leaving behind the mortal world and embracing the whispers of immortality.