

I saw a few folks leave their groups and make their way out onto the dance floor when the orchestra changed to a slower tune. I approached Sara from behind as I circled the garden's perimeter, patting her on a bare shoulder.

When she noticed me, she turned and her grin vanished.

Well, hello to you as well, I said.

Before speaking to me, Sara took a big swig from her champagne flute. "How are you feeling tonight, Mr. Stella?"

Was it, Mr. Stella? I grinned. "I notice that youdid some quick research on me. I guess I left such a lasting effect.

She smiled at her in reply. "A girl can learn a lot from a quick Google search."

"Hasn't anyone ever told you that the Internet is rife with false information?" I approached her and ran my fingertips over the back of her arm. I saw the way goosebumps appeared all over her smooth, delicate skin. By the way, you look amazing tonight."